
Not long ago, I saw a video on Weibo, a family invited guests to eat and drink after relatives and friends left, the host was drunk and slept, the hostess was busy cleaning up the mess, cleaning up for a few hours, down

author:Spring Breeze Talk

Not long ago, I saw a video on Weibo, a family invited guests to eat and drink after relatives and friends left, the host was drunk and slept, the hostess was busy cleaning up the mess, cleaning up for a few hours, the following comment said that it was a free nanny.

This is not an exaggerated video shooting technique, this is the truth I have seen since I was a child, not only when I invite guests, but also when I eat every day, my father will come to eat when he is ready to eat, and he will leave after eating, and everything else is done by my mother.

There are two female elders, who earn more than their husbands, and have been abused by the family and dare not divorce. One of the houses was bought entirely at her expense, and her husband would teach her children to scold her for being uneducated, and the other was not very clear.

There is a male elder, who has made a lot of money in middle age, is good to the family, and the children have also gone to college. His wife was at ease at home and did her best to take care of the elderly and children, and then found that her husband had already given birth to a child outside, and also bought a house for the third child and the child.

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