
Soft and delicious and calcium supplemental tofu vegetable small square, the baby eats one also wants!

Soft and delicious tofu, coupled with broccoli rich in vitamin C, carrots rich in carotene, and nutritious and comprehensive eggs, eat with a little chewiness, very suitable for exercising the baby's chewing ability, both calcium supplementation and digestion, very suitable for the spring to the baby's breakfast snack Oh ~ ~

Soft and delicious and calcium supplemental tofu vegetable small square, the baby eats one also wants!

Nutritional characteristics:

The nutritional value of tofu is extremely high, rich in protein, fat, B vitamins, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and other essential trace elements. And the digestion and absorption rate of more than 95%, very suitable as a baby's complementary food, can help the baby increase nutrition, help digestion, enhance appetite, very helpful for the baby's teeth, bone development!

Soft and delicious and calcium supplemental tofu vegetable small square, the baby eats one also wants!

Broccoli is rich in dietary fiber, the baby often eats can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation; it is rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and other trace elements can help the baby's bones and teeth growth, strengthen bone problems; iron and folic acid can help the baby prevent iron deficiency anemia; rich vitamin C, carotene and other minerals, but also help to improve the baby's immunity.

Soft and delicious and calcium supplemental tofu vegetable small square, the baby eats one also wants!

Baby eat some carrots for growth and development and nutritional supplements are good, it is rich in a variety of vitamins and trace elements, known as "little ginseng", it is rich in carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the baby's body, supplement skin, hair nutrition, promote the baby's vision development, enhance immunity!

Soft and delicious and calcium supplemental tofu vegetable small square, the baby eats one also wants!

PS: Suitable for babies who are 12 months+ and are not allergic to the following ingredients

Ingredients to prepare:

60 grams of tofu, 20 grams of broccoli, 20 grams of carrots, 30 grams of baby flour, 1 egg.

Recipe Recipe:

Wash and blanch carrots and broccoli, chop and set aside; cut the tofu into small cubes and set aside.

Pour the tofu into a blender, add an egg, whisk into a tofu puree and put it in a bowl;

Pour in a bowl chopped carrots and broccoli, then add 30g of baby flour and stir well;

Brush a small amount of oil in the square mold, add tofu puree, lay flat, steam for 15-20 minutes, put it cold, cut into small pieces and serve.

Soft and delicious and calcium supplemental tofu vegetable small square, the baby eats one also wants!

Valley Mommy Tips:

1. Moms can reduce the amount according to the baby's appetite.

2. The baby should not give too much tofu for the first time, and first observe whether there is an discomfort reaction, and babies under 1 year old are not recommended to eat tofu Oh ~

3. Carrots and broccoli can also be exchanged for other vegetables, but if they are frozen, it is not recommended to change to leafy vegetables.

4. Gu Mommy recommends that mothers adjust the size of the ingredients according to the baby's age and chewing ability, such as trying to make a puree and paste when you first add broccoli

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