
China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

author:Love storytelling

May 17, 2024

In the context of increasingly fierce competition in new energy vehicle technology, the breakthrough of China's hydrogen power technology has undoubtedly injected new impetus into the global new energy revolution. With the self-developed "Track 1000" 100-kilogram on-board liquid hydrogen system, China has successfully achieved a breakthrough in the 1,000-kilometer cruising range of heavy-duty trucks, which not only marks China's leading position in the key technology of hydrogen fuel cells, but also will have a far-reaching impact on the reshaping of the global hydrogen energy industry.

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

The breakthrough in this technology stems from the collaborative research of multiple units, which fully reflects the overall strength of China's scientific and technological innovation system. From aerospace science and technology, universities to vehicle enterprises, the close cooperation of the upstream and downstream industry chains has made China a well-deserved leader in the field of hydrogen power technology. This kind of all-round and systematic collaborative innovation is becoming a key magic weapon for China to win the global scientific and technological competition.

In contrast, the "Western camp" represented by the United States is relatively lagging behind in the development of hydrogen power technology. Although they once led the world, their technological advantages are gradually losing due to the lack of systematic investment and policy support. This undoubtedly creates an excellent opportunity for China's rise in this field.

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

At this time, the successful development of China's "Track 1000" liquid hydrogen system has undoubtedly pointed out a new direction for the future development of the global hydrogen energy industry. This innovative achievement has not only reached the international advanced level in terms of performance indicators, but also greatly reduced the cost, which will surely promote the transformation of large vehicles such as heavy trucks to hydrogen power, and lead the entire industry into a new stage of development.

There is no doubt that this competition for hydrogen power technology is no longer just a simple industrial competition, but also contains a contest between two development models and values. On the one hand, China adheres to the concept of independent innovation, openness and cooperation, and on the other hand, it is the "Western model" represented by the United States. Who will ultimately control the future of the global hydrogen energy industry has become the focus of the current competition among technological powers.

China's leading position in hydrogen power technology

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

Looking back at China's development history in the field of hydrogen power technology, it can be found that the root cause of its achievements lies in continuous and stable policy support and a systematic scientific and technological innovation system.

As early as 2016, the Chinese government included hydrogen energy in the 13th Five-Year Plan, and successively introduced a series of support policies. Measures such as increasing investment in basic research, accelerating infrastructure construction such as hydrogen refueling stations, and providing fiscal and tax subsidies have created a good development environment for local enterprises.

With the support of this policy, Chinese enterprises and scientific research institutions have acted quickly to start a systematic innovation involving the upstream and downstream industrial chains. For example, the "Research on Key Technologies for Liquid Hydrogen Storage and Supply of Heavy-duty Vehicles" project led by the 101 Institute of the Sixth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group brought together the strength of Tsinghua University, Beiqi Foton and other units to develop the "Track 1000", the world's leading liquid hydrogen system, through tackling key core technologies.

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

It can be said that China's leading position in the field of hydrogen power technology comes from the benign ecology of policy guidance, financial support and deep integration of industry, university and research. This innovative model of combining top-level design and implementation has enabled China to maintain a continuous technological advantage in the entire industrial chain.

From the perspective of performance parameters, the "Track 1000" liquid hydrogen system has reached the international advanced level. Compared with the previous generation, it not only has a 20% increase in effective volume, increases the hydrogen capacity to 100 kilograms, but also reduces the cost by 30%. This means that China has grasped the initiative in tackling key technologies and industrial applications.

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

What's more, this breakthrough will significantly improve the performance and user experience of hydrogen fuel cell heavy-duty vehicles. The 49-ton heavy-duty truck can easily achieve a range of 1,000 kilometers, which undoubtedly provides an unprecedented opportunity to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of freight logistics and other fields.

It can be said that the rapid progress of China's hydrogen power technology not only reflects the continuous rise of local innovation strength, but also highlights China's leading position in the new energy revolution. It is believed that in the near future, these technological breakthroughs will accelerate the vigorous development of the global hydrogen energy industry.

Driven by technological innovation, the global landscape is being reshaped

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

In fact, this competition for hydrogen power technology is not only an industrial competition, but also a contest between two development models and values. On the one hand, China adheres to the concept of independent innovation, openness and cooperation, and on the other hand, it is the "Western model" represented by the United States.

Judging from the current trend, China's technological leadership in this field will surely promote the reshaping of the global landscape.

First of all, the advent of China's new liquid hydrogen system will greatly improve the performance and cost-effectiveness of hydrogen fuel cells for heavy-duty vehicles, thereby accelerating the market promotion of hydrogen-powered heavy-duty vehicles. This will not only promote the green transformation of China's own freight and logistics industries, but also drive the popularization of similar applications around the world.

Second, China's achievements in hydrogen power technology innovation will further enhance its voice in the global new energy industry chain. With technological leadership, Chinese companies are expected to dominate the global R&D, production and application of hydrogen energy products, thereby strengthening their dominance in this emerging industry.

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

Thirdly, the export of China's hydrogen power technology will inevitably intensify the competition with the "Western model" represented by the United States. The difference between the values and development concepts of one side insisting on independent innovation, openness and cooperation, and the other side abiding by the protectionism of "America First" will surely be manifested in the process of reshaping the global new energy map. Whoever can finally occupy the commanding heights will also have the initiative to dominate the future.

Finally, the internationalization of China's hydrogen power technology will also drive the restructuring of the global hydrogen energy industry chain. Focusing on key core technologies, industrial alliances and ecosystems involving upstream and downstream will inevitably be recombined. This change will not only change the existing competitive landscape, but also profoundly affect the direction of the future energy landscape.

The international influence of China's hydrogen power technology is growing

The successful research and development of the "Track 1000" liquid hydrogen system has not only set off a new round of attention to hydrogen power technology in China, but also its global influence has become increasingly apparent.

First of all, this technological breakthrough will certainly enhance China's position in the global hydrogen energy industry chain. With excellent performance indicators and cost advantages, liquid hydrogen systems made in China are bound to be widely favored in the international market. This not only means that Chinese companies are expected to rise rapidly in the export of key components and finished vehicles, but also makes China occupy a dominant position in the formulation of relevant international standards and rules.

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

At the same time, the international influence of China's hydrogen power technology is also reflected in the restructuring of the industrial chain. In order to keep up with the pace of technological innovation in China, other manufacturers around the world will increase their investment in this field and carry out in-depth cooperation with Chinese enterprises. This will certainly promote the accelerated integration of upstream and downstream industrial chains, so that China can maintain its dominant position in key links.

What is more noteworthy is that China's hydrogen power technology going overseas will inevitably intensify the competition with the "Western model" represented by the United States. The difference in values and development concepts between the two sides insisting on independent innovation, openness and cooperation, and the other side abiding by the protectionism of "America First" will surely compete fiercely in the process of reshaping the global new energy map. This means that the future battlefield is not only limited to product performance and cost, but also extends to industrial ecology and international rules.

It can be said that the breakthrough progress of China's hydrogen power technology has become a key engine to reshape the global new energy industry pattern. It will not only accelerate China's rise in this emerging field, but also promote a new round of scientific and technological revolution around the world.

The crisis of the new energy vehicle industry in the United States

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

In contrast, the United States is losing its dominant position in the field of new energy vehicles sharply. Although Tesla once led the development of electric vehicles around the world, this advantage is gradually disappearing as Chinese companies catch up and surpass in key technologies.

More importantly, the U.S. government has been pursuing an "America First" unilateral protectionist policy, which not only hinders China's new energy vehicles from entering the U.S. market, but also inevitably harms the interests of the majority of U.S. consumers. This approach not only failed to salvage the relative decline of the domestic NEV industry, but accelerated the process.

At the same time, the United States has gradually lost its dominant position in the research and development of key technologies for new energy vehicles and the layout of the industrial chain. Chinese companies are narrowing the technology gap and have achieved significant advantages in cost control and product cost performance.

It can be said that the protectionist policies of the US government are accelerating its relative decline in the field of new energy vehicles. This not only affects the long-term development of the U.S. auto industry, but also inevitably leads to the decline of the U.S. position in the global new energy vehicle market in the future.

In contrast, the rise of China's new energy vehicle industry is becoming an irreversible historical trend. No matter how the United States obstructs, the advantages of Chinese enterprises in technological innovation, product performance, cost control and other aspects will continue to be highlighted, and they will surely occupy a more favorable position in the global market.

The escalation of this new energy vehicle technology competition will also promote the competition between the development models and values of China and the United States to further heat up. One side is committed to openness, cooperation and win-win results, while the other side is clinging to protectionism and unilateralism.

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

The outlook for the future pattern of the new energy industry

There is no doubt that the global new energy industry pattern is at an important turning point. China's breakthrough progress in the field of hydrogen power technology will have a profound impact on the existing market structure.

First of all, the commercial application of China's new liquid hydrogen system will surely drive the rapid popularization of hydrogen fuel cell heavy-duty vehicles. The 49-ton heavy-duty truck can easily achieve a range of 1,000 kilometers, which undoubtedly provides the best solution for the green transformation of the entire logistics and transportation industry. In China, the world's largest automotive consumer market, this technological advantage is bound to help Chinese companies quickly gain a dominant position.

Second, China's leading edge in key core technologies will also promote the restructuring of the global hydrogen energy industry chain. Around this "Track 1000" liquid hydrogen system, upstream and downstream enterprises will accelerate the pace of integration, in order to keep up with the pace of technological innovation. This will not only change the existing industrial competition pattern, but also will affect the evolution direction of the future energy structure.

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

Thirdly, the global promotion of China's hydrogen power technology will inevitably intensify the competition with the "Western model" represented by the United States. One side insists on independent innovation and open cooperation, while the other side sticks to protectionism and unilateralism, and this difference in development concepts will inevitably intensify in the process of reshaping the global new energy industry. Whoever ultimately controls the future of this industry will also be in charge of the path of the global energy transition.

Overall, the breakthrough progress of China's hydrogen power technology will surely become a key engine to reshape the global new energy industry pattern. Whether it is in terms of market share, industrial chain dominance or international rule-making, China will play an increasingly important role with its technological advantages. This not only means the improvement of a country's industrial strength, but also reflects the contest between two development paths and values.

China's hydrogen power has made a breakthrough, and a 49-ton heavy truck can run 1,000 kilometers with a tank of liquid hydrogen!

It is believed that in the near future, the hydrogen power system made in China will become an important force leading the global new energy revolution and make important contributions to the response to climate change and sustainable development. The outcome of this new energy technology competition will also determine who will become the leader of the 21st century science and technology power.

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