
Two people have been deeply in love, the fate is over, don't entangle


01. Introduction

Zhang Ailing said: "Some people say that parallel lines are the most terrible, but I think the most terrible thing is the intersection line, obviously they have intersected, but they will always be far away from each other at some point in the future, and they will go farther and farther." ”

The encounter is beautiful, and the heartbeat often makes people fall into the whirlpool of love.

For people who love each other, they always want two people to be together and never be separated. No matter how many people oppose, go through difficulties and obstacles, and do not want to separate two people.

It is a very beautiful feeling to meet the right person at the right time, to fall in love, to take a vow, to embrace each other warmly.

Fate, let two people meet and fall in love. However, no one knows how deep the fate is and how long they can love each other. When fate is exhausted, it is followed by pain and reluctance.

However, some feelings are already doomed. Flowers bloom, but not necessarily results.

Fate is over, insisting on two people together, there will always be a painful side. If you really love someone, you will not be willing to let the other party work hard. And the hard-working and unforgettable love will eventually choose to let go.

02, fate is exhausted, all the demands are embarrassing.

In this world, fate is exhausted, and even if you force it, the loved one will not be together.

Yishu said: "The love that truly belongs to you will not make you miserable, the person who loves you will not make you suffer from gain and loss, some people will win the jackpot with one vote, and some people will become famous if they write a book. ”

Loving someone is a happy thing. If in a love, just unrequited love, you will eat enough of the pain of love.

If the fate is over, don't cry, and don't dwell on it. If you have to break up, leave the last decency. Smile and say goodbye to each other, and time will dilute everything.

The feelings that are forced will become torture between each other. Even if you fight against fate and be together, it is difficult to have happiness at all.

The final experience will make you understand that letting go is the real fulfillment.

In life, pure love is a rare luxury, and it is worth celebrating for itself, but it does not have to be retained all the time.

Learn to look forward, learn to say goodbye, and pick up your mood and go on the road alone.

03, the fate is over, let it go

When the fate is exhausted, learn to let go, and say goodbye to the fading love, both to let go of others and to let go of yourself.

Li Moxuan in "The Condor Hero" was originally a gentle and virtuous woman, and she longed for happiness in her heart. However, the man easily changed his heart, and the fate of the two people was broken.

However, Li Mo couldn't bear to let go, repeatedly pestered three times, suffered all grievances, and his heart collapsed because of the huge stimulation. She became an unforgiving female demon, and everyone was afraid to get rid of her quickly.

If, at the moment when she knows that men change their hearts, she understands that even if it is painful, she must learn to let go.

Perhaps she will also find someone who cherishes her, still kind and gentle. There may be many children who have already lived a happy life without competition with the world.

When the other party does not love, everything you have has nothing to do with him, and it is no longer worth doing anything for him.

If a woman is still clinging to the old times, or if the pester takes revenge on her former lover, she will eventually hurt herself. Instead of spending time and energy on people who don't love you, turn your head and love yourself.

When the fate is over, learn to let go, let go of each other, accept that the other party can only accompany you at a certain stage of life, let go of others, and let go of yourself.

When love disappears, it is your own mentality that adjusts, rather than continuing to chase the past and entanglement.

04, the fate is exhausted, more careful to manage themselves

When the fate is over, please learn to love yourself. If you manage yourself well in life, you will be happier.

There are many parts of life, and it is worth remembering more than just an unforgettable feeling.

When you first lose someone, you feel like your heart is empty for a long time. There was a long time of sadness, unable to come out of such a shadow.

However, people always have to learn to grow up, always have to become mature. You can't give up your entire life because your relationship management has failed.

When the fate is exhausted, we must learn to stand up, to quietly do ourselves well, to manage ourselves, and those pains will gradually fade with time.

Whether you are running yourself well, busy with your career, or chasing your dreams, you will find that the world is big, and you have to do more than just love someone.

When the fate is over, don't reminisce anymore, and don't immerse yourself in the pain of the past.

Instead, learn to look ahead and take big strides. Quietly withdraw from each other's stories, get used to being the protagonist yourself, and try to create new stories.

05. Summary

Fate is over, please run your own life well and look down on the past.

There is a line in "Spirited Away": "Life is a train to the grave, there will be many stations on the road, it is difficult for someone to accompany you from beginning to end, when the person who accompanies you is going to get off the train, even if you don't give up, you should be grateful, and then wave goodbye." ”

Life is always full of regrets, even love will always walk and let go of the hand.

Acquaintance is fate, don't have too much luxury. Everyone has the potential to come and go back and forth in your world, and when fate is exhausted, there is no need to chase, and those who leave do not have to wait.

When the fate is over and the love is broken, please manage yourself well and meet more excellent people. Time will dilute everything, and letting go can grow better.

Life always has to be restarted again and again, and each time it will go on the road with new feelings. People always have to be more frustrated and courageous, in order to become more powerful.

The relationship that cannot be grasped does not have to be out of decadence all the time.

When we experience the vicissitudes of life, do not complain, do not dwell, cherish each other, and spend more time managing ourselves, it will make our lives more meaningful.


Author: Xia Mo, a cutting-edge emotional tutor, a psychologist, a popular emotional writer with more than 1 billion people on the Internet, a happy woman manager, who has focused on emotions, gender, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.

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