
The baby is sleepy or refuses to sleep, crying all the time, what should the mothers do?

Have you found that since becoming a mother will become a nag, especially when the baby is scared to sleep at night suddenly crying or suddenly screaming, my little puffs have, and then she closes her eyes and starts crying and making all kinds of trouble, every time at this time I want to knock her unconscious, if your baby has such a situation, please follow my following practice to learn, the next day your baby can sleep quietly, if you do not take action the next night baby will continue to make trouble, especially at midnight, think about the headache!

The baby is sleepy or refuses to sleep, crying all the time, what should the mothers do?

Crying while sleeping

Reason one: having nightmares or being frightened

Performance: Suddenly and without warning, he collapsed and cried with his eyes closed

Response: (1) Immediately pick up the soothing emotions and gently call out to Mingyu to tell her that we are all around

(2) Holding a light pat or radish squat to help calm down, you can give a pacifier

(3) When you are awake, use toys to divert your attention, and if you are still very sleepy, help to continue sleeping

The baby is sleepy or refuses to sleep, crying all the time, what should the mothers do?

Reason two: wake up hungry when it's time to drink milk!

Performance: The body twists and turns, half asleep and half awake, emitting hums and short "ah, ah, ah" alternating

Response: (1) Completely awake during the day and drink milk for a while, and feed at night when it is time;

At night during the sleep regression period, I will first calm her mood with a pacifier and delay the time to drink milk, so as not to cause a regular night awakening

The baby is sleepy or refuses to sleep, crying all the time, what should the mothers do?

Reason three: sleep regression period, because the sleep pattern changes the number of night awakenings

Performance: Every 2-3 hours the body twists and groans, but is not fully awake and has to turn over

Response: (1) Full rest during the day + large exercise discharge, go out for more than 1 hour every afternoon

(2) Develop a regular life routine, standardize bedtime rituals, and be ready to help fall asleep at the point

(3) Soothing and degrading accompaniment exercise to fall asleep on your own and improve your ability to sleep spontaneously

The baby is sleepy or refuses to sleep, crying all the time, what should the mothers do?

Here's why: It's hot

Performance: twisting the body, lifting the feet to kick the blanket away, fine beads of sweat on the forehead and nose, and humming uncomfortably


(1) Control the room temperature, try to do a constant temperature of about 22 degrees, according to the room temperature to dress and cover the blanket, confirm that the baby's hands and feet are warm just right when sleeping, do not use non-cotton clothes and blankets, will be hot and breathable, you can wear a sleeping bag

The baby is sleepy or refuses to sleep, crying all the time, what should the mothers do?

Reason one: Get out of bed, this genetic me

Performance: confused and half asleep, half awake, open your eyes to continue crying, pick up and cry intermittently

Response: (1) When you wake up with a soft hum, you will be by your side and gently tap until you wake up

(2) Don't talk to make her brain run fast, confirm that her mood is stable and have eye contact, and then whisper a greeting such as "Are you awake ~ good morning ~"

Reason two: the diaper is not wet, damp and hot is uncomfortable

Performance: Smell of pee, writhe uncomfortably, emit a somewhat impatient "Hmmm."

Response: (1) Completely sober and calm the mood can be changed immediately

(2) Or wait for about 10 minutes after waking up to urinate and then change

(3) Sleep at night must choose light, breathable, large suction of diapers are not wet

Reason three: the environment is noisy or someone is talking loudly and impatiently

Performance: Rubbing the nose and nibbling on the hand, very irritable, issuing "Ah ah ming ~emmm~"

The baby is sleepy or refuses to sleep, crying all the time, what should the mothers do?


(1) Wake up naturally without crying or making trouble, and keep quietly next to it

(2) Don't talk to her, let her brain run fast, and don't suddenly speak loudly

(3) If she laughs or giggles or makes a sound with us, she responds softly

Sleeping and crying is a very challenging mentality, and I think of myself as a ruthless sleeping machine.

As a mother, my intuition is generally very accurate, so I must trust my own judgment and be sleepy

When you fall asleep, don't listen to the elders" "eyes open and not sleepy"

It is important to communicate with the elders in the family that the baby sleeps well, do not tease the baby before and after going to bed, sleep

Before hyperactivity will be too sleepy, after sleeping the child is very focused on thinking, do not disturb.

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