
Wen Tiejun: On paper, it is mentioned that "the peasants get rich", but in reality, they try to exclude the peasants so that the capital can distribute fertilizer

author:Versatile orange xE

In the vast fields, farmers work hard, but often struggle to reap the rewards they deserve. Land, which should be their most valuable asset, has become a shackle to their development to a certain extent. Although some views have proposed to activate the rural land market and allow urban capital to enter the countryside through legislative procedures such as opening up land transfers, will such an approach really benefit farmers, or will it only provide a new profit field for external capital? This is a question worth pondering.


We might as well look back at history and look for some enlightenment. As the ancients said, "Reading history makes people wise." "In history, when was the peasant uprising not forced to rise out because the peasants were living in hardship and unable to make ends meet? This reminds us that the well-being of farmers is related to the stability and development of the country.

Wen Tiejun: On paper, it is mentioned that "the peasants get rich", but in reality, they try to exclude the peasants so that the capital can distribute fertilizer

Looking at the reality again, although the new collective economy has provided the peasants with more development opportunities to a certain extent, the final profits often flow into the pockets of external capital, and the peasants have really received very few benefits. This is like the idiom goes, "a drop in the bucket", far from solving the fundamental problem.

Wen Tiejun: On paper, it is mentioned that "the peasants get rich", but in reality, they try to exclude the peasants so that the capital can distribute fertilizer

Wen Tiejun, an agricultural expert, pointed out that there is no precedent in the world for relying on peasants to get rich, and this has undoubtedly poured cold water on us. But he also pointed out a possible way out for us - to learn from the model of Japan's comprehensive agricultural cooperatives, which integrate primary, secondary and tertiary industries into one organizational system, share national preferential policies, and allow farmers to participate in high-income industries. This may open a new door for farmers.

Wen Tiejun: On paper, it is mentioned that "the peasants get rich", but in reality, they try to exclude the peasants so that the capital can distribute fertilizer

However, we must also face up to the current real problems facing rural areas: land abandonment, migration of farmers to urban work, etc., and the root cause of these problems lies in the excessive commercialization of people's livelihood. When the tentacles of capital extend to the field of people's livelihood everywhere, the burden on the people will naturally increase. This can't help but remind people of the ancient poem, "Those who are all over Luo Qi are not silkworm breeders", and the hard work of farmers often makes it difficult to enjoy the fruits of their labor in the end.

Wen Tiejun: On paper, it is mentioned that "the peasants get rich", but in reality, they try to exclude the peasants so that the capital can distribute fertilizer

To solve these problems, the fundamental way is to reduce the burden on the peasants. We should re-examine the value of agriculture and provide more support and security for farmers. This requires not only the policy support of the government, but also the joint efforts of all sectors of society.

Wen Tiejun: On paper, it is mentioned that "the peasants get rich", but in reality, they try to exclude the peasants so that the capital can distribute fertilizer

On this issue, we need to go beyond the surface and dig deeper into the underlying reasons. We should not just "cure the headache and cure the sore foot", but seek systemic solutions. As the famous saying goes, "It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish", and we need to help farmers find a sustainable path to prosperity.

Wen Tiejun: On paper, it is mentioned that "the peasants get rich", but in reality, they try to exclude the peasants so that the capital can distribute fertilizer
Wen Tiejun: On paper, it is mentioned that "the peasants get rich", but in reality, they try to exclude the peasants so that the capital can distribute fertilizer
Wen Tiejun: On paper, it is mentioned that "the peasants get rich", but in reality, they try to exclude the peasants so that the capital can distribute fertilizer

Finally, we would like to ask: Are you willing to contribute to the well-being of farmers? Let's work together to pave a path to prosperity for farmers!