
After being busy for most of my life, I suddenly understood this! (Reading to tears)

Text/Flying Fish

After being busy for most of my life, I suddenly understood this! (Reading to tears)


Life is busy and busy, and after most of my life has passed, I suddenly understand that in fact, money cannot be earned, the more people owe, the more fame and fortune status are nothing, but the most real thing is that they can have a healthy body, which is their own.

The first half of his life has been busy pursuing, pursuing dreams, pursuing life, and pursuing the height he wants, but he has never been able to understand why he is getting unhappier and unhappier, it turns out that he wants too many things.

Half a lifetime has passed, I have not treated myself well, busy, staying up late, not eating on time, when I saw the bodies of some people around me wake up the alarm bell, I gradually became afraid, afraid that one day I would die suddenly because I was too busy to rest.

Only then did I suddenly wake up, take care of my body, and be healthy, which is the first thing in life.

Busy so much, even if you make money, why not, you don't have a healthy body, you can't enjoy anything, so people should start to pay attention to their own physical health.

After being busy for most of my life, I suddenly understood this! (Reading to tears)


Busy for most of his life, he has been walking, but rarely stops to look at the scenery along the way, if he does not accidentally see the child's diary written: How I hope to have time to travel with my parents, but my father will never have time.

Seeing this, I suddenly remembered that I had not taken good care of the family all these years, it was my wife who was taking care of the family, and I only cared about work, and there was very little companionship for my children, and I realized that I was not competent at all.

Later, I tried my best to push off some socializing, left work on time every day, did not return to the company on weekends, and then drove with my children and wife to play around, it turned out that I was so happy and happy with my family, and I had not seen them smile so happily for a long time.

For the rest of your life, you will have to spend a little more time with your family, and the happiness of the moment is the most important.

After being busy for most of my life, I suddenly understood this! (Reading to tears)


Half a lifetime has passed, only to gradually understand that the friends around them do not need too much, a few sincere contacts are enough, and the most important thing in life is to run their own family and circle, even if the circle is not large, two or three friends often sit together to chat, drink a little wine, it is also very good.

And in the family, people reach middle age, parents are old, one day will leave, brothers and sisters are also our closest people, a little more contact, family affection will always be there.

After half a lifetime, we must learn to reconcile with ourselves and reconcile with our families, there is nothing in the family that cannot be lived, and family affection is always the most important.

People are alive, there are families, there are brothers and sisters can come and go, this is the happiest thing in the world, people must know how to cherish, between brothers and sisters, there are things, but also try to help, and when they are old, they can still sit together to eat and drink, which is the most rare.

After being busy for most of my life, I suddenly understood this! (Reading to tears)


Bai Luomei said that in the journey of life, some people see through too early, and some people realize too late. In the end, they all return to the end.

This life of a person is a process of constantly understanding life, and when you understand life, you can better go down.

After being busy for most of my life, I understood that life is once, we can't start again, we will eventually leave, but while we are alive, we must live well, look down on the life and death of the world, look down on the joys and sorrows of life, see the ups and downs of life, success or failure, and manage our own lives well, which is the correct way to live.

Busy for most of my life, I am used to seeing people around me coming, and some people walking, and I also know that people in this life are passers-by, from encounters, in fact, it is fate, do not ask the ending, just follow the fate.

After being busy for most of my life, I suddenly understood this! (Reading to tears)


Half a lifetime has passed, and I have also understood that in this life, people cannot have too many desires, understand enough, and life can be happy. You can't have too many attachments, know how to let go, in order to meet better people and things.

In fact, people are doomed in this life, life and death are doomed, wealth is doomed, fate is doomed, and success or failure is doomed.

Hit sometimes must have, hit always do not force, be a person, sometimes do not need to push too hard, just go with the flow.

In this life, the most precious thing is family affection, the most important thing is physical health, do not use your own health to overdraft money, otherwise you will not be blessed to make money.

A hundred years of time, a flash by, to make yourself live a little easier, happier, plain, is really happy.

After being busy for most of my life, I suddenly understood this! (Reading to tears)


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