
In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

Winter eat radish summer eat ginger, the weather slowly turns cool, a large bowl of hot fragrant Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish on the table, it is really warm and satisfied, especially with the addition of Haoji sour and spicy Sichuan aromatic juice, the wonderful Sichuan flavor is easy to get, eliminating the cumbersome proportion of collocation, the Haoji sour and spicy Sichuan aroma juice is directly poured in, the perfect Sichuan flavor is immediately obtained.

by elegant long scarf 【Douguo food official certification master】

Pork belly 200g

1 white radish

1 chives

1 green onion

Ginger 3 tablets

1 octagon

3 incense leaves

1 piece of cinnamon

20 peppercorns

Hauge sour spicy Sichuan sauce 2 scoops

Hauge chicken essence 2 g

1 scoop of cooking oil

3 scoops of soy sauce

Pixian watercress sauce half a spoon

1 scoop of sweet noodle sauce

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

1. Prepare the ingredients.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

2: Cut the pork into large thick slices and put them into boiling water, blanch, fish out, add peppercorns to the water to increase the fragrance.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

3: Prepare the accessories and slice the green onion and ginger.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

4: Put in the cooking oil in the oil pan, add the auxiliary ingredients and stir-fry the aroma after the oil is hot.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

5: Stir-fry pixian bean paste and sweet noodle sauce.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

6: Stir-fry the sliced meat and color it.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

7: Cut the white radish into thick slices and stir-fry in a pot.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

8: Stir-fry evenly.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

9: Pour in the soy sauce to taste.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

10: Pour an appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

11: Reduce heat to medium to low and simmer.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

12: Add Haoji's sour and spicy Sichuan flavor juice.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

13: Add Haoji chicken essence to freshen.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

14: Sprinkle with chopped chives to increase the aroma, turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

In winter, drink #Haoji Chuanxiang delicious #Sichuan fragrant pork belly roast radish, delicious and cold-resistant

15, full of aroma, on the table!

Haoji sour and spicy Sichuan sauce is used to stir-fry meat slices, with a unique flavor and strong and debilitating flavor.

1. Supplement protein

Pork provides humans with high-quality protein and essential fatty acids. Pork provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine, which promotes iron absorption, and can improve iron deficiency anemia.

2. Nourish the kidneys and nourish the blood

Pork tastes sweet and salty, flat in nature, into the spleen, stomach, kidney meridians; Nourish the kidneys and nourish the blood, nourish the yin and moisten the dry; Indications for the treatment of fever and injury, thirst quenching, weak kidney, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, deficiency, yin, dryness, liver yin, moisturizing skin, two stools and quenching thirst.

3. Moisturizing

Pork boiled soup can be urgently replenished due to insufficient liquid caused by irritability, dry cough, constipation and dystocia.

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