
The 5 things that hurt your stomach the most, you keep doing

Young age

There is an old stomach disease

This time again


The 5 things that hurt your stomach the most, you keep doing

Remember your day

Get up and rush to work

Too late to have breakfast

The meeting ended at noon

Order a takeaway

Overtime in the evening

Feel free to eat







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Today is International Stomach Care Day

Zhengzhou Central Hospital affiliated to Zhengzhou University

Director and Chief Physician of the Department of Gastroenterology

Wu Huili will talk to everyone

Something about the stomach

Nine stomachs for ten people

9 out of 10 people

Feel like you have a bad stomach

Everyone can rest assured

Got stomach cancer at a young age

The high probability is the pot of genes

The stomach is a very powerful organ

It's not so easy to spoil

The stomach is really afraid

These are those factors that can undermine the protection mechanism

Like these 5 things


The 7 types of people who are most susceptible to stomach diseases

Overtime stay-ups

Work pressure, nervousness, often overtime stay up late, it is easy to secrete too much stomach acid, causing stomach discomfort, leading to the occurrence of ulcers.

People who don't eat breakfast

Do not eat breakfast, stomach secretion of stomach acid without food to digest, will damage the esophagus, gastrointestinal mucosa, in the long run can not only lead to ulcers, but also due to cholestasis, easy to induce gallstones.

After-meal sports family

Rushing to the gym and running after eating may lead to insufficient blood supply to internal organs and cause indigestion.

When you are full, you sleep

Many people are accustomed to eating supper, going home and sleeping upside down, eating a full meal before going to bed, and the food in the stomach is too late to digest, and it is easy to have indigestion and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Eat the bracing clan every day

It will not only increase the burden on the stomach, but also increase the pressure on digestive organs such as pancreas and gallbladder, causing adverse consequences such as gastritis, pancreatitis and obesity.

Minor sickness hidden ninjas

The symptoms such as stomach pain and abdominal distension are not taken seriously, and if they can endure it, they can drag it out, and if they can't do it, they will take painkillers to save the emergency, resulting in small lesions and serious diseases, and even develop into gastrointestinal tumors.

No spicy no joy

If you have gastrointestinal diseases and eat too much spicy food, it will stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, aggravate the damage, and make the stomach disease worse.

8 key moments of "stomach protection"

7:00 A glass of warm boiling water in the morning

Drinking warm boiled water in the morning can moisten the mouth, esophagus, and gastric mucosa, wash away the mucus and bile attached to the mucous membrane, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and prepare for eating.

About 100ml is enough, so as not to dilute stomach acid and affect digestion.

It is not advisable to drink cold water to avoid irritation to the stomach.

7:30 Best time for breakfast

Frequently skipping breakfast can increase the incidence of stomach disease and duodenal ulcer by 36%.

A balanced breakfast should include cereals, milk, meat, soy products, fruits and vegetables.

It is not advisable to eat spicy and irritating foods for breakfast, so as not to damage the gastric mucosa in an empty stomach.

The speed of eating should not be too fast, and the eating time should last for 20-30 minutes.

10:00 Get up and take a walk

Put down your work, take a short break, and do some simple limb relaxation exercises that will help with breakfast digestion.

Drinking some water or eating some fruit can replenish water and vitamins, dilute the blood, promote blood circulation and eliminate metabolic waste.

Don't go to bed immediately after lunch at 12:00

Try to be as abundant as possible at lunchtime, and it is best to rest for a while after eating to ensure that a large amount of blood flows to the gastrointestinal tract and makes it work normally.

It is not advisable to eat quickly, immediately enter the nap or go to work.

14:00 Do not smoke after meals

Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict and the stomach's ability to protect itself.

At the same time, nicotine, nicotine and other poisons will also enter the saliva, which can cause stomach ulcers.

17:30 Dinner should be simple and light

It is better to eat seven points full, and pay attention to supplementing with grains and fresh vegetables.

19:00 Walk after dinner

Try not to lie down or sit for a long time after meals, you can take a walk and do exercise, but it should be noted that it is best not to do strenuous exercise within half an hour after the meal.

22:00 Try not to eat before bedtime

4 habits of nourishing the stomach

Stomach disease is divided into three points and seven points

1 Do not overeat, do not eat junk food, eat more fresh vegetables

2 Eat a balanced diet, and eat breakfast no matter how busy you are

3 Work and rest rules, quit smoking and limit alcohol

4 Avoid overwork and keep a good mood

For the treatment of Helicobacter pylori


Use of Helicobacter pylori

Resistance genetic testing, bacterial culture

Drug susceptibility, spherical deformation and other means

(Specimens need to be taken under gastroscopy)

Provide personalized and precise treatment for patients

Accurately combat Helicobacter pylori

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