
Frequent "disconnection", the fate of the two people is exhausted

Frequent "disconnection", the fate of the two people is exhausted

Sluggishness can alienate people.

In the world of emotions, everyone should have such awareness.

Otherwise, even two people who love each other will snubble each other, thus making the two hearts become cold. The feelings of each other will also usher in a time when they are exhausted day by day.

Long-term fate needs to be managed.

The place where love begins, full of romance and novelty.

Many people will be driven by the subconscious mind to try to manage the fate of two people. Perhaps everyone does not realize that because in the hot love period, everything is beautiful, and both couples will generally become emotional.

And when fate enters a flat period, everyone will often return to rationality, and the enthusiasm for love will fade.

At this stage, if each other lacks the awareness of business, it is easy for the two sides to become cold. Especially when the shortcomings are magnified, it will damage the feelings of two people.

For friends, if you want to complete love, you must use sincerity and enthusiasm to make each other realize that each other's love has not changed. Instead of holding up a high posture, giving people a feeling of impeccableness.

Frequent "disconnection", the fate of the two people is exhausted

First, love is to run towards each other.

I have seen a sentence like this:

Falling in love is a matter for two people, and it only takes one person to make a decision to leave.

The starting point of emotion is inseparable from the common efforts of both sides.

If one person strives to pursue and the other party chooses to escape, it is clear that such fate loses its state of reciprocity. Even if it lasts for a long time, it will not lead to consummation in the end.

Only when two people are attracted to each other and can't help but move closer, can the flower of love have the opportunity to bloom.

Holding hands and becoming a couple, can the two sides continue to love each other?

In fact, even in the process of falling in love, it is still inseparable from the mutual rush of two people.

The alienation and avoidance of either party will make the other party insecure. The end of a relationship only requires one person to do something betrayal, and it can be achieved.

In love, there will still be unexpected challenges.

In our lives, there is no shortage of such situations, when couples hold hands, they can treat each other sincerely, but as they walk, two people choose to break up. Why is this happening? Often it is because one person snubbs the other person, and finally causes the love between both parties to be exhausted.

Frequent "disconnection", the fate of the two people is exhausted

Second, the disconnection is actually not love.

Fate, it seems very complicated.

In fact, there are still traces to follow.

From a psychological point of view, people with similar magnetic fields will have a feeling of seeing each other and hating each other under one side. In the following time, the two people can't help but get closer.

And when each other's fate is exhausted day by day.

The two sides not only have no enthusiasm for communication, but even involuntarily choose to alienate each other. The most common manifestation is that "disconnection" has become a habitual thing.

Maybe some couples don't realize this.

It's just that in the process of getting along, the two people have nothing to say, or feel very depressed inside. With these feelings, each other can not reasonably communicate and solve, so it leads to more and more problems.

When two people are together and can't find any feelings of happiness, some people will choose to snub and alienate each other. If there is an opportunity, everyone will also choose the way of "disconnection" so that the other party cannot find themselves.

You know, frequent "disconnection", the fate of the two people is really exhausted.

Frequent "disconnection", the fate of the two people is exhausted

First: Love you, you will not snub.

What is love?

Many friends have fallen in love, but have never considered what true love is.

In fact, from the performance of emotion, falling in love with someone from the bottom of your heart, everyone will involuntarily approach each other. Whenever we have the opportunity, we try to squeeze into each other's world.

Because there is love, two people together, no matter what they do, are happy.

Because they care, everyone will be afraid, and the other party will feel lonely.

All in all, if there is love between two people, they will seize the opportunity to accompany the long-term relationship. On the contrary, if love goes far, then what both parties are more willing to do is to choose to avoid seeing.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Many fates come to an end, and both couples will have such a mentality.

Once you choose to break off the connection, it will only make each other's feelings further snubbed. And how can the person who cares about you and cherishes you be willing to leave you alone!

Frequent "disconnection", the fate of the two people is exhausted

Second: frequent disconnection is actually deliberate.

Occasional disconnections may be normal.

After all, two people who love each other are actually independent individuals.

Even if the two parties come together because of love, everyone will still have their own personality characteristics, as well as the way of dealing with the world, and still need independent space and time.

When necessary, two people maintaining an independent side is conducive to the development of feelings.

Because in addition to love, everyone also has to face life and work, and needs the opportunity for the soul to rest.

But love, after all, requires two people to run to each other. If one day, two people see disconnection as a matter of habit, and frequently use this way to treat their other half.

Obviously, such a fate has long lost its stable foundation.

Especially when a person frequently chooses to disconnect, it is actually a deliberate act. Because they have long since stopped loving, they will not consider each other's feelings, and only choose to alienate each other with their own wishes.

Frequent "disconnection", the fate of the two people is exhausted

Third: If you don't love, you will wear down your patience in this way.

If a person loves you, how can he make you sad?

In a happy and long-term love, two people can both remain independent and keep in touch.

When the other party needs it, everyone can put down everything at hand and walk to the other's side without hesitation, such love is worth cherishing and protecting.

If two people love each other, but choose to break off the connection at any time, just imagine, is there really love in this fate? At best, it's just a partnership to get by.

What kind of signal does a person send when he frequently uses disconnection to treat the other party?

When everyone maintains rational thinking, they can realize that this person has long been out of love, and he is embarrassed to propose a breakup, so he will use the way of disconnection to consume each other's patience.

If you don't love, you will be snubbed.

When the other party realizes this, they will often retreat.

Frequent "disconnection", the fate of the two people is exhausted

Love is inseparable from management.

In the world of emotions, with such awareness, both couples can take into account each other's feelings, and together with their loved ones, they will always guard the beautiful fate.

If a person always chooses to snub and snub, and even treats you with a broken connection.

In fact, what the person wants to express is a sign of non-love. Because there is no place for you in his heart, he will take into account his personal feelings and choose to alienate you.

And the fate between two people will only be consumed day by day under the witness of time.

Author: Zhou Woodman, an emotional cultivator with an attitude. Write the warmth of the world, read the heart-warming story, and thank you for your company along the way. I only hope that the years are quiet, the clouds are light and the wind is light, and you and I can pour out our heartfelt feelings when we meet in a piece of text.

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