
Titans 17 boards 12 frontcourt boards! He was ruthlessly suppressed by Zhou Qi

author:Little mushrooms who love to learn

Harden's Counterattack: From the NBA Fringe to the Knicks Core

In the world of basketball, behind every success lies countless challenges and perseverance. Harden, the Knicks' starting center, has become an integral part of the team, but his basketball journey has not been easy. His story is a typical legend from the NBA's fringe to the core of the team.

Titans 17 boards 12 frontcourt boards! He was ruthlessly suppressed by Zhou Qi

Today, Harden's basketball career is at its peak. His performance with the Knicks has been consistent and outstanding, and he has become a fixture in the hearts of fans and teammates. This season, he played in 82 regular season games, averaging 5.0 points, 6.5 rebounds and 2.6 frontcourt rebounds per game, becoming the team's right-hand man on the inside. Last season, he won the applause of fans with his outstanding performance, averaging 8.3 points, 4.9 rebounds and 2.4 assists per game, becoming an important scoring point for the Knicks.

However, behind Hatten's work is his persistence and hard work for several years. Before entering the NBA, Harden faced countless difficulties and challenges. His talent isn't top-notch, but his attitude and hard work have made him stand out. When he first entered the league, he was just a development league player for the Rockets, and by then his rival Zhou Qi had already made some appearances in the NBA. However, Harden is not discouraged, and he firmly believes that with enough effort, he will be able to establish himself in the NBA.

Titans 17 boards 12 frontcourt boards! He was ruthlessly suppressed by Zhou Qi

During his time with the Rockets, Harden gradually won the recognition of his coach and teammates with his hard work and persistence. He is constantly improving his skills and fitness in training, while also actively learning from his teammates. It was this kind of hard work that allowed him to gradually gain a foothold in the Rockets.

However, Harden's basketball journey has not been easy. During his time with the Rockets, he was in danger of being laid off. However, he did not give up because of this, but worked harder to train and improve himself. In the end, with his performance and hard work, he managed to stay with the Rockets and gradually became an important rotation player for the team.

Titans 17 boards 12 frontcourt boards! He was ruthlessly suppressed by Zhou Qi

After leaving the Rockets, Harden's basketball career ushered in a new turn. He joined the Knicks and gradually became the core of the team. During his time with the Knicks, he earned the respect and trust of fans and teammates with his outstanding performance. Not only is he great on the defensive end, but he is also able to contribute points and assists to the team on the offensive end. It was this all-round performance that earned him a reputation as an "all-around warrior" on the Knicks.

Hatten's counterattack was no accident. His success is inseparable from his own hard work and perseverance, as well as the support and trust of his coaches and teammates. His story tells us that in the world of basketball, as long as you put in enough hard work and perseverance, you will definitely be able to achieve your dreams.

Titans 17 boards 12 frontcourt boards! He was ruthlessly suppressed by Zhou Qi

In addition, Hatten's counterattack also provides us with valuable inspiration. In the competitive NBA, talent and opportunity are important, but what is more important is attitude and hard work. Only by maintaining a positive attitude and working tirelessly can you stand out from the competition. Hatten's story is such a vivid example, and he proves it with his own actions.

On the road of Hatten's counterattack, we can not only see the growth and transformation of a player, but also feel the charm and power of basketball. His story will inspire more young players to chase their dreams and contribute to the cause of basketball.

Titans 17 boards 12 frontcourt boards! He was ruthlessly suppressed by Zhou Qi

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