
Spinach golden hook tofu soup [Zhejiang cuisine]

author:Good recipes

【Dish name】 Golden hook soup

【Cuisine】 Zhejiang cuisine

【Features】 The soup is clear, fresh and refreshing.

【Raw Materials】

150 grams, tender 200 grams, shuifa sea rice 50 grams, salt, monosodium glutamate, rice wine each appropriate amount, green onion, silk a total of 5 grams, sesame oil appropriate amount.

【Production process】

1, the plucked washed, cut into about 4 cm of segments, in boiling water slightly blanched, fished out immediately with cool water over cold; the tender cut into about 1 cm wide slices set aside. 2: Put 2 tablespoons of oil in the oil pot, put the green onion and silk simmering pot under high heat, cook into the shaojiu, add the appropriate amount of clear soup, put the pot, sea rice, salt, msg, after the soup is boiled, skim off the foam, drizzle with sesame oil. Welcome to upload your recipe compositions

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