
#Summarize your 2023 in one sentence#Remember the tips to get better in a month!1.Go to bed before 11 o'clock at night, get up at 7 o'clock (nourish your liver and beauty) and stay up all night on your face, and your flesh is loose

author:Orange Mom Parenting said

#Sum yourself up in one sentence for 2023#

Remember to stick to the tips for a month to get better!

1. Go to bed before 11 p.m. and get up at 7 p.m. (nourish liver and beauty)

After staying up late, the face is loose and saggy, showing a few years older, and after insisting on going to bed early for a week, the complexion and skin condition can be improved by the naked eye.

2. Drink more hot water and add some flower tea (beauty and acne)

Now in autumn, you can drink some golden beard flowers to nourish yin and moisten the lungs, clear the deficiency and fire to moisten the skin and remove acne, and insist on drinking the skin condition is getting better and better. There are also roses and jasmine that are good for girls, and you can try a variety of combinations.

3. Eat regularly and don't eat indiscriminately (nourish your spleen and stomach)

Insist on eating breakfast, eat carefully and swallow slowly, seven points full, light diet, low oil and low salt, and you can make some healthy snacks (sweet potato fries, yogurt chips) by yourself when you are hungry. #To yourself from a girl# #Will get better in the future# #Women's growth experience# #Grow up and love yourself# #太爱自己了❤️# #女性成长之内涵#

#Summarize your 2023 in one sentence#Remember the tips to get better in a month!1.Go to bed before 11 o'clock at night, get up at 7 o'clock (nourish your liver and beauty) and stay up all night on your face, and your flesh is loose
#Summarize your 2023 in one sentence#Remember the tips to get better in a month!1.Go to bed before 11 o'clock at night, get up at 7 o'clock (nourish your liver and beauty) and stay up all night on your face, and your flesh is loose
#Summarize your 2023 in one sentence#Remember the tips to get better in a month!1.Go to bed before 11 o'clock at night, get up at 7 o'clock (nourish your liver and beauty) and stay up all night on your face, and your flesh is loose

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