
Developmental characteristics and early education games for children aged 0-6 years: 1-3 months

This article contains three parts: the development characteristics of children aged 1-3 months, the early education activities of appropriate age, and the principles of getting along with children.

1. Developmental characteristics of children aged 1-3 months.

1. Characteristics of motor ability.

The head and chest can be lifted when lying prone. You can support your upper body with your arms.

When lying prone or supine, you can raise your legs and kick around.

Hands can be opened and fists can be clenched.

When the feet are placed on a hard plane, they will squat down.

You can put your hand in your mouth.

They can fiddle with their hands, and objects hanging in front of them can grab small toys and shake them.

2. Vision characteristics.

Carefully observe the face tracking moving objects.

Familiar objects and people can be discerned at a certain distance.

Begin to coordinate hand-eye movements.

3. Characteristics of listening and language skills.

Laugh when you hear your voice.

Start the tooth language.

Start imitating some sounds.

When a sound is heard, it turns its head to the place where the sound is made.

4. Emotional and social skills characteristics.

A social smile begins to appear.

Like to play games with other people may cry when they stop.

Communication skills are stronger, facial expressions and body language are richer.

Can imitate some movements and facial expressions.

Second, early education games.

This stage is still based on feeding and basic care, and the child's needs are actively responded to during caregiving, and some parent-child games can be tried when the child is sober and willing to participate:

1. Practice head-up.

Developmental characteristics and early education games for children aged 0-6 years: 1-3 months

Parents let the child lie on the thigh, slightly raise one leg, and let the baby practice looking up.

Benefits: Strengthens neck and core strength to prepare your baby for sitting.

2. Clap your hands.

Developmental characteristics and early education games for children aged 0-6 years: 1-3 months

Parents lie on their backs, let the children sit at the base of the thighs, bend their knees to prevent the children from falling backwards, hold their small hands, and clap their hands while singing.

Benefits: Exercise your child's physical stability and core strength.

3. Touch the whole body.

Developmental characteristics and early education games for children aged 0-6 years: 1-3 months

While touching the children, gently call out their names and the parts of the body that are being touched.

Benefits: Allowing children to receive tactile stimulation can also cultivate a good parent-child relationship, help the baby calm down, and help the baby sleep.

4. Bedbell toys.

Developmental characteristics and early education games for children aged 0-6 years: 1-3 months

You can buy or make your own simple shape, bright color bedbell hanging on the baby's bedside, so that the baby can use the eyes to observe, you can also shake in different directions, let the baby use the eyes to find the sound source.

Benefits: Exercise your child's rapidly evolving visual and auditory senses.

5. Read stories to your child.

Developmental characteristics and early education games for children aged 0-6 years: 1-3 months

Read stories or picture books to your baby, don't care if they can understand it, your voice intonation is the most interesting thing for them.

Benefits: Strengthens parent-child bond and prepares for language development.

6. Sing to children.

Developmental characteristics and early education games for children aged 0-6 years: 1-3 months

Sing nursery rhymes or nursery rhymes to your child, and try to sing them in human voices.

Benefits: Promotes language development and helps children perceive rhythm and rhythm.

7. Peekaboo.

Developmental characteristics and early education games for children aged 0-6 years: 1-3 months

Cover your face with your hands or scarf, and then quickly expose your face, you can also add some sounds: Daddy is not, Daddy is out!

Benefits: The baby at this stage is very interested in the face, such a game is a good visual and auditory stimulus for children, and the disappearing and appearing faces can also exercise the baby's cognition.

Third, the principle of getting along with children (0-6 years old).

1. Let children participate in activities that they are interested in or are paying attention to.

2. Provide high-quality accompaniment.

3. Observe and understand children's unique communication styles, even if they can't speak, they can communicate with you through their limbs and expressions.

4. Regard the child as a complete person and pay attention to the child's all-round development.

5. Respect children.

6) Express your feelings honestly.

7. Lead by example and avoid preaching.

8, the problem is the child's opportunity to grow, do not help the child solve all problems because of coddling.

9, do not deceive the child, and the child to build a sense of trust.

10, do not have unrealistic expectations for children, pay attention to the quality of development at each stage.

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