
Serial Sixteen: The Joy and Peace of the Child's Future Comes from Our Emotional Stability Today

author:Yue Ning reads

Every doll that comes to the human world is chaotic, and there are two angels standing on the shoulders of a birth, one is a dark angel, and the other is a sun angel, and these two angels provide the spiritual energy for the growth of finding a doll, which are two invisible angels.

At the same time, there are two manifest angels in this world, one is called Daddy, one is called Mom, Mom and Dad will build a home together, if this home is warm, the sun angel will feed the doll happy energy, if it is a cold home, the dark angel will feed the child fear energy. Because children are chaotic, they can eat whatever they give.

Haha, a little story told. Dear you, after reading this little story, do you feel that you are great, that you are raising an angel who can create the world in the future? And you, now every day, every word and deed, will be part of the energy of her body.

Back to yesterday's topic, it was only at the age of fifty that I realized that everything had to make way for my own joy. The reason why joy does not arise is because it has been struggling with a precipitated energy. The energy at the beginning is relatively heavy, and these energies are like a silkworm chrysalis, and it is difficult to break through when our inner strength is insufficient.

And those children in the state of joy, they will also have their own pupae, if the inner strength is more sufficient, it is naturally easy to break through.

When we are aware of this, shouldn't we know how to accompany and take care of our children?

Home is the paradise where children grow up, and parents give children different energy of yin and yang. What a yearning state between husband and wife. Even if not now, the goal is always to be pursued. As mothers, we also have to create a relaxed environment for our children.

Adults also achieve the best results when their minds are relaxed. Children are even more so, and only in a very relaxed environment will her creativity come out.

If the parents have been guiding and nagging from the side, the child's heart will always be in a state of tension. How could she play well? Long-term tension can also cause slackness and impatience, which are the big taboos of happy growth.

Moreover, in this process, the child is also prone to rushing, because she will expect to be praised and recognized by her parents. She is not creating her life, she is fulfilling your request. Don't you find it ridiculous that you put your demands above her life?

What mindset is the best mindset? The answer is that the clearer the mind, the better! The more relaxed the better, tell her to aim at what she wants, do it happily, and it will be easy to achieve her goal.

We are the same, think clearly about the ideal personality, ideal realm, ideal interpersonal relationship and ideal life and other things that you want, and then relax your mentality, work hard, do what you should do, don't worry about when these things will come, then the arrival of these things can sometimes be so fast that you are surprised;

Conversely, the more anxious you are about the results, the less you will be able to get the desired results, and even the opposite will happen.

Of course, there is also the most important point: the so-called no-mind is not a thought in the mind, but a thought that does not dwell, "no dwelling and giving birth to its mind."

I am grateful to my little chick for allowing me to see all this more clearly and to be able to experience the process of life more deeply.

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