
Systematic Evolution Strategy 500 Question 150: Traps, Blind Spots, and Delusions of Strategic Thinking? If you often chat with entrepreneurs or founders in different industries, you know different industries in different fields

author:Systems Evolution Strategy Think Tank SES

Systematic Evolution Strategy 500 Question 150: Traps, Blind Spots, and Delusions of Strategic Thinking?

If you often chat with entrepreneurs or founders in different industries, you know how big the gap in thinking is in different fields and different industries, you can see the essential insight into the industry, you can see the deviations of different industries, and you can also see the difference between different stages of different skills, strategic thinking is not something that can be achieved in one day or two days, it requires continuous professionalism, experience and vision accumulation, strategic thinking ability is the need for deep skill, only the theoretical foundation is not OK, only market experience is not GOOD, the need to implement unity needs to accumulate thick and thin, In order to be able to build from a high vantage point, landing sound, clear value, I said several common strategic thinking traps for your reference and study, the first is the trap brought by industry restrictions, the so-called interlacing is like a mountain, we must respect the rules of different industries, but also jump out of the industry, thinking cracking, to see cross-border innovation, innovative practices in the surrounding fields, this is very important, the so-called multidisciplinary thinking at the strategic level but also multi-industry, cross-industry thinking, this is very important; the second is the model trap, Many people indulge in business model innovation, all day long thinking about playing empty gloves, white gloves through the subversion model, how many resources to integrate at every turn, this basically falls into the product and service level; the third is the capital trap, that is, the overall thinking of playing a handful of capital, whether it is cyclical arbitrage or industry arbitrage, just think of arbitrage through capital, and finally the company's business is not good, but also by the capital pecked at the eyes of the eyes more than worth the loss; the fourth is the management trap, the business is not good to grow, that is, the business is an internal management problem, To get the idea of what equity incentives, performance appraisal, city partners and other management systems and mechanisms to solve, this is a bit of a fool's dream; of course, there are many blind spots in thinking, such as the blind spot of strategic management, the blind spot of thinking about industry competition, the blind spot of thinking about product and service market demand, and so on. Whether it is a thinking trap or a blind spot is a thinking shackle that affects strategic design and layout, it needs to be broken and avoided, strategy is the most rigorous science, only need to follow the strategic science methodology and objective laws, there will be no underlying logical risks. #Strategic Thinking##Strategic Traps##Cognitive Blind Spots##Strategic Thinking##Business Cognition##Cognitive#Evolutionary Strategy##Systems Strategy#Thinking Blind Spots##Capital Traps##Strategy##妄想 #

Systematic Evolution Strategy 500 Question 150: Traps, Blind Spots, and Delusions of Strategic Thinking? If you often chat with entrepreneurs or founders in different industries, you know different industries in different fields

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