
Eat these foods often in the spring, and children can both grow taller and strengthen their immunity! (Transfer parent)

Spring diet | home co-breeding health care

Spring is the season of the growth of all things, spring is also the golden season for children to grow tall, children's demand for a variety of nutrients has greatly increased, parents should give their children a scientific and reasonable spring supplement.

Eat these foods often in the spring, and children can both grow taller and strengthen their immunity! (Transfer parent)

Although spring is a good time for children to grow, parents should not make up for their children! If you want your child to grow well in the spring, the following 5 principles should be followed in the diet:






Principle one

If you want your child to grow up, you must first ensure the intake of protein and calcium. In addition to dairy products, it can also be obtained from cereals and meats.

Principle two

Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins and trace elements, and as far as possible, 3-4 kinds of daily intake are guaranteed.

Principle three

Spring is the season of frequent allergic diseases, for children with allergic constitutions, parents should observe the relationship between food intake and children's allergies.

Principle FOUR

The spring diet advocates lightening and eating less greasy and spicy foods. When the temperature is low in early spring, you can choose relatively warm food, and in early summer, you can change to a cooler food.

Principle five

In the windy and dry season, you should add water to your child in time, and you can drink some honey water in moderation. Reduce intake of puffed foods and sweets to avoid catching fire.


Eat these foods often, and the child grows tall

In spring, from the perspective of diet, it should be mainly spicy and light. Chinese medicine believes that Xin can disperse the wind, warm can dispel cold, light can penetrate wet, and Gan can strengthen the spleen. So, what foods are suitable for children to eat in the spring?

01, choose food tonic products

In terms of diet, you can choose some "medicinal and food homologous" foods for your child, such as dates, mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, fungus, etc. These foods are rich in a variety of nutrients, while the taste is flat, is a child's physical strength of natural food tonic, moderate intake, can improve the body's immunity.

Eat these foods often in the spring, and children can both grow taller and strengthen their immunity! (Transfer parent)

Wen Xin proposed

For healthy babies, food supplements are an effective countermeasure to meet their growth and development. If the baby is weak and sick, it is best to make reasonable medicines for the symptoms under the guidance of a doctor.

02. Supplement calcium-rich foods

Children grow and develop fast, the body's absorption of calcium is also correspondingly increased, diet should be more choice of soy products, fish and shrimp, sesame and seafood and other foods. Attention should also be paid to providing foods rich in vitamin D, such as eggs, milk, animal liver, seafood, etc.

Eat these foods often in the spring, and children can both grow taller and strengthen their immunity! (Transfer parent)

In addition to milk, you can eat more cheese, yogurt, pay attention to limit the baby to eat too much sugar or sweets, so that the body's calcium and vitamin D are easily consumed, resulting in calcium deficiency in the body.

03, appropriately increase high-quality protein

As children grow and develop faster, so does the need for high-quality proteins in organ tissues. Therefore, eggs, fish and shrimp, chicken and beef, dairy products and soy products are appropriately increased than usual, and rice, millet, and small red beans are used in staple foods.

Eat these foods often in the spring, and children can both grow taller and strengthen their immunity! (Transfer parent)

Beef, mutton and other food is warm, should not let the child eat too much, more use of easy to digest and absorb fish and shrimp or eggs, eggs, meat, fish try not to use oil frying, rice do not wash too much, should not be soaked in hot water.

04, pay attention to the intake of vitamins and minerals

Children's demand for vitamins increases, such as when the intake can not meet the needs of the body, it is easy to occur "spring susceptibility", such as frequent inflammation of the corners of the mouth, bleeding gums, rough skin and so on.

Therefore, in addition to paying attention to giving children more celery, spinach, rape, tomato, green pepper, cabbage, cauliflower and other vegetables, you should also eat more carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes and so on. Staple foods are appropriately mixed with coarse grains and miscellaneous grains, such as corn cereals and peas.

Vitamin D can effectively promote the body's absorption of calcium; vitamin C is an essential element for the production of human collagen tissue, which is directly related to the growth of bones; carotene has a good role in promoting; zinc is involved in the synthesis of enzymes, which can promote the growth of children; iron can prevent nutritional anemia and so on.

Eat these foods often in the spring, and children can both grow taller and strengthen their immunity! (Transfer parent)

In order to attract the baby's interest, spring vegetables can be fried, stewed, and wrapped in wontons, dumplings and spring rolls. When cooking vegetables, use a fierce fire, and the time should not be long, so as to reduce the loss of water-soluble vitamins.

05, provide the necessary amount of fat

Brain tissue contains two unsaturated fatty acids, which are the main tissue components of the brain, and deficiency will affect a child's intellectual development.

Since such unsaturated fatty acids cannot be synthesized by the human body on their own, care should be taken to ingest them from food. Fatty acids, especially essential fatty acids, not only supply energy, but also ensure the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Eat these foods often in the spring, and children can both grow taller and strengthen their immunity! (Transfer parent)

In the spring, try to use vegetable oil when cooking for children, and eat more vegetable fat-rich diets, such as walnut porridge, black sesame porridge, peanut porridge, etc.


Detoxify food with a healthy and good stomach

Chinese medicine believes that spring is the season when the yin qi gradually weakens and the yang qi gradually strengthens, which can just discharge some of the internal poisons that are replenished in winter out of the body. So, spring is best for detox fitness.

If you want your child to have a healthy stomach, you may wish to try the following foods:

Consume constipation-proof white radish

Heat-proof dry asparagus

Liposuction remove puffy kelp

Black fungus of vascular scavengers

Artemisia annua for the liver

Heat-relieving and metabolism-enhancing cucumbers

Heat-clearing diuretic lotus root

Lipid-lowering sweet potatoes to aid digestion

Dehumidify and detoxify mung beans

Celery that flattens the liver and lowers blood pressure

Detoxifying laxative carrots

Eat these foods often in the spring, and children can both grow taller and strengthen their immunity! (Transfer parent)

Warm reminder: While children enjoy food, parents must not forget to let their children bask in the sun every day, which can promote the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin and make our children grow taller and stronger!

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