
Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

author:History of Excellence

[This content is an adaptation of a short fictional story, please watch it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]

"It's really not good, you can solve it with a bottle first."

It is said that people have three urgencies, and urgency is the first.

At this moment, I am really embarrassed to get into the hole, and in front of me is a female colleague I have a good impression of.

And I, because I drank too much water, I really want to go to the toilet now, but at this time I am stuck in traffic.

Half an hour ago, the two of us were still talking, laughing, and chatting.

Although she has only been in the company for a few days, she has been very happy with each other in the past few days.

I wanted to take this opportunity to get to know her more, who knew that I was not angry, but I was in urgent need of urine at this time.

The space in the car was small, and my face was flushed, like a balloon about to explode.

The feeling of swelling in the crotch of my pants made it even more difficult for me to sit still.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

Zhang Li also seemed to see my abnormality and asked with concern.

"What's wrong with you? Why is the face so ugly? ”

I didn't speak, just my legs pressed tightly together, and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

In this situation, no matter how stupid Zhang Li is, she can see that I am in a hurry to go to the toilet.

"Do you want to go to the toilet? But we won't be able to get out for a while. ”

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in.

And Zhang Li's next behavior made me even more impressed with her.

As a veteran employee of the company, the matter of bringing new people fell to me.

And after these days of getting along, Zhang Li and I have slowly become acquainted.

Because the place where I live is in the same direction, sometimes I drop by to give her a ride after work.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

It was raining just in time for the day, and as soon as I drove the car up from the garage, I saw Zhang Li standing at the door of the company and didn't leave.

"Zhang Li, get in the car and I'll give you a ride."

Zhang Li was still embarrassed, but seeing that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, she still walked over to me.

I pulled the car door open for her and watched her sit in the passenger seat with a light step.

"How are you feeling these days, are you still adjusting to work?" I asked casually as I started the car.

"Thankfully, thanks to your help," she said happily.

We chatted more and more speculatively, but at that moment, the car suddenly stopped.

"Hey, why is there a long queue ahead?" Zhang Li asked suspiciously.

I looked at the navigation and saw that there was a traffic accident ahead.

Looking at this posture, I'm afraid I won't be able to get over it for a while.

I gave an irritated "tsk".

Damn, it's just that at this time of traffic jam, I managed to create an atmosphere that I was afraid to be ruined by this sudden accident.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

I stole a glance at Zhang Li to see if she was impatient.

Unexpectedly, she was relaxed and comfortable, as if this sudden traffic jam made her breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's fine, it's a rare opportunity, we can have a good chat."

She winked at me, her tone full of excitement.

"Usually when you drive, we don't have a chance to talk slowly like this."

My heart started beating wildly again.

It turned out that she, like me, cherished this time alone and longed to talk to me more.

That's when I felt a rush of urine.

Damn, why do I want to go to the toilet at this time?

But the car was jammed, and there was no toilet nearby, so I had to endure it.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

I frustrated myself and shifted my seat, trying to look natural.

But the urge to urinate is getting stronger and stronger, and I feel like I'm going to suffocate my internal injuries.

"Li Ming, are you okay? Why is your face so ugly?" Zhang Li asked with concern.

She had always been perceptive, and immediately noticed that something was wrong with me.

"No, it's fine." I barely managed to squeeze out a smile, and a cold sweat was already breaking out on my head.

Zhang Li frowned, and suddenly realized: "Do you want to go to the toilet?" I see you just drank a lot of water. "

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

My face turned red.

This kind of thing is quite embarrassing for a big man to say it.

But in front of her, I didn't want to look too vulnerable.

"Yes, a little." I said hesitantly, I can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get into.

Unexpectedly, instead of disliking me, Zhang Li smiled at me.

She pulled out an empty mineral water bottle from her bag and mysteriously stuffed it into my hand.

"Well, take it, make do with it first."

She winked at me, "Don't worry, I won't peek." "

I was stunned.

This seemingly weak girl is so free and capable, and she is not chaotic in the face of danger.

She is always able to give me the help and support I need most at critical moments, and she can always touch my heart with her thoughtfulness.

I gratefully took the water bottle, quickly disposed of it, and threw it in the trash can on the side of the road.

"Thank you, Zhang Li, if it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do."

I said to Zhang Li gratefully.

"Hey, what do you say to me, thank you, people have three urgencies, you can understand."

In this way, in this seemingly incomparably long traffic jam, Zhang Li and I exchanged a tacit smile.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

At that moment, all the troubles and embarrassments vanished, and in their place, they were filled with joy and emotion.

Since that night in the traffic jam, my relationship with Zhang Li has changed subtly.

We started eating lunch together frequently, and we would always find various excuses to delay for a while after work before walking to the parking lot together.

I found that Zhang Li is not only caring and kind, but also very interesting.

She always told weird jokes that made me laugh at me.

With her, the whole person is much more relaxed, and even the troubles of work have been thrown out of the clouds.

Gradually, I began to look forward to every moment with her.

I always have her favorite snacks in my car and the smell of her favorite cologne.

I thought, maybe I've really fallen in love.

But I never had the courage to take that step.

After all, we're just colleagues who met in the water, and if I'm wrong, wouldn't I even have to be friends?

And just like that, I fell into a long-term crush.

I started liking her circle of friends and pretending to be casual about her holiday plans.

But she seemed to be unaware of my overtures, and continued to do her own thing.

Until one day, I accidentally bumped into her talking and laughing with a boy.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

At that moment, I felt like my heart was being pinched hard.

It turned out that in her mind, I was no different from other colleagues.

A sense of loss came to me like a tidal wave.

I started to avoid her and stopped talking to her.

Even the daily off-duty bus, I made an excuse to push it off.

Zhang Li seemed to sense my estrangement.

She began to ask me if I was bothered by anything.

But I just smiled perfunctorily and digressed.

I know I'm being angry and making trouble.

But I couldn't control my emotions.

Perhaps, I really don't have the right to ask for her love.

After all, she's so good and so sunny, and I'm just an ordinary programmer.

Just when I felt sorry for myself, an accident crept in.

After work that day, Zhang Li suddenly called out to me.

I wanted to pretend I didn't hear, but she caught up with her.

"Li Ming, have you been hiding from me lately?" Her tone was full of loss.

My heart tightened, and I pretended to be calm and said, "No, I'm just busy lately."

"Liar!" She suddenly raised her voice, "You're obviously avoiding me!" What the hell is going on? "

I was stunned. Looking at her red eyes, my heart felt like a needle had been pricked.

"I'm sorry, it's me who is bad." I sighed, "I just...... I just don't know how to face you. "

"Face me? Why do you want to face me?" Her eyes widened.

I took a deep breath and mustered up my courage: "Because...... Because I like you, Zhang Li, but I know that I don't deserve you, I'm afraid I'll be wrong, I'm afraid I won't even have to be a friend......"

Before the words fell, tears had blurred my vision, and I lowered my head, not daring to look at her expression.

Silence, long silence, just as I was about to turn away, a pair of warm hands gently hugged me.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

"You stupid, why are you so unconfident?" She whispered in my ear.

"You're good. You're gentle, considerate, and so funny, and I'm so happy to be with you. "

"But, I saw you and that male colleague ......"

"Fool, that's my cousin! We were just talking about our family party. She gently hammered me in the chest.

"Besides, even if it's other male colleagues, so what? You've always been the only one I cared about. "

It was as if my heart had been set on fire.

It turns out that there has always been such a tacit understanding between us.

Since then, we've come together naturally.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

Every weekend, we go to the movies hand in hand, or take a walk in the park and talk about life.

I loved the way she listened intently, and the way she looked when she talked.

In front of her, I can be the carefree big boy again, and I can chase my dreams and happiness with all my might.

Just as I was about to propose to her, a conflict happened.

On this day, I was waiting for her after work as usual, but she sent me a message saying that she had something to do and would not be with him today.

Although I was confused, I still didn't ask too much, giving her the respect she deserved.

I was going to grab a bite to eat by myself, and as soon as I parked the car, I saw a familiar figure as I was about to get out of the car.

It's Zhang Li, how could she be with a man?

Zhang Li seemed to be crying, while the man opposite gently stroked her face with his hand to wipe her tears.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Blinked desperately, trying to get the horrible image out of his mind.

However, the two intimate figures were clearly in front of my eyes, and they were extremely real.

Trembling, I dialed Zhang Li's phone.

"Hey, what's wrong Li Ming?"

I watched as she wiped away her tears and happily took the man's arm and answered the phone as she walked.

I held back my emotions and asked in my usual tone.

"Xiaoli, where are you?"

The other end of the line said, "I'm at home, what's wrong." ”

Zhang Li's voice sounded light and pleasant, without the slightest hint of guilt.

I couldn't hold back any longer, and I asked in a questioning tone, "Really?" So who is the man next to you? ”

The other end of the phone suddenly stopped talking, and after a while, Zhang Li asked.

"Are you nearby? It's not like that, you listen to me explain ......"

I didn't give her another chance to quibble, and in a fit of rage, I pressed the hang up button indiscriminately.

Tears blurred my eyes, and I felt the world spinning, and I felt that all my internal organs were turning over the river and the sea.

I don't understand why Zhang Li deceives me like this.

Could it be that every bit of this time is meaningless to her?

I poured a stomach full of wine and tried to numb myself with alcohol.

But in her mind, Zhang Li's smile became clearer and clearer, and her voice became louder and louder.

Just when I thought that Zhang Li and I would be like this, fate played a joke on me again.

After work that day, I was about to go to Zhang Li, but at the door of the company, I saw her sitting on the steps with a pale face and a few pages scattered at her feet.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

I hurriedly rushed forward and helped her into my arms.

"Zhang Li! What happened to you? Isn't there something uncomfortable?" I was so anxious that I trembled and went to her forehead.

She smiled weakly, but her eyes were red.

"It's okay, maybe I've been too tired lately." She took a deep breath and shoved the pages into my hand, "Li Ming, I'm sorry, it's me who is not good. "

Confused, I unfolded the pages and found that it was a medical record.

It reads: "Gynecologic malignancy, has spread, needs to be operated on as soon as possible."

My heart instantly cooled.

Trembling and holding her hand, tears welling up uncontrollably welled up in her eyes.

It turned out that Zhang Li's estrangement during this time was not because of any other man, but because she was terminally ill.

"I'm sorry, Li Ming. I didn't mean to hide it from you. She choked up.

"I just don't want you to worry, I don't want to bother you, the man you saw that day was my brother, he was a doctor, I just asked him to accompany me to the review."

I couldn't control my emotions anymore and hugged her tightly.

"Fool, how can you do this? How can you take on all this alone?" I couldn't stop crying.

"Zhang Li, no matter what happens, I will accompany you and face it together, didn't we say that we would go to Baitou together? You can't break your word!"

She wept silently in my arms.

At that moment, all misunderstandings and estrangements melted in tears.

We hugged each other tightly, felt each other's heartbeats and body temperatures, felt the fragility of life and the preciousness of love.

On that day, I accompanied Zhang Li to go through the hospitalization procedures.

The doctor said that although the condition is serious, as long as the treatment is persistent, there is still great hope.

I held her hand and secretly swore in my heart that no matter how many difficulties and dangers lie ahead, I would accompany her to break through and carry it together.

The side effects of chemotherapy made Zhang Li feel pain, hair loss, vomiting, and skin ulcers...... She is like a withered rose, which gradually loses the color of life under the ravages of illness.

But even in the weakest moments, she never gave up smiling.

She said that as long as I was around, she felt extremely grounded and happy.

I was with her in the hospital almost every day.

We agreed that when she recovered, we would travel the world to see the scenery she had been longing for for a long time.

The laughter in the ward dispelled the gloom of death.

Under the careful treatment of the doctors and my careful care, Zhang Li's condition finally took a turn for the better.

When the doctor announced that Zhang Li was out of danger, I burst into tears.

After so many days of suffering and waiting, it finally paid off.

On the day I was discharged, I arrived at the hospital early and pushed my wheelchair to pick her up.

Watching her walk towards me step by step, with tears in her eyes, my heart was full of mixed feelings.

We finally got through this illness together.

I slowly got down on one knee and pulled a ring out of my pocket.

"Zhang Li, will you marry me?" I choked up and said, "In this life, I will love you well and never let you suffer a little grievance." "

Zhang Li's tears rained down, she trembled and stretched out her left hand, and asked me to put a ring on her.

Sending a female colleague home, she tried to find a way for me because of the traffic jam, and she began to take the initiative to pursue me afterwards

We've been through so much between us, and we finally have a happy ending.

At that moment, I knew that our love had gone through the baptism of life and death, through the condensation of time.

In the past, I would never have thought that I would gain a good daughter-in-law because of a urinary urgency.

Maybe it's all God's arrangement.

(This work is a short story, the plot is purely fictional, if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental.) All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization. )

(The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.) )