
Everything is predestined, is yours, always be there, no, forced not to come, what to fight for, what to take, what to ask for, to the heavens to arrange, why bother. Whether it's feelings or

author:Ordinary life affairs

Everything is predestined,

It's yours, always be there,

No, I can't ask for it.

What to fight for, what to take, what to ask for,

Leave it to Heaven to arrange, why bother?

Whether it's feelings or things,

Sometimes fate must have it,

Fate does not demand at all times,

Whoever should come cannot hide from it,

Whoever should go, no one can keep,

Fate, the sky is the end,

Feelings, the heart has the final say.

No one can change,

No one can seize it. Those who are lost, they do not belong to you,

What you have is destined to follow you,

You have to believe,

What belongs to you will always be there,

No matter what others argue,

None of them can be argued for.

The opposite is what doesn't belong to you,

No matter how hard you try,

Try your best,

Whatever it takes,

Ben does not belong to you,

Even if you get it, it is temporary,

In the end, it will be lost.

Heaven is fair,

Let you lose at the same time,

will give you another copy to get,

Let you get the time,

Something is bound to be taken away.

So there is no need to fight, there is no need to stay,

Just go with the flow,

Just accept it.

Everything is predestined, is yours, always be there, no, forced not to come, what to fight for, what to take, what to ask for, to the heavens to arrange, why bother. Whether it's feelings or
Everything is predestined, is yours, always be there, no, forced not to come, what to fight for, what to take, what to ask for, to the heavens to arrange, why bother. Whether it's feelings or
Everything is predestined, is yours, always be there, no, forced not to come, what to fight for, what to take, what to ask for, to the heavens to arrange, why bother. Whether it's feelings or

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