
Life Tricks! The "little ginseng" on the table has different effects from cooked food

In winter, a wide variety of turnips is undoubtedly a common delicacy on the table of our people. Chinese medicine believes that radish is cool, spicy and sweet, can eliminate stagnation, phlegm fever, can alleviate the symptoms of mouth ulcers, dry and itchy throat, sore throat, cough, cold, etc., and also has the effect of nourishing the stomach, treating constipation, lowering lipids and reducing sugar, and losing weight. Why eat turnips in winter? Folk have a "winter supplement, the next year to fight the tiger" saying, most of the supplements on the market are easy to cause fire, but the radish can be smooth to reduce the fire, to make up for the pass. Radish is widely used in the field of diet and traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy, so there is a saying that "eating radish in winter and eating ginger in summer, not working for doctors to prescribe medicine".

Life Tricks! The "little ginseng" on the table has different effects from cooked food

Three sons raise relatives soup

The seed of the radish is called Lai Zi, which is a very important Chinese medicine, which mainly has the effects of digestion, stagnation, rational qi, wide middle, lower phlegm, and gas. There is a famous recipe in Chinese medicine, which has a history of thousands of years now, called "Three Sons Raising Relatives Soup", "Three Sons" is the abbreviation of Sanwei Chinese medicine, which are Lai Zi, Su Zi and White Mustard Seed. This formula has the effect of warming the lungs and reducing phlegm, reducing breath and eliminating food, and is very effective in the treatment of cough and sputum.

Radish race ginseng

Radish was also used as a kind of food of medicinal and food homology in ancient times, and its role was not only to rationalize phlegm and eliminate food stagnation. "Radish Sai ginseng" is not the tonic effect of ginseng, but the rational effect of ginseng. Radish also has a tonic effect that is very similar to the efficacy of ginseng, such as yin effect, lung moisturizing effect, digestion effect, laxative effect, detoxification effect. Radish has such a high therapeutic value, the reputation of "little ginseng" can be described as well-deserved.

Life Tricks! The "little ginseng" on the table has different effects from cooked food

Raw and cooked are healthy

Chinese medicine believes that in winter, people's pores are closed, the gastrointestinal tract is prone to internal fire, the activity is reduced, the qi and blood are stagnant, and the radish can open up the stagnation. The effect of raw radish and cooked food is not the same, raw eating can moisten the lungs, cooked eating can moisten the intestines. Radish has strong antibacterial ability, can eliminate harmful components in the gastrointestinal tract, and also has the effect of nourishing the stomach, lowering fat, lowering sugar, curing constipation and weight loss. Eating raw radish has the effect of clearing heat, raw jin and detoxification. Radish has mustard oil and dietary fiber in it, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help the treatment of constipation. Eating too much mustard oil will cause physical discomfort, but after the radish is cooked, the mustard oil volatilizes, so people with weak spleen and stomach are recommended to cook radish.

(Source "Workplace Health Class") Proofreader Liang Yaqin

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