
The showdown between China and Japan on annual fishing: Japan's annual fishing volume is 4.2 million tons, how many tons does China have?

author:Goshawk Encyclopedia
The showdown between China and Japan on annual fishing: Japan's annual fishing volume is 4.2 million tons, how many tons does China have?


Japan, an island nation surrounded by the sea, is blessed with abundant marine living resources, making it one of the world's largest consumers of fish. Ocean fishing has long been an important part of the life and culture of the Japanese people. In particular, Japanese fishermen rely on fishing techniques that have been passed down for generations, and the quality of the fish they catch is loved by both domestic and foreign diners. However, as time passed, problems such as overfishing and marine pollution began to come to the fore, seriously threatening the sustainability of fishery resources.

On the other hand, after the 90s of the last century, China has gradually become the world's largest fishing country with its vast sea area and the rapid development of marine fisheries. Unlike Japan's traditional inshore fishing methods, China has begun to vigorously develop distant-water fisheries, which not only greatly increased the country's fishery production, but also marked a major shift in China's marine fisheries. At the same time, while promoting the growth of fishery catches, China has gradually realized the importance of marine resource protection, and has begun to focus on the sustainable use and ecological protection of marine ecology in both policy and practice.

Although there are differences in fishing methods and fishery management, these two major maritime fishery countries in East Asia are facing a common challenge: how to find the best balance between the pursuit of fishery production growth and the maintenance of marine ecological balance. We'll explore this further in what follows.

The showdown between China and Japan on annual fishing: Japan's annual fishing volume is 4.2 million tons, how many tons does China have?

When discussing the development and current situation of Japan's marine fishing industry, it is important to mention the country's unique geographical advantages and glorious achievements in history. Surrounded by the sea, especially the fishing grounds around Hokkaido, Japan is famous for its abundant fishing resources. Over the years, these fisheries have provided Japan with a large amount of marine living resources.

Looking back, Japan once ranked first in the world's marine fishing, and the contribution of the fishing industry to the country's economy should not be underestimated. However, over time, the depletion of resources due to overfishing and the increase in marine pollution since the industrial era have brought unprecedented challenges to Japan's fishing industry. According to relevant data, Japan's fishing volume has shown a downward trend in recent years, and the catch in 2021 was only 4.2 million tons.

In addition, the Japanese government's decision to discharge the treated nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea has also aroused strong opposition from the international community. Not only does this pose a potential risk to the marine ecosystem, but the current state of Japan's marine fishing industry is indeed worth studying.

The showdown between China and Japan on annual fishing: Japan's annual fishing volume is 4.2 million tons, how many tons does China have?

When it comes to Japan's fishing industry, Hokkaido's vast fishing grounds have long been known for their abundance of resources and variety of species. Recall that during the heyday of the fishing industry, Japan's dependence on marine resources was at its peak. At that time, Japan became the global leader in marine fishing catches due to its superb fishing skills and careful management.

However, the scenery is no more, but the reality is cruel. It's 2021, and if you look at the data, you'll find that Japan's total fishing has dropped to 4.2 million tons, which is undoubtedly a significant step back from its former glory. Behind this, of course, problems such as overfishing and marine pollution are to blame. The alarm bells for resource depletion have sounded, and the topic of sustainability has been pushed to the forefront.

The showdown between China and Japan on annual fishing: Japan's annual fishing volume is 4.2 million tons, how many tons does China have?

Marine pollution, especially the discharge of nuclear wastewater, has exacerbated the plight of the fishing industry. Despite the international community's skepticism and opposition, they decided to continue discharging treated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea. This decision not only has a negative impact on Japan's marine ecology, but also serves as a relief to fishermen who depend on marine resources for their livelihoods. The impact has also gradually spread to the international market, and some fish products are sold further afield to Europe and the United States. Right now, Japan's marine fishing industry needs a change, a shift towards sustainability and environmental responsibility.

When it comes to China's marine fishing industry, this topic can be said to be another dimension of wonderful. Relying on the vast sea area and infinite fishery resources, China has firmly occupied the throne of the world's largest fishing country since the 90s of the 20th century, showing extraordinary ability and potential. Looking at the specific data, by 2021, China's total marine capture fish production has reached a staggering 66,902,900 tons, which represents the strong productivity of China's fishing industry.

When it comes to China's fishery resources, it has to mention the four major fishing grounds owned by China: Bohai Sea Fishery, Zhoushan Fishery, East China Sea Fishery and South China Sea Fishery. These fishing grounds are not only rich in resources, but also highly diverse, providing solid support for the development of China's fisheries. At the same time, distant-water fishing has also become a major highlight of China's fishing industry. Since its inception in 1985, China's distant-water fishing industry has grown rapidly, with more than 170 distant-water fishing enterprises and more than 2,500 distant-water fishing vessels, covering a variety of rare seafood such as tuna and squid.

The showdown between China and Japan on annual fishing: Japan's annual fishing volume is 4.2 million tons, how many tons does China have?

It is worth mentioning that while pursuing the development of fisheries, China has not neglected the protection of marine ecology. By implementing measures such as fishing moratoriums and closed areas, China is trying to find an ideal balance between the growth of capture production and the ecological balance of the oceans. It is true that such efforts have achieved initial results and have become an important part of China's strategy for the sustainable development of fisheries.

Looking at the marine fishing industry in China and Japan, we have witnessed the respective strategies and achievements of the two maritime powers in the use and protection of marine resources. In particular, China has far surpassed Japan to become the world's largest fishing country in terms of fish catch.

In terms of sustainable development, China's marine fishing industry has shown lessons to be learned. Through a series of measures such as the implementation of a fishing moratorium and the establishment of no-fishing zones, China aims to protect the marine ecosystem and ensure the sustainable use of fishery resources. These measures have not only helped China achieve the healthy development of its fisheries, but also provided valuable practical examples for global marine ecological protection.

The showdown between China and Japan on annual fishing: Japan's annual fishing volume is 4.2 million tons, how many tons does China have?


In the face of the global problem of marine pollution, the cooperation and responsibility of China and Japan are becoming more and more important. As important users of marine resources, the joint efforts of the two countries play an irreplaceable role in addressing the challenges of the marine environment and promoting a sustainable management model of marine resources. For example, China and Japan can deepen cooperation in areas such as marine litter disposal and curbing overfishing, and work together to improve the sustainability of marine resource use.

By comparing the marine fishing industry between China and Japan, it is not difficult to find the progress and achievements made by China in the use and protection of marine resources. At the same time, it also shows the potential and importance of cooperation between the two countries in the future protection of the marine environment and the sustainable use of resources.

The showdown between China and Japan on annual fishing: Japan's annual fishing volume is 4.2 million tons, how many tons does China have?

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