
Armor Warrior Nawa: Don't give up lightly, what are the eye-catching settings of Nawa

Armor warrior Nava can be said to be the most aggrieved of the five armor warriors, he can obviously become a good work, but because of such and such problems, he was sprayed to despair after the start of broadcasting. With the return of everyone's rationality, more and more people notice that this is an excellent work, and may also have the background of the armor warrior catcher, so as a sequel after the peak, what are the bright settings of Nawa.

Armor Warrior Nawa: Don't give up lightly, what are the eye-catching settings of Nawa

The worldview of the armored warrior Nawa is an independent world view, which has nothing to do with the shadow world in the first part of the armor warrior and Ares in the armor warrior's punishment, nor does it have the linkage of the role of croton like the first and second parts, so the armored warrior Nawa has great potential, he did not use the first and second parts of which humans and aliens fight, to protect the hero of the earth, but to use the battle between humans themselves, that is, the contest between human hearts.

Armor Warrior Nawa: Don't give up lightly, what are the eye-catching settings of Nawa

So in the design of Li Moxuan this person, I have always thought that the villain does not have the kind of pure bad people, every day want to do bad things, such is not a villain is just a jerk who does things, the real villains are sticking to their own wrong justice, Li Moxuan belongs to this kind, seemingly ostensibly to study vaccines to make money, in fact, is to change human beings through the bereaved virus, thereby accelerating the evolution of mankind, so this is the justice he insists on, for the progress of mankind.

Armor Warrior Nawa: Don't give up lightly, what are the eye-catching settings of Nawa

He completed all this by fooling Ma Tian, and in the end he also completed it, and Ma Tian also succeeded in being transformed by him, but in the end he played himself off, completely lost his original original intention, and also borrowed the power of the tyrannical worm, Li Moxuan's role can be set in a point of justice, because the justice he insists on cannot be wrong, but his domineering justice does not consider the ideas of others at all, has the power of justice and has no heart of justice, can only say that this is a kind of justice that is out of control, and will inevitably accelerate destruction.

Armor Warrior Nawa: Don't give up lightly, what are the eye-catching settings of Nawa

In the end, he also threw himself into the arms of darkness, transformed into the god of Oxer, I don't know when the evolution of the human being he wants has become a dark force, Nawa is very good at setting the plot in this regard, discussing the change of human nature, which is a great achievement.

Armor Warrior Nawa: Don't give up lightly, what are the eye-catching settings of Nawa

And in the treatment of the little villain is also impressive, especially Xiao Li, unlike the previous kind of boss what the boss said is what, this person has his own unique charm, he is proud and arrogant, thirsty for the power of armor, will sell teammates will sell the boss, it can be said that the villain was played by him, the last episode single-handedLytales made me feel that he is very brave, this role is simply too good.

Armor Warrior Nawa: Don't give up lightly, what are the eye-catching settings of Nawa

If the armor and a certain role is bound, then all the behaviors of this role represent this armor, but also make the actors in reality very troubled, binding the role and armor is conducive to the shooting of the plot, but also portrayed more perfectly impressive, not bound to the armor and role to make the actors in reality more free. Nawa is like this, maybe the director feels that everyone has a righteous heart, then he can summon armor, so in Nawa armor is also changed several times, everyone can summon, but you can not grasp the power of the armor, and in the armor warrior punishment day and the armor warrior there are scenes of summoning people to change, but only in Nawa really implemented this idea, there is no such strong heroism, there is no fatalism, from the idea of conveying is more abundant. This is also a great place to shine.

Armor Warrior Nawa: Don't give up lightly, what are the eye-catching settings of Nawa

Secondly, it is my very painful character armor summoner Ke Sheng, revenge and birth finally misguided into Oxer, from a monster armor to a beaten monster, you can feel his inner torment, the setting of this role is also very good is very painful, with the revenge of justice Unlimited desire power will eventually go astray, this is also the author wants to convey it through this role, but also let the armor summoner understand what his opposite is like.

Armor Warrior Nawa: Don't give up lightly, what are the eye-catching settings of Nawa

The armored warrior Nawa's plastic leather holster made him unpopular, but also because the predecessors were too good, has not been fairly evaluated, until the fourth catcher will appear, everyone rationally returns, when the real analysis of this work, can feel his more and more excellent, he really wants to shoot a good work, the facts prove that the current Nava is also quite good. Here is the warm anime, welcome to comment on attention.

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