
Whether it's a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, doing these things on the first day after childbirth is a matter of your health

Childbirth is a big deal for pregnant mothers, and when they go through this painful and happy moment, they will become a mother.

Just after giving birth, the mothers need to pay attention, at this time their bodies have undergone major changes, and some things need to be paid attention to.

Whether it's a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, doing these things on the first day after childbirth is a matter of your health

I have seen a message on the Internet before, saying that a certain woman walked out of the delivery room after giving birth, and many people expressed envy for it.

Objectively speaking, the physical quality of this mother is really not generally strong, and many pregnant mothers also hope that they can be like her.

But for most people, such a thing is basically not going to happen.

Caesarean section has anesthesia and scalpel, so after delivery, it is impossible for pregnant mothers to get up immediately.

Although the normal birth is natural birth, in the process of normal delivery, the mother will consume a lot of energy, and there will be greater psychological fluctuations, and most women may perform lateral incisions during the normal birth to facilitate the birth of the fetus.

Therefore, the mother who gives birth to a normal child is almost already in a state of "scattered body", and it is difficult to move freely immediately after childbirth.

Whether it's a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, doing these things on the first day after childbirth is a matter of your health

Of course, some exceptions are not ruled out, such as the above-mentioned mother who walked out of the delivery room by herself, and the mother who accidentally gave birth to a child while walking on the street before. These are very rare and special cases that cannot be imitated.

Therefore, ordinary women after childbirth, or honestly do these four things, whether for themselves or for the fetus, are beneficial, do not try to imitate some unattainable behavior.

Either way of childbirth, the first day after giving birth, the mother must do these things well

★ Hurry up and take a break

Giving birth to a child is a very laborious thing, in the process of childbirth, the mother has almost exhausted all the strength that can be used in the whole body, and even will have a physical overdraft.

Whether it's a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, doing these things on the first day after childbirth is a matter of your health

The huge pressure of childbirth will also make the mother's spirit fall into a state of exhaustion, so after giving birth, what the mother needs most is rest.

Therefore, no matter which way of childbirth, after the end, the mother's body and mind need to enter the rest phase immediately, do not rush to take care of the child.

You know, after the child is born, it still needs to be treated by a doctor. Although the time is short, the mother also needs to seize the time to rest.

In addition, the family can also temporarily take the child, and the mother does not need to worry at all. Everyone's physique is different, the mother should rest according to her own situation, it is not recommended to compare the physical fitness of the mother in the ward, at this time, the ability to make you regret for life.

Whether it's a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, doing these things on the first day after childbirth is a matter of your health

★ Pay attention to opening the milk in time

When the baby is born, the mother may not realize that her breasts are now the baby's "iron rice bowl". Therefore, some mothers may miss the best time to open milk.

Timely opening of milk is a very important thing, if you can open the milk smoothly and early, then the mother and the baby will get great benefits.

The act of breast milk can prompt the mother to produce certain hormones, which can play a positive role in the recovery and health of the mother's body.

In addition, breast milk can also stimulate the mother's uterus and other parts, helping these parts to restore function and restore health as soon as possible.

Whether it's a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, doing these things on the first day after childbirth is a matter of your health

In addition, timely opening milk can allow the baby to get the blessing of colostrum, do not underestimate the colostrum, although it looks yellow, less, it seems to be some "scraps".

But in fact, it has many benefits, such as a large number of antibodies in the colostrum, after the baby ingests, it can not only enhance its own resistance, but also make the baby more healthy.

At the same time, the earlier the breast milk is carried out, the earlier the baby's sucking exercise and the stronger the subjective motivation. To put it bluntly, it is to enable the baby to exercise earlier and win at the starting line in terms of physique.

Therefore, Bao Mom should pay attention to opening milk in time.

The time of opening milk is generally within half an hour after the normal delivery, and within 6 hours of caesarean section, the mothers should not miss it.

Whether it's a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, doing these things on the first day after childbirth is a matter of your health

If the mother has insufficient breast milk, don't worry, at this time the mother can improve through these methods:

Feed frequently and on both sides to increase breast stimulation and avoid storing milk. Drink more water and soup in moderation to promote milk production. Establish regular work and rest habits, balanced eating habits, and correct exercise habits. Keep a good mood, learn to release emotions, and don't be depressed.

★ Pay attention to a light diet and avoid constipation

After giving birth, some people feel that the mother is not compensated, some people feel that the mother needs to make up for it, some people feel that the mother needs to fast and rest, and so on.

Whether it's a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, doing these things on the first day after childbirth is a matter of your health

So, what should I do about my diet after giving birth?

Diet to keep light, avoid eating heavy flavor foods, for the body recovery is not good. Eat foods that are easy to digest, because the digestion ability of the mother is relatively weak at this time. Normal mothers can be prescribed after childbirth, caesarean section of the mother because of surgery, need to fast for a period of time, the specific opening time in accordance with the doctor's advice, generally about 6 hours.

【Tips】: For women who have just given birth, in terms of diet, try to eat some porridge, vegetable soup and other foods, do not eat greasy meat. After recovering for a while, the diet gradually stepped back on track.

Whether it's a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, doing these things on the first day after childbirth is a matter of your health

★ Pay attention to timely and moderate exercise

Postpartum exercise is generally 6 hours after childbirth, when most women already have the ability to get out of bed, so they can get out of bed and stand with the help of a family member or nurse, or walk slowly.

In addition, behaviors such as turning over in bed also belong to the category of exercise. On the first day of childbirth, do not exercise excessively, even if you get out of bed and walk around the house for a long time, it is an excessive exercise and must be avoided.

At the same time, do not stay still all day, exercise can increase the vitality of the body, increase the rate of body circulation, and is good for the recovery of the body.

Parenting message

After childbirth, these things must be done step by step, do not take chances, at this time any negligence, may interfere with the health of the mother or baby.

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