
When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

Most of the bad habits of babies are developed by mom and dad.

After the baby is born, except for some physiological reactions such as sucking movements and knee jump reflexes, everything else needs to be imitated and learned, and gradually internalized into their own behavior habits.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

However, in the process of accumulating experience, the external stimuli become more important, more important than the inner receptivity, if it is wrong at the beginning, once the habit is formed, it is very difficult to change.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

Professor Li Meijin: When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard

When the baby makes experimental movements, parents must be well off, whether it is unintentional imitation or intentional temptation, challenging the authority of parents and mothers, can not be despised.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

Behavior 1: No manners, no big, no small

To survive in a civilized society, politeness is a quality that everyone must have, a person can have no high education, no profound talent, but must not be rude. The basic requirement of politeness is nothing more than respect for parents.

Many of China's traditional virtues are depictions and praises of respect for parents, and are also compulsory courses for contemporary students. But for many young babies who have not been to school, there are few opportunities to access formal education.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

At that time, the family education represented by parents becomes particularly important. But it is not to ask parents to be like school teachers, one by one. Instead, it is necessary to make good use of the situation to "teach".

When the baby treats the family no big or small, raises his hand and opens his mouth to shout, parents must stop their behavior, do not continue to tolerate, but also let the elderly in the family maintain the same attitude. If preaching does not work, you can properly hit it twice.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

Behavior 2: Love to lie, full of lies

3 years old is the sensitive period for lying for babies.

Some mothers will always complain that their babies are suddenly very fond of lying, and many times lies come with their mouths open, without too much thinking and without considering the consequences of lying. And usually happens around 3.

In fact, there is still a benefit that comes with such a situation, that is, the baby has come to a new stage of brain development, that is, the sensitive period of lying. The main manifestation of this period is that the baby loves to lie.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

This skill does not require them to deliberately learn, but the brain will naturally send signals, when they encounter a question from their mother, they will directly follow the instructions of the brain, and even they do not realize that they are lying.

After understanding this common sense, some mothers may wonder, is it not until this stage has passed, the baby will stop lying? Is all we need to do is be patient?

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

Of course not, if mom does nothing during this sensitive period, not only won't make them lose interest, but it will also exacerbate the extent to which they lie, because they want to get more attention from you, even if it's Mom's angry.

Behavior 3: Babies lose their temper and force their parents to compromise

We often see babies rolling around in the mall, throwing tantrums over a toy. Moreover, such phenomena are not accidental, but occur frequently.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

Whenever such a situation occurs, most of them are the babies who have won, and the mothers and fathers choose to compromise for the sake of face. In this way, as long as the baby tastes the sweetness once, it will only become more intense in the days to come.

The reason for this situation is that the mothers did not, did not make rules for the baby when this first happened, causing them to feel that as long as they cried themselves, they could get everything they wanted.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

When this happens, if it is outside, the mothers try to persuade and educate, if they are at home, there is not much restriction on beating or scolding.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

After these situations occur, does it prove that the parents are a failure?

As long as the frequency of occurrence is not high, everything is still too late

As the saying goes, the prodigal son does not change his head, let alone the baby to change the bad problem, even the seventy-year-old and eighty-year-old people want to change the bad habits is an easy thing. So, parents don't have to worry too much.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

As long as they fundamentally find a way to solve it, set rules for babies, no rules and no circles, only let them develop the habit of abiding by the rules, can they restrain their behavior.

When the baby has these 3 behaviors, even the soft parents must be beaten hard, and Li Meijin's words must be listened to

Alpaca mom has something to say:

Man is inherently good in nature, and there are no inherent bad children, only bad children who lack education. When parents find that there are bad signs, we must solve it at the first time, do not tolerate and be soft-hearted, as long as they have a long memory, they will not make it again in this life!

Today's Topic:

Has this happened to your child? How did you solve it?

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