
What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

Fast forward a summer vacation, and it's time for the baby to go to school again. I guess many parents are worried about how to get up early, it's really too difficult! Finally woke up, and the baby then cried, made trouble, and was unhappy!

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

The parents of the social animals were also tortured to the point of collapse! People are not big temper but not small, in fact, many parents have wronged their children, this is actually getting up and "doing strange"!

Getting up gas is a very common phenomenon!

The British Sleep Association once surveyed 2,000 people, and the results showed that nearly 1 half of the respondents had getting up gas, and more than 40% of the respondents' partners had getting up gas.

It is possible that your significant other is the type who does not disturb people within ten minutes of getting up!

Adults sometimes can't control getting up, let alone children?

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

So what is the gas when you get up?

How to properly wake up the child and relieve the anger of getting up?

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

In psychology, getting up gas is called "sleep inertia", which refers to the temporary low alertness, confusion, behavioral disorder and cognitive and sensory decline that occur immediately after being awakened.

The cause of getting up gas is related to the physiological or psychological reaction caused by sleep interruption.

Sleeping and getting up seems to be a simple thing, as soon as the eyes are closed, the night will pass!

When we fall asleep, we go through 4 stages: awakening, REM sleep, light sleep, and deep sleep!

This is also known as a sleep cycle and lasts about 90-110 minutes, with usually 4-5 sleep cycles per night.

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

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Whether it is a child or an adult, the reason why he gets up is usually related to not sleeping enough to be forcibly awakened, and it is also related to the time of awakening.

If the sleep cycle is interrupted during REM phase, their response tends to be more intense.

Exactly in response to the sentence: no one can wake up and pretend to sleep, and no one dares to call a person who has the gas to get up!

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

Therefore, when facing the child's anger, parents must calm down, but don't be irrational to prevail!

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

To deal with the angry baby, parents must learn to use skills, not in a rough way, otherwise the child will hate you for the rest of his life.

Here are 4 killer wake-up methods, if you have already used it on the baby, I hope to stop using it from tomorrow!

(1) Chartered mother-in-law shouting

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

(2) "Popeye" style rough wake-up

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

(3) "Tang monk chanting" style shouting

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

(4) The noise of the "wet market" wakes up

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

When you wake up, the human body will have changes such as increased blood pressure, accelerated heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased respiratory rate, lack of water in the body, hunger, irritability, etc.

If you wake up in these fierce ways, it will make the baby jump from the subconscious state to the conscious state, and the whole body and mind will be in extreme anxiety, panic, and anxiety, so as to cry and fuss, all kinds of tricks!

Parents' urging will only increase the baby's pressure, discourage the baby's enthusiasm, deprive the baby of a sense of achievement, and let the baby develop the habit of grinding and procrastinating and relying on parents.

Smart parents will give their baby quiet attention and encouragement to stimulate the baby's autonomy.

So what exactly should I do?

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

1. Light awakening method

During sleep, children still have a sense of light.

Parents enter their child's room and gently open the curtains, or turn on the softly lit lamp.

No need to yell and yell, the light will naturally wake up the child. This is the most natural and comfortable way to wake up.

2. Gently stroke and massage your child

Call the baby to wake up 20 minutes earlier every morning, give the baby buffer time, wake up the baby, then caress her, give him a warm hug, and say to the baby: Oh, my cute baby, look who sleeps so soundly?

Kiss the little hands, pinch the little feet, under this loving caress and voice, then the child will slowly wake up, and after waking up, he will naturally get tired of kissing and hugging in his mother's arms.

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What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

Chat with the baby again, and the child will hardly get up.

3. Music Awakening Method

Mom and Dad prepare some gentle and comfortable music in advance, such as birds chirping, running water, etc.

Morning birdsong, quiet and soothing, piano music, pure music: warm - relaxing and beautiful bedtime piano music

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

When it's time to wake up, play it next to your child's bed, taking care not to make the volume too loud. In this way, the child is easily awakened.

Or sit on the edge of your child's bed and gently hum a familiar song to wake your child up.

When he opened his eyes, his parents gave him a smile. In this way, the child will activate the body in a pleasant body and mind.

4. Use the aroma to awaken

The good smell of aroma is easy to stimulate the human brain, and the brain's perception machine can also be awakened.

So you might as well prepare your child's favorite breakfast, milk and other foods, so that you can "eat" the baby!

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

5. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is a prerequisite to help your baby maintain a good mood.

Parents can set a good bedtime according to the age of the child, and strictly abide by it with the child to develop a good routine of work and rest.

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

Remind parents and friends to get up early to start from going to bed early, want to have a calm, warm and pleasant morning, and be sure to go to bed early at night! Parents need to lead by example!

Some babies take too long to nap and need to adjust.

6. Game wake-up method

You can play the animated character that the child likes, and use the way the animated character speaks or acts to attract the baby to wake up slowly and get up smoothly.

Attract the baby's attention, you can talk about things she is interested in around the baby, or you can sell cute weakness and stimulate the baby's initiative by asking for help.

For example, say to yourself, is this dress painted SpongeBob SquarePants?

Or how is there only one sock and where is the other? You'll get a passionate little assistant.

7. Get your baby looking forward to waking up

If you say to your baby before going to bed, "Baby, go to bed early, tomorrow mom will take you to the amusement park", then the baby will fall asleep happily and get up the next day.

Therefore, parents can talk to the baby about something he is looking forward to before going to bed, which can reduce the frequency of the baby's "getting up".

What are the tips for waking up to go to school?

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

8. Let the child suffer the natural consequences

If children in kindergarten are angry and unwilling to get up, parents can let their children bear the natural consequences of missing activities due to being late.

Parents and friends, you may as well boldly let the baby try it wrong!

Finally, I wish every baby to "turn on" normally every day, and not be angry in bed!

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