
Leek egg roll, red wine simmered beef, orange juice squirrel fish, chicken stir-fried cauliflower, shiitake mushroom roast radish

author:Durian can also sell cuteness

In the world, only love and food can not be disappointed, love has been disappointed too much, food can no longer be disappointed. As the saying goes, "the people take food as the sky", and I am very much in favor of this sentence. I can call myself a "little foodie" because I've done a lot of research on the cuisine. Just the name of the dish, I can talk about hundreds of kinds. Roast duck in Beijing, small fat sheep in Inner Mongolia, lamb steamed bun in Xi'an, knife-cut noodles in Shanxi...

I often hear a lot of people say in life, "I can't cook." "In fact, the easiest thing to learn is to cook, unless you don't want to learn, of course, to do well, you must be careful." I remember when my son was cooking in junior high school, he said a very funny and incisive sentence: Cooking is easy! It is to put the seasonings of oil, salt, sauce, and vinegar into the ingredients in order! hehe! Think about it!

Returning to the truth, if a qualified housewife wants to do a good job of home cooking, she must be diligent and serious, and second, she must learn more, see more, think more, practice more, and innovate more. Table eating is a science, related to the health and happiness of the whole family, and the meals made with heart must be the best! Let me introduce you to some home-cooked methods.

Leek egg roll, red wine simmered beef, orange juice squirrel fish, chicken stir-fried cauliflower, shiitake mushroom roast radish

Beef simmered in red wine


Beef: to taste; green and red pepper: to taste; potatoes: to taste; onion: to taste; carrots: to taste; red pepper: to taste; thyme: to taste; red wine: to taste; butter: to taste; salt: to taste; black pepper: to taste; beef soup: to taste; to taste; to taste; flour: to taste;


1. Cut the beef into small pieces, and the green and red peppers, potatoes, onions, and carrots are also cut into grains of similar size.

2. Heat the pot and add butter, first add the onion grains to sauté, then add the beef granules, stir-fry over low heat until the beef granules change color, then add the potato kernels, carrot granules, red pepper powder, thyme.

3. After the beef is fried until the water comes out, then dry the juice and pour in the red wine to concentrate it.

4. Pour in the beef broth, bring to a boil over high heat, simmer over low heat until the beef is crispy, and finally season with salt and black pepper. Finally, add the green and red peppercorns.

5. In another pot, heat the butter and sauté a little flour. Pour in the beef and soup to thicken.

Orange juice squirrel fish

Leek egg roll, red wine simmered beef, orange juice squirrel fish, chicken stir-fried cauliflower, shiitake mushroom roast radish

Ingredients: 1 grass carp, 2 egg yolks, 300 grams of walnuts, 30 grams of ginger juice, 100 grams of orange juice, 30 grams of cheese powder, 50 grams of honey, 30 grams of rock sugar


1. Slaughter the grass carp and dispose of it cleanly, remove the bone and flesh and change the knife.

2. Put the modified fish meat on the bottom flavor, egg paste, add Rimba Jishi powder, pat powder to form a squirrel shape.

3: Take the pot and burn the oil to 50% oil temperature, fry the fish into the pot to make a shape, golden brown, crispy skin, pour out the oil control, and set up a good shape.

4, walnuts are fried with syrup to make walnut hills, for decorative embellishment.

5, wash the pot clean, add less water, then add ginger juice, Rimula orange juice, rock sugar, honey and other spices to boil, hook a small amount of borage, drizzle on the squirrel, walnut hill plate garnish can be.

Chicken stir-fried cauliflower

Leek egg roll, red wine simmered beef, orange juice squirrel fish, chicken stir-fried cauliflower, shiitake mushroom roast radish

Ingredients: chicken breast, cauliflower Seasoning: shredded green onion, ginger, large ingredients, cooking oil, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, oyster sauce, powder

Directions: 1: Wash the chicken breast, cut into slices and marinate in salt cooking wine cooking oil for a while, then grasp well with powder.

2, cauliflower wash and split into small flowers, sit in a pot of boiling water, blanch it, fish out the cold water, control the clean water and set aside. Shred the green onion, mince the ginger and slice the garlic.

3, take another wok of stir-frying, put the oil, the oil is warm and put the large ingredients into it, and then put the ginger minced, put the chicken breast into the pot and stir-fry until the meat changes color and puts it out for later, then put the chopped ginger into the stir-fry to make the aroma, put the blanched cauliflower and stir-fry.

4, put cooking wine, chicken essence, oyster sauce, put the slippery chicken breast into the pot, quickly stir-fry, put salt, stir-fry, out of the pot and plate

Grilled radish with shiitake mushrooms

Leek egg roll, red wine simmered beef, orange juice squirrel fish, chicken stir-fried cauliflower, shiitake mushroom roast radish

Ingredients: Shiitake mushrooms, white radish, ginger, green onion, coriander, oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, salt, five-spice powder

1: Soak the shiitake mushrooms in water, wash and slice them, wash the white radish and cut into cubes of about 1 cm.

2: Heat the wok, pour the oil, heat the oil and add the minced ginger to stir-fry, then add the mushrooms and five-spice powder and stir-fry the aroma.

3: Stir-fry the radish cubes for a while, add soy sauce and continue to fry for half a minute.

4: Add water and simmer over low heat until the radishes are soft and rotten.

5: Then add oyster sauce, sugar and salt and stir-fry well.

6: Turn the heat to collect the juice, and finally add the minced parsley and MSG to taste.

Leek egg roll

Leek egg roll, red wine simmered beef, orange juice squirrel fish, chicken stir-fried cauliflower, shiitake mushroom roast radish

Ingredients: leeks, eggs, ham, cornstarch, water, salt.

1: Soak the leeks in water for 20 minutes, rinse well, cut into 5 mm long segments, cut the ham into 5 mm cubes, beat two eggs into a bowl, add salt, and stir well with chopsticks.

2: Mix corn starch and water into a bowl to make water starch, pour into the egg mixture and mix well, add chopped leeks and minced ham and mix well.

3: Put a little vegetable oil in the pan, cook until it is 80% hot, pour in the leek eggs, turn the pot, spread out the egg liquid, and use the spatula to spread the leeks and ham evenly.

4, fry over low heat, wait until the egg liquid on the side of the pot has solidified, but the egg liquid in the center is still not solidified, lift the egg skin, roll up to the middle, after the egg skin is rolled into a cylinder, continue to fry with low heat until the egg skin is golden brown on both sides, and press down with a spatula to be more firm.

5: Stir the pot and cut the egg rolls into small pieces.

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