
Dried roasted radish [Zhejiang cuisine]

author:Good recipes
Dried roasted radish [Zhejiang cuisine]

【Dish name】 Dried roasted radish

【Cuisine】 Zhejiang cuisine

【Features】 The taste is sweet and rich in nutrients.

【Raw Materials】

500 grams of radish, watercress sauce, soy sauce, rice wine, chicken powder, vinegar each appropriate amount.

【Production process】

1: Wash the radish, peel it, cut into 3 cm long, 1 cm thick strips, fry in 60% hot oil until soft, drain and set aside; chop the watercress paste. 2: Heat the oil on the wok, fry the bean paste until the oil is red, put in the radish pieces and sauté a few times, cook into the rice wine, add soy sauce, sugar, chicken powder and a small amount of water, change to low heat to taste, cook in balsamic vinegar. Welcome to upload your recipe compositions

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