
A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

Time is always in such a hurry, and between trances, the dots have grown from the ignorant little boy to the little boy who is about to graduate from kindergarten.

A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

When a person is happy, he always feels that time passes quickly, this semester, I think it passes especially fast, this is the last semester of the children in Longxing Montessori Yuying Garden, for the children who are about to graduate, they are full of nostalgia for their school, and my nostalgia is no less than these little angels.

A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

Unconsciously, I remembered the little bits and pieces of kindergarten.

Two and a half years ago, I sent the dot here. At that time, we chose Longxing Montessori Yuying Garden because of the advanced educational concept and education methods of Longxing Montessori Park. What our kindergarten advocates is an experience and inquiry teaching method; grasping the psychology of children, practicing the educational model of edutainment, and developing the potential of young children through systematic Montessori education, starting from the details to cultivate children's sense of order, concentration and self-care ability.

A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

I still remember that when I first entered the park, I was a little shy and didn't like to talk much. Teacher Guo Guo communicated with me about this situation, and I was a little surprised. Dotting at home is a small talk. After communicating with the teacher, I found that I was a little afraid to talk to strangers. The teacher and we both encouraged the dots. At home, we also actively took him to play with other children in the community. At school, he was encouraged to make friends, encouraged him to tell small stories, practice finger ballads, etc., and slowly more words became more and more. Finally, Diandian slowly integrated into our big family, and Diandian was able to make a bold display in front of the children.

A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

For a little bit of kindergarten, I didn't think he would have learned much in school. But the school gave me a big surprise. One afternoon after school, when I was nodding, he suddenly said to me excitedly, "Dad, we learned a very funny finger ballad, I will give you a performance." He said and performed, singing while performing: "The tomatoes in the garden are round and big, lying down to sleep without speaking, a big wolf dog came, biting at the tomato, Dad was very angry when he saw it, hurry up and drive it out, get out!" Get out! Get out! "It takes a lot of effort for the teacher to teach an ignorant child to perform a simple finger ballad performance.

A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

Grow up slowly, grow up slowly.

Diandian learned to memorize ancient poems and disciple rules, learned to read, learned to count, learned simple addition and subtraction, learned simple dance, Diandian will help his mother wash his feet, Diandian will participate in the game of his brother and sister...

A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden
A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

Soon, the life of the big group of dots began.

A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

The dots have also become bigger and braver. When it was dark, he dared to bravely accompany his mother through the dark alleyway, saying that he could protect his mother. In school, he dared to answer the question bravely, because he felt that he was a manly husband.

A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

Looking at the little bits that became braver, I remembered a scene I occasionally saw at school. One day I went to school to deliver clothes to my daughter, and I just saw the kindergarten children doing body intelligence games. With the game were several physical intelligence teachers invited from Nanyang by the kindergarten. There is a hippo teacher, hippo teacher with the assistance of other teachers to lead the children to the island rescue dolphin grandmother game, this is a exercise of children unity and cooperation, exercise children's courage game, a little performance made me particularly surprised, at that time, I felt very pleased, because I think our original choice is not wrong!

A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden
A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

One day, he excitedly told me that he could do magic, that he could make the electric car generate electricity. Just when I was going to pick up his brother, I took him with me and prepared to let him perform. On the road, when the electric car goes uphill, the meter display changes from four to three. He said he could change the electricity, and then he slid his finger on the battery indicator screen, and in a few moments the power changed from three to four. He was very happy and said, "Look, I can magic, I will change the electricity, but I can only change in our car." "It's actually the natural change of the car from uphill to flat driving. I didn't say it bluntly, and let him continue to keep himself mysterious, and I guess he himself will soon understand.

A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden
A little bit of baby growth in Longxing Yuying Garden

Looking at this in front of me, the little boy who loves to be spoiled, cute, brave, playful, and sometimes silly, feeling this vivid little life, I sincerely thank Longxing Montessori Yuying Garden, express gratitude to all the teachers, and also feel gratified for our original choice.

Isn't that what early childhood education is all about?

Do education with love, we are always on the road

Welcome to Longxing Montessori Yuying Garden!

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