
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

"Wanhui 2022 Spring Games"

Spring Sports Day of Wanhui 2022

Date: April 27 (Wed) – April 28 (Thu), 2020

Venue: Wanhui Kindergarten School, Rainbow Runway, Back Playground

Organizer: Wanhui Baby

Participants: Wanhui Baby, Class Teacher, Logistics Team, Administrative Teacher

Assisted by: Wanhui Teacher

Guess what happens? Kids will surprise you with things you can't imagine!

Why do we give the initiative to the Games to our children?

Why do we give the initiative of the Sports Day to the children

"We believe that children have unlimited energy in their young bodies. The theme of this Spring Games is 'My Sports I Decide', which is to give children full opportunities to participate, choose and decide independently, which is a sports event that truly allows children to enjoy and harvest growth. ”

——Teacher Zhang Hongmei, Sports Games Project Team

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!



"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Solve 5 problems and ignite enthusiasm for sports

Solve 5 problems and ignite enthusiasm for sports

Question 1: What game is played?

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!



"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

The core of the Games is the game!

"Teachers synthesize the sports level, interest and motor skill development points of children of all ages, and design independent, group, collective and other types of sports games, including speed, balance, coordination, agility, endurance, cooperation and other ability development, children understand the rules of the game through trial play, what games to play specifically, how to improve the game, we let the children choose by themselves."


"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

The babies said: "The most important thing to play the game is to be attractive and make all the children have fun!" "We have to choose very interesting games, it may be a little difficult, but we can practice..." The children analyze, judge and choose from their physical abilities: where I can still improve and challenge; where I have strengths, I can support my partners. Finally, the voting choice of the game items: jump rope, tug-of-war, big pendulum, piglet catching, watermelon transport, forest level break, hula hoop pass, relay race, colorful grenade, jumping goat...

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Children are free to express their thoughts, pay attention to their own and the feelings of others, and their opinions are heard and respected, ultimately making choices that make everyone feel engaged and satisfied.

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Q2: Who is invited to participate? How to invite? What should I do if my parents can't enter the park during the epidemic period?

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!



"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

There are many people that babies want to invite: Mom and Dad, Grandparents, Grandparents...

But then they thought:

"If they all come, can the kindergarten fit in?"

"How many people per family is the most suitable?"

"How to invite? Send a message or an invitation? What information should be on the invitation? ”

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Just as the babies began to prepare, there was news that parents could not come to the park during the epidemic period.

What to do? The children said:

"Mom and Dad would love to play with me, and they're going to take pictures for me!"

"If Mom and Dad can't come, can we invite teachers and kindergarten uncles and aunts to attend?"

"We can make the invitation a poster and tell Mom and Dad about the changes in the Games, tell them that we will have fun."

When encountering a problem, the first thing children think about is how to solve the problem in the current situation. They will explore many ways to turn the "problem" into a "nother possibility."

Question 3: How to make the Games more creative and cultural?

At the Winter Olympics, the mascot "ice pier, snow melting" and various badges and stickers with Chinese characteristics left a deep impression on the babies, how to make our games also reflect the characteristic culture of Wanhui?

Based on the "elephant" that represents the core culture of Wanhui, the babies designed a very creative mascot for the Games.

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

The babies have a unique observation and understanding of movement, they have their own creative ideas, color choices, shape composition, background design, each work represents their independent thinking and ingenuity.

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Question 4: What kind of spirit is required to participate in the Games?

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Overcome difficulties and pursue excellence

Look, the young athletes have a lot of spirit when they enter, they are majestic and energetic!

For kindergarten children, the "square team" has many big problems: how to grasp the spacing between the front and back and the left and right? How do you unify the rhythm and pace? How do I follow up on a whistle command? How to persevere and focus on the whole journey...

Babies have their own thinking: "Can't surpass the children in front." "If the shoes are stepped on, keep walking, keep walking." "Hold on to your clothes, don't let go." "Practice more often, but you can also practice when walking!" ......

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Please swipe to see the wonderful entry ceremony

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Please swipe to see the wonderful entry ceremony

Conscientious and responsible, persistent and focused

Babes have a very sense of responsibility and honor, and lo and behold, the little flag raisers are confident and generous, their steps are neat and their spirits are vibrant! The young athletes stood tall, their eyes were determined to pay attention to the ceremony, and sang the national anthem, giving the Games a beautiful sense of ceremony.

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Open and diverse, dynamic and innovative

In the passionate rhythm of the music, the atmosphere of the movement reaches its climax, and the babies are immersed in the rhythm of rhythmic exercises, showing the unparalleled style of the class.

In the previous training, they said: "Of course, you must jump seriously, and you must have the spirit, and the movements must be good." ”

"If we get tired of jumping, we have to insist on it and try to replenish our energy when we eat."

I believe that through the photos, you can also feel the happiness and dedication of the babies!

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Please swipe to see the baby's showcase

Question 5:

How do you view success and failure? How can I enjoy sports more happily?

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!



"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

It's time to start the game! The children are in good shape, actively participating, and fully engaged in each game. Babies also encounter many challenges, but they all have better ways and mentalities to solve them.

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Teacher: "If we don't finish the game and encounter difficulties, how do we overcome and overcome it?" What if the challenge fails? ”


'I'll try to finish the game and try again if I fail.

"Winning or losing is not important, not finishing is not important, insist on participating in the process, happy is the most important!" 」

"That's right! The most important thing is to be happy, the most important thing is to participate! Face it! ”

"Friendship first, competition second!" I will cheer myself and my companions on, be brave. ”

Babes have their own unique views on winning and losing!

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

Swipe to see the highlights of the movement

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

A games full of love and support

Sports Day is full of love and support

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

For the first time, the sports meeting was held in the form of "teacher-student cooperation", so let's hear how the children feel!

"The games were all designed by us, because of the epidemic, we couldn't participate with mom and dad this time, but it was also fun for us to participate with the teachers."

"The teachers' dance is beautiful."

"Tug-of-war and jump rope were fun, and I cheered them on loudly!"

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

In addition to participating in the competition as athletes, the teacher and the logistics team helped the babies prepare game props, organize coordination, and solve one problem after another during the games. Although moms and dads can't enter the kindergarten, their love and companionship have always supported their children. Encourage children to practice, prepare sports games clothing and other materials, summarize and share gains and feelings together, and appreciate children's breakthroughs and achievements.

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!



"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

The children-based sports meeting was successfully completed, and everyone gained a full sense of participation and happiness. Wanhui teachers provide opportunities for children to choose, create, cooperate, be brave, appreciate and challenge in the Games, and the small body bursts out of great energy, and the children with healthy bodies, strong character and positive spirit are the future of the nation and the world.

"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!
"I decide my sport" - the children's sports meeting has opened!

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