
Shiitake mushrooms do not produce mushrooms for internal causes and solutions

Shiitake mushrooms do not produce mushrooms for internal causes and solutions

There are more and more cases of mushroom growers in various places not producing mushrooms or producing few mushrooms.

Some of the old techniques of growing mushrooms for decades also sighed, how can they not grow mushrooms? In the previous article, I discussed with you the objective reasons for the decrease in shiitake mushroom production.

This article and you further discuss the internal causes of mushrooms and solutions.

The small molecule nutrients in the stick accumulate to sufficient concentrations, mainly sugars and amino acids, but also include vitamins, nucleotides and other substances to accumulate to a sufficient concentration for mushroom fruiting bodies to form. These small molecules accumulate enough, and there are few or no mushrooms.

So what factors affect the accumulation of these substances?

There are three aspects: strain characteristics, nutritional conditions, and environmental conditions.

1. Growth characteristics and enzyme-producing characteristics of strains.

Long-aging strains are essentially slow-growing strains, because they grow slowly, accumulate enzymes slowly, have poor decomposition ability, and take a long time to produce mushrooms.

Short-term strains are actually fast-growing strains, producing enzymes fast and growing fast.

Slow-growing strains are at risk, more susceptible to environmental factors and more susceptible to infestation.

2. Nutritional conditions.

The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in raw materials, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content is not enough to meet the accumulation of amino acid nucleotides and so on. Due to the launch of a large number of shiitake mushroom projects in recent years, qualified wood and bran are getting less and less, the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the raw materials are not enough, it is difficult for qiao women to cook without rice, and there is no adequate nutritional yield that cannot be guaranteed.

3. Environmental conditions.

Environmental conditions such as acidity, humidity, temperature, etc. In the past two years, the global temperature has dropped, which has greatly affected the physiological activity of shiitake mushrooms and caused a decline in shiitake mushroom production.

According to the current biotransformation efficiency of shiitake mushrooms, the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrition of most shiitake mushroom ingredients can theoretically meet the demand. So the most central factor is whether the enzymes that break down the lignin cellulose protein accumulate in sufficient amounts.

If the amount of enzyme accumulation is insufficient, there is no effective accumulation of macromolecular substances such as lignin cellulose proteins, and the yield cannot be guaranteed or even mushrooms.

On the other hand, if the amount of enzyme accumulation is sufficient, even if the environmental conditions are worse, the mushrooms will be better produced.

To solve the problem of low production of shiitake mushrooms, we have developed nutrient-rich mushroom enzymes.

1. The product is composed of high-concentration enzymatic proteins and compound enzyme preparations, containing cellulase lignin protease amylase and other decomposition enzymes, which can pre-decompose the material and help hyphae improve the utilization rate of wood chips and other raw materials.

2. At the same time, mushroom enzyme can also improve the growth rate of hyphae, hyphae growth is more vigorous, hyphal density will accumulate more decomposition enzymes, thereby accelerating the decomposition of wood chips. By increasing the total amount of various decomposition enzymes to accelerate the decomposition of lignin cellulose, more components such as xylose glucose amino acids are accumulated in the bacterial stick, thereby ensuring the nutrients required for the formation of fruiting bodies.

3, the amount of accumulated enzymes meets the requirements, so when the temperature is low and the accumulated temperature is insufficient, the use of mushroom enzyme sticks can also ensure stable yield and high yield.

Enzymatic protein is produced by the fermentation and decomposition of five plant proteins, and the nutrient content is several times higher than that of bran, which ensures the supply of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, so that the growth of shiitake mushrooms gets balanced nutrition.

Shiitake mushrooms do not produce mushrooms for internal causes and solutions

Nutrient-rich mushroom enzymes can not only ensure the yield of shiitake mushrooms, but also shorten the steaming time, greatly reduce pollution and prevent rotten sticks.

Because the nutrition is several times higher than that of bran, the amount of bran can be greatly reduced, without increasing or even reducing the cost of ingredients, and the efficiency of cultivating shiitake mushrooms can be improved in all aspects.

Shiitake mushrooms do not produce mushrooms for internal causes and solutions

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