
The wife prepared a wedding car for her brother-in-law, and the husband proposed that the sister-in-law also want it, and the wife: said good AA system

The flowers and flowers are unintentional, only the truth exists in the heart

The wife prepared a wedding car for her brother-in-law, and the husband proposed that the sister-in-law also want it, and the wife: said good AA system

In fact, for the AA system between husband and wife to get along mode, the views of the public has been mixed, some people think that the AA system between husband and wife can be conducive to couples to get along more harmoniously, life is in an equal position for each other, will not let one party because of too much to pay and feel dissatisfied.

Some people also think that the AA system between husband and wife for a long time, the feelings between husband and wife will slowly fade, the two people's mode of getting along is no longer like a husband and wife, but more like a roommate, try to ask, like a roommate,How can the husband and wife relationship be long-lasting?

But no matter what kind of opinion, in the final analysis, husband and wife are originally a family, if everything is calculated so clearly, then it will definitely go against the original intention of marriage.

The wife prepared a wedding car for her brother-in-law, and the husband proposed that the sister-in-law also want it, and the wife: said good AA system

01 years of husband and wife AA system life, emotional life is a mess

Although Chen Mei and her husband said that they knew each other, years of married life had already made the two gradually get used to each other's existence, and the sweetness of your and my love between each other slowly disappeared in the long river of years with the passage of time.

Perhaps because of the excessive economic pressure after having children, or the health of Chen Mei's parents is not very good, the husband always complains that Chen Mei often returns to her mother's house, and each time has to carry a lot of things, and finally, on an ordinary afternoon, the husband took the lead in proposing the requirements of the AA system.

In fact, for this request of her husband, Chen Mei already had a premonition, after all, she is the same pillow person, and any thoughts about the other party, as long as a move, she will definitely be aware.

Therefore, after her husband proposed the AA system, Chen Mei agreed to her husband's request based on her past life without too much explanation.

In fact, in Chen Mei's heart, she has always wanted to say a word, that is, when she got married, about the bride price of her husband's family, her parents not only let themselves bring it all back, but also accompanied the dowry with a large dowry, as for this, the husband only regarded it as what his parents should do, and he never felt grateful in his heart.

The wife prepared a wedding car for her brother-in-law, and the husband proposed that the sister-in-law also want it, and the wife: said good AA system

02 Since the AA system, life has gotten better and better

Before starting the AA system, Chen Mei's whole mind was on the family day, it can be said that from the first sight of waking up in the morning, she began to do busy housework, although it is not easy for her husband to go to work, but this tedious housework is not so easy to handle.

But since the AA system, Chen Mei has more time to do what she wants to do, sometimes after work early, she will ask a few friends to sit in the coffee shop to chat and talk, sometimes it is her husband who does housework that day, Chen Mei will read some books alone in the study to improve her level and ability.

I thought that the AA system would put me in a state of embarrassment, but in fact, in addition to some difficulties in finding a job at the beginning, Chen Mei was finally able to get rid of endless housework, which was not a good thing.

Later, Chen Mei was appreciated by the leaders because she worked harder at work, and her income naturally rose with the water.

Since the increase in income, Chen Mei can go back to her mother's house at any time to visit her parents, and her husband has no reason to stop it.

Later, Chen Mei bought a car for her brother according to her actual income level, in fact, the reason for buying a car is also very simple, her brother is close to 30, but the marriage event has not landed, and a car can at least increase the confidence of their blind date.

However, this matter was eventually known to the husband.

The wife prepared a wedding car for her brother-in-law, and the husband proposed that the sister-in-law also want it, and the wife: said good AA system

03 Since your brother has a car, my sister will also want it

After all these years of getting along, Chen Mei has long understood that her husband is indeed a careful person, otherwise he would not overly force himself to go back to his mother's house to visit his parents, and finally seeing that the coercion had no effect, he proposed the AA system.

After dinner one day, Chen Mei put down the dishes and chopsticks and prepared to get up and go to the study to read a book and then go to wash up, but just when she wanted to leave the dinner table, she was stopped by her husband.

The husband said: Mei Mei, I heard that you bought a car for your brother.

Hearing her husband say this, Chen Mei sat back on the chair and responded: Yes, he is ready to go on a blind date, and it is good to have a car to fill his face.

The husband wants to stop talking: Mei Mei, you see, since your brother has a car, our sister has not just recently been getting married, we are brothers and sisters-in-law, thinking that when my sister gets married, we must express something, otherwise we will also prepare a car for our sister.

Mei Mei instantly understood her husband's meaning, but Mei Mei was reluctant to break: Good, no problem.

The husband saw that Chen Mei was still confused, and then said: I mean, you prepare a car for my sister, and you know that my income is not as good as yours.

Chen Mei looked at her husband with some meaning at this time, and after a long time she said: I can't ask you to prepare a car for your sister, but if you want me to prepare, why, have you forgotten our AA system.

In the middle of speaking, Chen Mei got up and went to the study, leaving her husband alone at the dinner table.

At this time, the husband regretted it in his heart, the original intention of his original proposal of the AA system was to reduce the pressure on his body, but also to prevent the wife from always being a mother's family, but as everyone knows, it is precisely because of the AA system that the distance between himself and his wife is getting farther and farther, and they are no longer a whole between each other, not at all like a normal couple.

The wife prepared a wedding car for her brother-in-law, and the husband proposed that the sister-in-law also want it, and the wife: said good AA system

Conclusion: The result of the couple after the implementation of the AA system is still bad or not, perhaps Chen Mei's experience is an example, it can be said that in each other's hearts, the love between husband and wife has long been dimmed, so before the implementation of AA, everyone should consider whether they can bear all the consequences from the AA system.

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