
The daughter was abandoned 2 months after birth, the biological father was critically ill and knelt down to see him, the woman: forgive the difficulty

Parents are inseparable worries for children, and when parents are sick, most of them will stay by their side and take good care of them.

Zou Ling, who lives in Hunan, one day there was a mother and daughter in the house, the girl knelt down to her, begging her to go back with herself to see her father, and her mother also knelt down and said: "Daughter, we are sorry for you, please forgive us." ”

What the hell is going on here, and why did the mother and daughter do this?

1. Parents prefer sons to daughters, abandoning their daughters who have just been born for 2 months

The matter goes back to 1987, in the courtyard of the rural Gao family, Gao Wenbang squatted on the ground smoking, the wife in the house was giving birth, he already had 3 daughters, and he hoped that his wife could give birth to a son.

Gao Wen helped the family conditions are not good, he already has 3 daughters, in order to complete the wish to have a son, the wife did not have money for pregnancy tests after pregnancy, giving birth to a child is also at home, please come to the village midwife.

The daughter was abandoned 2 months after birth, the biological father was critically ill and knelt down to see him, the woman: forgive the difficulty

Hearing the crying of the babies in the house, Gao Wenbang was very nervous, but the midwife came out and told him that "mother and daughter are safe", so that he suddenly lost his spirit, Gao Wenbang did not enter the house, but walked out of the courtyard and went to the home of one of his distant brothers.

After 2 months, the distant brother brought a couple, they saw that the infant child liked it, left 500 pieces, and on a piece of paper that would never recognize each other, let Gao Wen help sign it, and then carried the child away.

The couple has been married for many years without children, the family conditions are not bad, after introduction, they adopted this baby girl, named Zou Ling, this child is also sincerely good, other children have some of her, other children do not have, will also find a way to buy her.

In Zou Ling's heart, they are her own biological parents, but the gossip of the neighbors still makes Zou Ling have an idea, and one day she cried and went back to ask her mother Luo Jianfang if she had picked it up.

Luo Jianfang took her in his arms and told her: "You are our own daughter, do you see your mother's attitude towards you, like picking it up?" ”

The daughter was abandoned 2 months after birth, the biological father was critically ill and knelt down to see him, the woman: forgive the difficulty

Zou Ling was relieved, she grew up happily under the love of her parents, went to college, when she got married, her parents married a lot, and after the birth of the child, her mother retreated in advance to help her take care of the child.

In her heart, she was very lucky, there was a husband who loved her, and there were parents who were selfless and dedicated, how could she not expect that one day fate would change, but also let her fall into trouble.

2, heart debt, difficult to erase the scars

One day, Zou Ling was at home with her child and received a strange phone call, saying that her old classmates wanted to meet.

Zou Ling wondered in her heart, which old classmate wants to see herself? The other party refused to say the name, with a vigilant heart she refused, but also took this matter as a joke, told the mother Luo Jianfang to listen, the mother's heart giggled, with the sixth sense, she guessed that the biological parents found it.

Sure enough, a few days later, a strange woman knocked on the door, the other party and Zou Ling somewhat similar, when they met, they pulled Zou Ling's arm and called out to their sister, saying that it was so hard to find, Zou Ling looked confused, Luo Jianfang came out of the back room, asking who the other party was?

The woman said: "I am her own sister, I inquired about many people, only to find the phone number and address, I hope Zou Ling can go home with herself, my father is lying in a hospital bed, to see her." ”

The daughter was abandoned 2 months after birth, the biological father was critically ill and knelt down to see him, the woman: forgive the difficulty

It turned out that Zou Ling's biological father was seriously ill, time was short, lying on the hospital bed looking back on his life, he still had regrets, thinking that he was sorry for his little daughter, hoping to get the understanding of his little daughter, see the little daughter's side, and let this life leave no regrets.

Luo Jianfang was difficult to accept, saying that he had adopted Zou Ling in the first place, that is, he wanted to give himself and his daughter a peaceful life, and as a result, his biological father did not keep his promise, and wanted to see his daughter was a violation of his promise, but she also did not want to stop it, but let Zou Ling make her own decision.

Zou Ling was silent for a while, and clearly refused, saying that she only had one pair of parents, and since she had been abandoned, she did not want to see each other again, nor did she want to have anything to do with it.

For Zou Ling, this matter is really difficult to accept, who does not want to be loved by her parents? Knowing that their biological parents abandoned themselves, their hearts were uncomfortable, and then their biological parents later had a younger brother, they were very good to their brother, but they gave up on themselves, and this pain was difficult to accept.

After 3 days, the sister came with her biological mother, and when she met, she knelt down and asked to go back with her, and her mother cried and said, "I am unwilling, it is your father's idea, if there is no son, we will not be able to lift our heads in the countryside, and you must understand us." ”

The daughter was abandoned 2 months after birth, the biological father was critically ill and knelt down to see him, the woman: forgive the difficulty

Zou Ling listened even more disgusted and asked, "It was you who brought me into the world, and it was you who abandoned me, if I didn't meet my parents who loved me, what would life be like?" Have you ever thought that in all these years, you have never seen me, and when you need to come and ask me to go back, it is difficult to obey. ”

The biological mother did not want to get up yet, and was persuaded by Luo Jianfang to leave, hoping that she could give her family a peaceful life.

3, love and non-love, need to have a process of acceptance

From an emotional point of view, Zou Ling's experience is indeed heart-wrenching.

In psychology, everyone has the need to be recognized, even if their biological parents are not in good condition, they do not want to be abandoned, the abandoned child, there are scars in the heart, she will think that she is not good enough, only to be abandoned by the biological parents, otherwise why not other brothers and sisters?

This is also the reason why Zou Ling's parents have been guarding secrets, they do not want their daughter to have pressure in their hearts, they have always wanted to give her a pure life, from Zou Ling's photos from childhood to adulthood, it can be seen that her adoptive parents love her very much, and she also lives well.

The daughter was abandoned 2 months after birth, the biological father was critically ill and knelt down to see him, the woman: forgive the difficulty

If it were not for her biological mother, her life would have been very happy, but her biological father broke her peaceful life in order to fulfill his wish, which seemed to be a concern, but it was actually selfish.

When his biological father saw her, he was not thinking about Zou Ling, but for the salvation of his heart, he felt that as long as the younger daughter forgave himself, he could live without regrets, but he did not think that his acquaintance would bring a chicken feather to Zou Ling's life.

Zou Ling's living conditions are good, since you want to admit, in the future, the biological mother has a reason to move around, asking her to give herself a pension is also possible, if you refuse, it is not filial piety, when the time comes, how should Zou Ling choose.

Don't test human nature, people's hearts have a selfish side, and then look at Zou Ling's sister, if you really have this sister in your heart, you should try to contact her when you are having a good time, instead of running to recognize her when it is difficult at home.

In order to achieve their goal, after being rejected by Zou Ling, they also ran to the neighborhood committee of Zou Ling's living quarters and asked them to mediate, hoping to stand on the moral high ground and put pressure on Zou Ling.

Zou Ling was very angry, she clearly told the mediator that she did not want to see the other party, nor did she want to recognize each other, do not say that I am cruel, who can understand my pain, if you really love me, please do not bother me again.

The daughter was abandoned 2 months after birth, the biological father was critically ill and knelt down to see him, the woman: forgive the difficulty

The mediator also understood, discussed a plan, let Zou Ling shoot a video, show it to her biological father, in the video, Zou Ling calmly said to her biological father: "Thank you for bringing me to this world, I met a pair of good parents, now life is very good, and I wish you a healthy body as soon as possible." ”

This may be the last compromise she can make, to her biological parents, no resentment, no longer contact, since life is not lucky, then they are safe.

For Zou Ling's decision, some people think that she is too cold, no matter what her biological parents do, they are the ones who gave you life and should go to visit.

There are also people who support, without her suffering, do not advise her to be kind, if you experience being abandoned, you may not be able to do so calmly, Zou Ling did not do anything wrong.

In my opinion, everyone has their own decision-making power in life, and when the biological parents abandoned their daughters, they should have expected such a result, and if they really love Zou Ling, they should bless her, rather than bring her wind and rain again.

Give it a thumbs up and go! What do you think about that? Do you think Zou Ling should recognize her biological parents?

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