
Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

author:Brother Yang tells a story

From the peak of the glory of the Winter Olympics to the whirlpool of online controversy, Gu Ailing's life path is full of ups and downs.

Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

This Chinese-American athlete has won widespread praise and respect for his extraordinary courage and determination for his country. Now, however, she is embroiled in the mire of online controversy and faces unprecedented challenges.

At the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing won two golds and one silver with outstanding performances, thus becoming a bright star in the Chinese sports world.

She interpreted her love and loyalty to the motherland with practical actions, and showed the world the fighting spirit and tenacious will of Chinese athletes.

Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

When she stood on the podium wearing the five-star red flag, the warm applause of the audience and the wide attention of the media were enough to demonstrate her outstanding status and extraordinary influence in the sports world.

However, the world is unpredictable, and now Gu Ailing has become a victim of online violence.

Some netizens who do not know the truth have questioned her motives and loyalty, and some have even accused her of becoming a Chinese citizen out of commercial interests.

Others over-interpret her social activities in the United States, believing that she keeps a distance from China and lacks a sense of identity and belonging to her motherland. These groundless accusations and malicious speculations have put this hero who once won glory for the country into a predicament.

Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

In the face of all kinds of criticism on the Internet, Gu Ailing chose silence and forbearance. As a Chinese-American mixed-race child, she has half American blood in her veins, and her father is also white.

Therefore, it is clearly unrealistic to ask her to completely sever ties with the United States. However, this does not mean that she does not love China, and it does not mean that she is unwilling to dedicate her strength to the motherland.

In fact, Gu Ailing's love for the motherland is deep and sincere.

Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

At the Winter Olympics, she won honors with her outstanding performance and added glory to China's sports career. This honor is not only an affirmation of her personal ability, but also a recognition of her patriotic feelings.

Therefore, we should respect her choices and efforts, instead of groundless accusations and doubts.

It is a pity that some people always demand heroes with perfect standards, ignoring that they are also ordinary people and have their own emotions and choices.

They expect Gu to be selfless and flawless like a saint, but they ignore her needs and emotions as an ordinary person. This harsh demand is not only unfair, but also misunderstood and hurtful to the heroic figure.

Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

We should look at Gu Ailing's situation with a more rational and tolerant attitude. As a person with a bicultural background, she faced more challenges and pressures.

We should respect her choices and decisions, understand her contradictions and struggles, instead of blindly blaming and questioning. At the same time, we should also reflect on the harm of online violence and avoid allowing such irrational behavior to harm more people.

Gu Ailing's experience also reminds us to cherish and protect those heroes who have won glory for the country.

Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

They have made tremendous efforts and sacrifices for the honor of the motherland and deserve our respect and support. Rather than falling into a trap or even making a personal attack when they are in trouble.

Of course, we should also recognize that the online world is not a place outside the law, and any speech needs to be held responsible.

We should condemn and stop those acts of groundless accusations and malicious attacks. At the same time, we also need to improve our media literacy, learn to distinguish between true and false information, and avoid being misled by false statements.

Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

The controversial Gu Ailing is going through a difficult time in her life.

But I firmly believe that as long as she maintains her inner firmness and calmness, and faces the disturbances and doubts of the outside world with a calm mind, she will definitely get out of the predicament and regain the respect and recognition she deserves.

In the process, we also need to reflect on our own actions and attitudes. We should look at different people and things with a more open and inclusive mind, and avoid judging others unfairly because of some one-sided information.

Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

At the same time, we must also learn to cherish those who have contributed to the country and society, and give them the support and encouragement they deserve.

Gu Ailing's experience is not only her personal story, but also a wake-up call and inspiration to the whole society. We should work together to create a more rational, tolerant and friendly social environment, so that everyone can be fairly evaluated and treated.

Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

Looking forward to the future, I hope that Gu Ailing can face the challenges with a more calm and firm attitude, continue to give full play to her talents and potential, and win more honors for the motherland.

Gu Ailing's scenery is no longer there? Tens of thousands of people sought after to "fall off the altar", what did they experience!

At the same time, I also hope that those who have made groundless accusations against her will recognize their mistakes and learn to look at problems with a more rational and tolerant attitude. Only in this way can we collectively build a more harmonious, friendly and progressive society.

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