
Returning home from the hospital and seeing a pile of dishes and chopsticks on the table, the wife asked the Phoenix man's family to return to the farm


Between husband and wife, the most feared thing is to share the same bed and dream, centrifugal and detached.

In fact, the way husband and wife get along is nothing more than to be conscientious and can compare hearts to hearts.

Don't be like the hero in the case, who can't figure out that he still has to take the people of his original family as a demon, and finally he was beaten back to the farm.

Li Mengting began to regret marrying Zhang Daming only a year after marriage.

Because people are deeply affectionate after marriage, the husband sings with the woman. But what awaited her was a big family of chickens.

Recently, she often thought, why did she have to marry Zhang Daming in the first place?

Speaking of a year ago, Zhang Daming was just a rural phoenix man, a poor egg who had just graduated.

And she Li Mengting, the only daughter in the city, can be regarded as a good family condition.

Speaking of why I like Zhang Daming, in the end, I still blame Li Mengting for being a thorough appearance association.

Li Mengting, born in October, is a typical Libra, and the standard for finding a partner is to look good.

There are many people chasing her in college, either because they are short or ugly.

And the thick eyebrows and big eyes, Zhang Daming, who is 1 meter 85, can be regarded as in line with Li Mengting's heart.

As the saying goes, girlish feelings are always poetry, and Li Mengting actually took the initiative to know Zhang Daming.

In fact, Zhang Daming, who was born in the countryside, can also be regarded as self-aware, knowing that he is poor, and has not thought of falling in love for the time being.

Returning home from the hospital and seeing a pile of dishes and chopsticks on the table, the wife asked the Phoenix man's family to return to the farm

However, unable to stand the girl's initiative, Zhang Daming still talked about love with Li Mengting.

As a result, the more the love affair was talked about, the smoother it became, and this graduation Li Mengting clamored to get married.

At this time, her parents learned that their daughter had found a poor rural boy, and how could she agree to this?

But this precious daughter has been spoiled by the old two since she was a child, and if she does not follow her heart, she will make trouble.

After tossing and turning for more than half a month, my parents still surrendered their weapons.

Knowing that Zhang Daming's family was poor, Li Mengting's family had a wedding room for marriage and also organized a wedding.

This penny was not spent to marry a daughter-in-law, but Zhang Daming was very happy.

And the mother and siblings in the hometown are also proud that they can't do it, and they didn't expect their son to be able to settle down in the city so soon.

The old mother called her son and nagged her son, saying that when the time came, she would take everyone in the city.

Zhang Daming would say fast every time, and then wait.

In fact, he waited for his marriage with his wife Mengting to be more stable, so he brought his family into the city, after all, he was the eldest son of the family.

After more than half a year of marriage, he took the lead in taking his mother to the family on the grounds that her health was not good.

After taking it over, this stay never mentioned the matter of leaving,

In fact, when her mother-in-law moved over, Li Mengting felt a little uncomfortable, because Zhang Daming had made a guarantee when she first got married.

But looking at the happy look of her husband and mother-in-law, she did not quarrel about this matter, and slowly acquiesced to the mother-in-law living at home.

But a few months later, during the winter vacation, the changes that occurred at home made Li Mengting a little unbearable.

It turned out that during the winter vacation, Zhang Daming took his sister who was in college to his home.

Not only that, but within two days, he took over his divorced brother's two children again.

There were suddenly three more people in the house, and two of them were simply the Chaos Demon King. The two little boys were noisy at home from morning to night, and toys and snacks were scattered everywhere.

Returning home from the hospital and seeing a pile of dishes and chopsticks on the table, the wife asked the Phoenix man's family to return to the farm

She once complained angrily to her husband: "Zhang Daming, what are you doing with your brother and children, now you see what is in the family, it is not too much to say that it is a garbage dump!" And your sister, I don't sleep all night, and I still have to go to work during the day. ”

But these complaints, the husband is simply the left ear in the right ear out. He always said that they are all family and more tolerant. He also said that the family is full of old people and children, don't be too calculating.

Li Mengting was even more uncomfortable with these words, but no one supported her, and she still had to take care of things at home.

Three children, an old man all pointed to her cooking and cleaning up the housework. Fortunately, Li Mengting has not yet started to work, but cleaning up toys and cleaning at home has made her tired waist unable to straighten up.

The two children in the family were noisy all day, and even the next-door neighbor couldn't stand knocking on the door several times.

Li Mengting, who was originally spoiled and habitual, could bear this, but she just kept putting up with it.

She herself did not expect that one day soon she would not be able to bear it at all.

That day, Li Mengting was cooking at home when she received a call from her mother.

The mother cried and cried, "Mengting, your father suddenly had acute appendicitis, and now he is in the hospital, you hurry up." ”

Li Mengting's legs were a little soft when she heard it, and she hurriedly called her husband, saying that she was going to the hospital to accompany her father, and the affairs of the family were handed over to him.

Then I explained to my mother-in-law and sister-in-law again, and then I changed my clothes and took my bag to the hospital.

She had been guarding her father in the hospital, and her eyes were red after a day and a night. Her mother told her to go home and take a shower and take a break.

Exhausted, she took a taxi home, and then she remembered that her husband did not call a single caring phone, and she couldn't help but get a little angry.

She listlessly went upstairs to open the door, and the appearance of the house made her mad.

I saw the old lady basking in the sun on the balcony, the sister-in-law playing a game, and two children chasing and playing on the sofa in their shoes.

The dining table was full of takeaway boxes and stained dishes, and there were many snack bags under the living room.

Returning home from the hospital and seeing a pile of dishes and chopsticks on the table, the wife asked the Phoenix man's family to return to the farm

Obviously, these were all waiting for her to come back and pack up.

She said angrily, "Who are you leaving this garbage for?" ”

A child said, "You." ”

It was this incident that made Li Mengting intolerable, and she immediately let all the people out, otherwise she would call the police.

After kicking them out, the husband rushed back home to apologize. But Li Mengting locked the door and insisted on divorce.

Zhang Daming was still panicked, and it would be difficult to find a divorce on his terms.

He repeatedly confessed and swore at the door, but no matter how he coaxed, Li Mengting always closed the door.

A few days later, the luggage of Zhang Daming's family was completely cleared out, and the marriage of two people ended with this.

And the divorced Zhang Daming can only put his family back to his hometown in the countryside, and if he has no shelter, where should he go in the city?

In the case, Zhang Daming was not blessed in the blessing, and he also allowed his family to add to his wife's blockage, and finally broke the marriage in his hands.

This also tells us that husband and wife should learn to think in empathy, and we must understand the following two principles.

Returning home from the hospital and seeing a pile of dishes and chopsticks on the table, the wife asked the Phoenix man's family to return to the farm


One: Couples who do not know how to consider each other's positions, both parties' tiredness will exceed happiness.

A harmonious marriage is inseparable from the empathy and mutual understanding of two people.

Many people always say that "marriage is the graveyard of love".

But have we ever wondered why the contrast between love and marriage is so great?

In fact, when in love, two people are so intimate, and they can also achieve the greatest degree of understanding with each other.

So love is always beautiful and unforgettable in our memories.

But after marriage, many couples begin to take care of themselves and forget each other's feelings.

When you ignore the feelings of your lover, you are also hurting each other's feelings.

If the husband and wife have been separated from each other for a long time and do not consider each other, then this relationship will also make the two people more and more tired.

In the long run, the feeling of exhaustion exceeded the happiness of the two people.

A tired marriage will ruin all love under the delay of time.

So run a marriage, don't ignore the feelings of your lover.

As long as we can think in each other's shoes, many difficult problems will be solved.

Returning home from the hospital and seeing a pile of dishes and chopsticks on the table, the wife asked the Phoenix man's family to return to the farm


Second: Couples who confuse large families with small families often make life a chicken feather.

Extended family and their own small married family, these are two completely different camps.

People who are unclear on this issue, marriage is either a chicken feather, or a divorce ends.

Because those who are in love with their original families are actually not suitable for marriage.

Therefore, I think the standard for entering marriage should not be the legal age, and sometimes psychological maturity is more important.

And people who don't understand the concept of family will definitely hurt their partners in their married life.

Zhang Daming in the case, because he is the boss, feels that he has the obligation to manage all the people in the family.

Even in his heart, the family was more important than his wife and children.

And when encountering such a confused man, the best way out for women is divorce.

Such ignorance in the bones is very difficult to change.

But because of his ignorance, his life will not be quiet.

Returning home from the hospital and seeing a pile of dishes and chopsticks on the table, the wife asked the Phoenix man's family to return to the farm


Many people always know the preciousness and fragility of marriage when they lose.

But for the stubborn and ignorant.

Even if it gives him another chance to choose.

He will still choose the same path.

Text/No Pen

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