
Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck drive from the right side of the main road into the ramp, passing a U

author:Brilliant Dreamer H

Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck from the main road to the right into the ramp, after a U-shaped curve after the truck successfully turned around and drove into the lane, speaking of this many people may be very surprised, this design is too humane, everyone knows that the highway can not turn around, if the driver misses the exit for some reason, you can only leave from the next exit, good luck as long as you drive 10 kilometers to meet the exit, if bad luck may have to drive 60 kilometers to meet the exit, or even farther, I believe that everyone has encountered this situation.

So why the highway can not turn around, there are two main reasons, the first reason: driving on the highway is very fast, if you turn around, it will not only affect the vehicles behind, but even cause collision accidents.

The second reason is that the billing system will be disrupted, highways are generally charged according to the distance, if the car turns around halfway how to charge? This highway belongs to the Ziwang Expressway, Spark Special Bridge Section, located in Anshun City, Ziyun County, Spark Town, the total length of the road is 4075 meters, the highest point of the bridge deck is 115 meters from the ground, it can be said that there are 35 floors high, then the highway uses two-way six lanes.

According to the staff description, the reason why the U-shaped U-turn ramp will be built on the Ziwang Expressway, mainly considering the cost and traffic flow, originally planned to build a toll station here but helplessly there are caves, mud, fault fractures and other complex formations inside the mountain, it is quite difficult to build the project under this terrain, in order to overcome this problem, the designer broke the conventional design of the U-shaped ramp, not only shortened the project scale of 2 kilometers, but also reduced the project expenditure of at least 50 million, At the same time, it is convenient for the driver to turn around.

Do you think it's necessary to design a U-turn on the highway?

Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck drive from the right side of the main road into the ramp, passing a U
Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck drive from the right side of the main road into the ramp, passing a U
Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck drive from the right side of the main road into the ramp, passing a U
Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck drive from the right side of the main road into the ramp, passing a U
Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck drive from the right side of the main road into the ramp, passing a U
Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck drive from the right side of the main road into the ramp, passing a U
Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck drive from the right side of the main road into the ramp, passing a U
Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck drive from the right side of the main road into the ramp, passing a U
Do you know about highways where you can make u-turns? There is a highway in Guizhou that can turn around, or the first time I have heard of it. Only to see a truck drive from the right side of the main road into the ramp, passing a U

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