
Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

In the final of the freestyle ski women's U-shaped field that ends in the morning

Gu Ailing scored more than 90 points in the first two jumps

Lock in the champion in advance

Won 2 gold and 1 silver

Her first Winter Olympics ended perfectly

"Frog Princess"

The future can be expected!

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

(Video screenshot)

In Gu Ailing's body, we see a "child of others" who combines the labels of "athletic talent", "academic bully", cheerful personality, and wide range of interests.

But Gu Ailing said with certainty in the interview: "I can achieve a little success on skiing, it is precisely because of 1% talent and 99% love, and persistence."

Love makes her "feel like she has a few loves in her body", she never stops exploring, full of curiosity about everything new in the world.

For her, the significance of sports not only allows her to break through the limits and challenge herself in the Winter Olympics, but also to share ice and snow sports with everyone by participating in the Winter Olympics, so that more people can participate in ice and snow sports, enjoy the fun of ice and snow sports, and make more friends.

Growing up to the current Gu Ailing, it can be said that sports is an exponential plus on her life path.

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love


It's really important to get into the habit of exercising!

●Exercise and physical health

The China Childhood Obesity Report (2017) states that without effective interventions, the obesity rate of children aged 0-7 years in mainland China will reach 6.0% by 2030, and the number of obese children will increase to 6.64 million.

Childhood obesity can directly or indirectly increase the incidence and mortality of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes in adulthood, and is one of the major threats to health.

To prevent and solve the problem of "little fat people", in addition to healthy eating, the most important thing is to let the child "move"!

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

●Exercise and mental health

Childhood is the initial period of the formation of children's self-concept, exercise helps children to cultivate persistence, hard work, self-confidence and other qualities, so that children are satisfied with themselves, develop a positive self-concept and healthy personality.

Related studies have found that children with good athletic performance are more likely to be accepted and liked by their peers than children with poor performance.

Exercise can also promote an increase in various neurotransmitters (such as dopamine) or endorphins (hormones produced by the brain, like natural analgesics that relieve pain and produce a sense of pleasure) related to positive emotions, relieving tension and stress, and making children more happy.

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

●Motor and brain development

The brain develops rapidly in childhood and is very malleable.

Exercise affects the neurotrophic factors, arousal level, cardiopulmonary function, etc. of children's brains, and promotes children's brain development by improving physiological state.

Exercise not only shapes the structure of the brain, but also optimizes brain activation patterns and brain network function connections, improving children's cognitive function.

For example, long-term exercise can increase the number of new brain cells in the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for memory); insisting on a certain amount of exercise time and intensity can significantly improve memory ability.

A number of educational interventions have demonstrated that physical activity improves students' attention, self-control, and academic performance.

Gu Ailing can balance life, study, training, competition, etc. well, and the only secret is concentration, which allows her to efficiently complete what she wants to do.

Not only was he admitted to Stanford University after graduating from high school a year earlier, but he also had a number of hobbies and specialties, including skiing, playing the piano, ballet, surfing, singing, and playing football.

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love


Why don't children love sports?

●I did not find the sport I was interested in

Children's personalities vary widely, and their hobbies vary.

Some children are more likely to be interested in basketball, football, volleyball and other sports that require teamwork, fierce competition, and are easy to attract attention from the outside world;

Some children may be interested in cycling, swimming, rock climbing, skating, etc., which can be done independently and less competitively.

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

The reason why children don't love sports may be that they don't find the sports they are interested in.

Interest is the best teacher, so that children are widely exposed to various sports to find their favorite form, is the first step to cultivate children's exercise habits.

Gu Ailing's mother, Gu Yan, will always be unconditional support for her daughter's various interests and hobbies, not only will accompany her to train and compete, but also provide her with certain psychological support and competitive skills.

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

●Lack of exercise habits in family members

Children are lively and active by nature, but as they grow older, many children become more and more "lazy", an important reason is that the unmotivated living habits of family members have a subtle impact on children.

With the deepening of people's dependence on the Internet, adults themselves spend a lot of leisure time on electronic devices every day, and children are of course "like a model".

If parents take the initiative to put down their mobile phones and take their children out to exercise together, the children will also reduce the time they spend using electronic devices.

Studies have shown that when parents exercise for at least 3 hours a week, their children are 4.2 times more likely to be actively involved in physical activity than parents who rarely physically exercise.

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

Gu Ailing began to ski with her mother when she was 3 years old, because her mother herself liked to ski.

Yan Gu is a part-time ski instructor at the Polaris Resort Ski Resort in Lake Tahoe, California.

She took Gu Ailing with her every time, she skated her own, sent Gu Ailing to the ski school on the ski slope, and learned with other children.

Gu Yan said: "I have loved to play since I was a child, that is, words are not as good as teaching by example. ”

Therefore, Gu Yan can be regarded as Gu Ailing's "ski enlightenment coach".

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love


How do you make your child fall in love with sports?

● Develop hobbies and interests, so that children like sports

Only when children experience the joy of sports can children fall in love with sports.

Therefore, it is recommended that parents take advantage of the opportunity of weekends or holidays to take their children to watch and participate in sports events, share sports anecdotes, discuss sports stars that children like, and let the fun of sports penetrate into the daily life.

The Winter Olympics is a great opportunity to share with children!

In addition, interest building is based on positive self-experience.

Therefore, parents should start from simple sports to cultivate their children's sports interest, such as choosing parent-child activities with strong fun, low difficulty and skills, and gradually cultivate children's sports confidence.

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

It is worth noting that for preschool and lower primary school children, the intensity of physical exercise should not be too large, the time of each time should not be too long, and the forms of exercise should be rich, such as running, jumping, body rhythm and games can be combined.

It is spring, parents should also consider what kind of spring exercise is more suitable for children, and to be gradual, but also pay attention to the warmth after exercise.

● Parents lead by example and let their children get used to sports

Parents take the lead in sports, often with their children to carry out some of the nature of the competition of parent-child sports, can improve the enthusiasm of children's sports, but also can use the power of example to drive children to develop a good habit of loving sports.

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

The formation of good habits can be divided into 3 aspects.

Form a law of motion.

Therefore, whether it is in normal times or holidays, parents and children should try to maintain a regular life schedule, in addition to eating, sleeping, getting up and other time regular, it is best to form a law of exercise - exercise in the same time period, so that habits can become natural.

Exercise should be planned.

Parents and children should make weekly, monthly, and annual family exercise plans in advance, and strictly implement them, supervise each other, and regularly review and summarize.

Parents want to infiltrate sports into every aspect of life.

For example, you can take your child to participate in more housework, tidy up the room and toys; accompany your child to use the community open space or fitness equipment to exercise; and choose to walk or ride a bicycle when you go out.

What if parents really have a hard time developing exercise habits in their lives for various reasons and can't lead by example to get their kids to exercise?

At this time, we must learn to "ask for help" intelligently - borrow external forces to cultivate children's exercise habits:

Often play with some sports-loving families;

Let children often play with children who love sports;

Consider sending your child to an interest class that focuses on the fun of sports rather than competitive selection training.

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

● Cultivate athletic ability so that children are good at sports

Children are more likely to have happy experiences when they participate in sports they are good at.

Therefore, in the process of cultivating children's exercise habits, it is necessary to consciously cultivate children's most basic motor skills, such as sensitivity, balance, coordination and stability, as well as speed, movement, control and other motor abilities.

Gu Ailing| is 1% talent, but also 99% love

As children age, their muscle control will get better and better, and their motor skills will become more and more sophisticated.

At this time, according to the child's physical development and cognitive development level, choose the appropriate exercise, cultivate the corresponding motor ability, and enhance the child's sense of control over the movement.

For example, let children participate in organized and standardized sports training, and use scientific methods to improve children's athletic ability.

This not only helps children build self-confidence in sports, but also allows children to fully enjoy the sense of accomplishment that sports bring.

Typography | Ren Mingxia (Intern)

Source Synthesis:

The April 2021 issue of Parents' Must Read magazine, "The Whole Family Develops a Good Habit of Exercising Together," | Wang Naige (Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University) Wang Xiao (Master's Student, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University) Contributing Editor | Zhang Haiyan

China Youth Daily client "Beijing Girl Gu Ailing Why the World Loves" article | Liang Xuan, Editor-in-Charge | Cao Jing

Character "Gu Ailing, Welcome Back" Wen | Lü Beika Editor | Jinshi

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