
The method of sea rice roasted radish | the home cooking method of sea rice roasted radish

author:Salute to Brother Liang

Sea rice roasted radish

The method of sea rice roasted radish | the home cooking method of sea rice roasted radish

A simple and harmonious combination of examples

The nutritional value of white radish is extremely high. White radish has a high vitamin content, which can prevent colds, because its coolness has the effect of clearing fire, and can help digestion, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and also have a certain effect on cough and pharyngitis. White lotus must be sea rice with the same roast, can remove the radish jerky ignorance, the taste is excellent, is a wholesome food.

The method of sea rice roasted radish | the home cooking method of sea rice roasted radish

Raw material for sea rice roasted radish

Ingredients: 1 white radish, 30 grams of sea rice, 1 green garlic

Seasoning: 10 g sugar, salt, pepper, sesame oil to taste

◆ White radish as far as possible to pick the tasseled, relatively straight, uniform thickness, so that it is fresher, more watery, the taste is sweeter.

◆ Haimi try to buy packaged in the supermarket or sold by fishermen at the seaside, and the quality is more guaranteed.

The preparation of sea rice roasted radish

The method of sea rice roasted radish | the home cooking method of sea rice roasted radish

To cook the turnips in haimi, step 1, soak the rice in warm water for 20 minutes in advance, and chop the garlic and set aside (Picture (1) (2)).

Step 2 of the preparation of sea rice roasted radish, first cut the white radish into 0.7 cm thick slices (Picture (3) (4)), and then cut into coarse wires for use (Picture (5)).

◆ White radish shreds should not be cut too finely, otherwise it will rot easily when burned.

◆ If the white radish is too large, you don't have to eat it at once, you can use enough for one dish. The middle section of the radish is the most delicious, with less moisture at both ends and more spicy.

The method of sea rice roasted radish | the home cooking method of sea rice roasted radish

Step 3: Heat the pot, pour the oil, add the oil to the temperature, and then add the sea rice and sauté for 10 seconds (Picture (6)). Add shredded white radish and sauté for half a minute (Picture (7)), add a little salt, sugar and pepper, add a little soaked sea rice water and stir-fry well, cover the pot and simmer for 10 minutes, until the radish is soft and not rotten, then collect the juice on high heat, add the chopped garlic, and then drop a few drops of sesame oil to get out of the pot.

◆ White radish will produce some bitterness during the heating process, so you need to add some sugar to neutralize it.

◆The water soaked in sea rice tastes very fresh, do not waste it, and can be used when cooking.

◆ Don't fry the sea rice for too long, just fry the aroma, otherwise it will dry out, and the aroma will run away.

◆The garlic is added at the end to remove the jerky taste of the white radish and to titian.

◆ The simmering time should not be too long, the radish can be out of the pot when it is soft.

The practice of roasting radish with sea rice is capricious - radish caprice

I remember when I was a child, I boiled millet porridge every day at home in Shanxi, and the potatoes and carrots in it would often be enlarged, and I once found it difficult to swallow. Shanxi people are good at this bite, if one or two meals do not eat potatoes and radish, they will be more uncomfortable, plus there are not many vegetables at that time, especially in winter, so that for a long time, foreigners like my family are also used to that way of eating. At that time, I often ate fried white radish shreds, vegan stir-fried, and there was no sea rice at all, which made me cry at one point. However, when I grew up, I really thought that radish was a good thing, nutritious and healthy, as long as it was cooked properly, it could become a good food. Now there are more varieties of radish, there are fruit radish, cherry radish, thumb radish and other feelings I have fallen in love with it, the taste has its own advantages, I don't know if it is not to mention that I am also surnamed "Luo".

The method of sea rice roasted radish | the home cooking method of sea rice roasted radish

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