
Read today the classics that man wants to read in his lifetime, pp. 74-101, respectively: 1) Rousseau's (French) essay "Living in the Embrace of Nature", loving nature and pursuing cleanliness


Today, read the Classics that a Man Will Read in His Lifetime, pp. 74-101, as follows:

1) Rousseau 's (French) essay "Living in the Embrace of Nature", loving nature and pursuing cleanliness and purity.

2) Hugo (France) essay "Tribute to Georges San".

3) Essay by Georges San (France) "The Beauty of Winter".

4) Turgenev (Russia)'s essay "The Countryside".

5) Whitman (USA) essay "Fantasy by the Sea.".

6) George Bernard Shaw's (British) essay "Beethoven Centennial".

7) Tagore(India)'s essay "Beauty".

8) Golsworthy (British) essay "Green Mountains in the Distance", written after World War I, loves peace and nature.

9) Gorky (USSR) essay "Petrel".

10) Russell's (British) essay "On the Coming of Old Age". Have a wide range of interests and activities, live as you please, avoid indulging too much in the past and attaching yourself to young people, and face death calmly.

11) Zweig's (Austria)'s essay "The Most Beautiful Grave in the World", the tomb of the literary giant Lev Tolstoy, is so shocking.

12) Gibran (Lebanon's) essay "Song of the Waves".

13) Yasunari Kawabata (Japan)'s essay "My Izu".

14) Neruda (Chile)'s essay "The Warmth of Return".

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