
At the beginning of the tenth month, the weather was still unusually cold, and the sky was drizzling, which was really a cold spring season. Grilling the indoor fire, carefully reviewing the expenses of this Spring Festival, I can't help but be frightened

author:The old Rokan story

At the beginning of the tenth month, the weather was still unusually cold, and the sky was drizzling, which was really a cold spring season.

Grilling the indoor fire, carefully reviewing the expenses of this Spring Festival, I can't help but be frightened. It cost more than four thousand. One thousand and two hundred is a red envelope for children and adults. The other three thousand were lost by playing mahjong. The expense of losing almost hit my heart, worse than the "lingering" punishment of the most heinous prisoners in ancient times.

Next time I don't fight, this sentence has been read a thousand times, but there is still a next time next time. An elderly person without self-discipline is doomed to a difficult life.

At the beginning of the tenth month, the weather was still unusually cold, and the sky was drizzling, which was really a cold spring season. Grilling the indoor fire, carefully reviewing the expenses of this Spring Festival, I can't help but be frightened
At the beginning of the tenth month, the weather was still unusually cold, and the sky was drizzling, which was really a cold spring season. Grilling the indoor fire, carefully reviewing the expenses of this Spring Festival, I can't help but be frightened

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