
A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

Dried scallops are a type of food, which is a dried product of scallops. The nutritional value is very high, with the function of nourishing the yin and tonifying the kidneys, and stomach regulation, it can treat dizziness, dry throat and thirst, hypochondria coughing up blood, spleen and stomach weakness and other symptoms, and regular food helps to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and supplement fitness. Autumn is the season to eat radish, radish can enhance immunity, qi and replenish qi, today with dried shellfish pillars and radish to make a light and nourishing food!

By nk crooked


Radish 1 large (500G)

Dried scallop column 80g

Onion to taste

Salt to taste

MSG a little

A little sugar

Abalone juice to taste

Sesame oil a little

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

1, radish wash and peel, this time use dry radish, no dry radish with white radish can also be

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

2. Wash the dried scallop column

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

3. Add a little liquor and soak for about 10 minutes to remove the fishy smell (you can replace the liquor with cooking wine)

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

4: Cut the radish into slightly thicker slices

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

5: Boil water in a pot

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

6: After the water boils, add the radish and blanch the water to remove the odor of the radish

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

7, when blanching water, you can add a little white vinegar appropriately, which can better taste. The radish is basically blanched and then fished out and set aside

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

8: Heat the oil in a pot, sauté the shells and stir-fry until fragrant

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

9: Sauté until slightly yellow and set aside

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

10: Use the oil of sautéed shellfish to continue to add green onions and sauté the aroma

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

11, down into the radish sautéed, here I added a little water, radish can be sautéed for a longer time.

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

12: Add an appropriate amount of abalone juice and taste with a little sugar

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

13: When the water in the pot is almost finished, add the sautéed shells, add salt, monosodium glutamate, and stir-fry a few times

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

14: Turn off heat and pour sesame oil, stir well

A small fresh version of the scallop radish that makes you unable to stop chopsticks

15: Remove from the pot


The taste of the shell is delicious, so this dish does not need to add too many heavy spices, the basic seasoning is the mainstay, highlighting the taste of the ingredients themselves.

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