
What are the mental health benefits of journaling?

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In many previous articles, we have mentioned many times a method and tool of self-care - keeping a journal. Whether you're suffering from mental health issues, adapting to major life changes, or managing everyday stress, Journaling can help.

People use diaries in different ways for various reasons. For some, it can be a way to document specific aspects of everyday life; for others, it's a more spontaneous exercise and a way to deal with experiences through creative writing.

Keeping a journal is common in children and teens, but as you age, the habit can slowly become obsolete. Regardless of your age, journaling is a powerful, evidence-based strategy and tool that you may find helpful in managing mental health conditions and coping with stress in your life.

Professor Rong Xinqi, an expert in new concept psychology, said that diaries are an example of expressive coping methods, which is a technique that helps people deal with negative thoughts, feelings or experiences by releasing them. By writing these things on paper, they have less control over you.

How can journaling help relieve anxiety?

People with anxiety disorders often have to deal with excessive worry and intrusive anxious thoughts, and it's common to indulge in negative thoughts or situations – what we often call "regurgitation".

Journaling can help you cope with contemplation, allowing you to externalize anxious thoughts, turn them into words, and then put them aside instead of letting them become an obsession.

Journaling can also help you explore alternatives to anxious thoughts. For example, if you're worried about losing your job, your thought might sound like, "If I lose my job, I'll never find a job again." ”

After writing down your anxieties, you can write down other possibilities: you might lose your job and find a job you like better, or you might stay and get promoted.

A 2018 study involving 70 adult anxiety sufferers found that sticking to a journal for 12 weeks significantly reduced their mental stress. In addition, long-term journaling is also related to greater resilience.

How can journaling help alleviate depression?

Journaling also seems to be effective for people with depression.

In a 2013 study involving 40 people with major depressive disorder, participants were asked to write down emotional events or non-emotional daily events. They repeatedly wrote this kind of diary in the first few days, and in the next few days they were asked to write some ordinary, ordinary journals.

It turned out that emotional writing significantly reduced symptoms of depression, while more mundane writing did not. This suggests that if you want to start journaling to improve your mental health, you may reap the benefits of journaling by focusing on deeper feelings and thoughts, rather than documenting your daily experiences like a traditional journal.

Keeping a gratitude journal is another effective way to help treat depression. Research from 2021 shows that conscious efforts to practice gratitude can have a positive impact on mental health and help counteract negative thought patterns caused by depression.

An entry in a gratitude journal can be a simple list of things you're grateful for on a given day, or it can be a longer expressive essay.

How does journaling help with psychological trauma?

People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or trauma-related symptoms often benefit from dealing with traumatic events. Psychotherapy is the most effective method, but for some people, journaling may also be an effective self-help method.

A 2015 study explained that consistent expressive writing may help alleviate PTSD symptoms. It also shows that a detailed description of a traumatic or stressful event helps control PTSD symptoms.

Because expressive writing often involves telling about traumatic experiences, it can be a triggering activity, so it's important to take care of yourself. Under the guidance of a therapist or other mental health professional, practicing this kind of writing can be a good self-healing method.

How do I start journaling?

One of the best things about journaling is that "it's simple and actionable anytime, anywhere."

You don't need to run out and buy a special diary to get started (if you feel this is motivating, you can), all you need is some paper, a pen, and a little time.

Consider the time when you're most likely to stick to a journal, it could be in the morning, late at night, or at a specific point in the day. Try not to worry about the time or length of time you keep it consistent each day, and journaling can fit your schedule.

If you're not sure how to get started, refer to using one of the following tips:

What are you thankful for today?

What challenges are you facing in life right now?

What are your goals for tomorrow or next week?

What was the best and worst day of your life?

Write down childhood memories that have a great impact on you.

If you don't have tasks or constraints, what will you do tomorrow?

Where do you want to go tomorrow?


If you're looking for an easy-to-use way to manage negative thoughts and symptoms of mental health conditions, psychological trauma, or stress, then journaling might be a good option for you. It's a low-risk approach that's easy to incorporate into most people's daily lives. There is plenty of evidence that it can have a real positive impact.

Keeping a journal may be effective for anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health conditions, and it can also help you manage daily stress, relieve and control your emotions, and generate positive energy.

When you first start journaling, it's best to start small. Your goal may be to write a paragraph, or write down a few things you are grateful for every day, and you may also find yourself immediately wanting to write thoughts and feelings.

There is no right or wrong way of journaling. You can pick up a pen and see where it will "take" you.

If your journaling habits bring a lot of feelings that you don't think you can manage, consider seeking further help from a mental health professional.

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Text: Consultant Hong

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