
The following behavior of the baby is a manifestation of uncultured, parents should not be proud, otherwise it will only harm the child

A cultured child and a bear child, who would you like more? I think most of them like educated children, but they hate bear children.

Cultivation is a person's temperament that comes out of the bones, whether it is a child or an adult, parenting is your business card, and it is the deepest impression of others on you.

The following behavior of the baby is a manifestation of uncultured, parents should not be proud, otherwise it will only harm the child

Uncultured children are annoying, but some parents are not self-aware and think that their children are good. If parents do not change the way they raise their children, the child will inevitably become a nasty person without tutoring, and he will suffer a big loss when he enters the society in the future.

Colleague Ame's son Xiao Mu is 6 years old this year, and at a wedding scene, I finally got to know her proud son.

The wedding scene is very lively, and every guest's table is placed in front of the guest's souvenir. Xiao Mu ran around in the middle of the table, and after a while he took several souvenirs in his hand, and he said to his mother: "Mom, I want to give these to my grandparents to eat." ”

The following behavior of the baby is a manifestation of uncultured, parents should not be proud, otherwise it will only harm the child

Many guests saw that he was a small child and did not know him in general, but Amei, a mother, did not care to teach children, and she also said to everyone: "You see my son, although he usually makes trouble, he is still very filial piety, and some good things can never forget his grandparents." ”

This nonsense taking other people's things, the performance of no tutoring was actually said by the mother to be filial piety, which really ruined the three views of many people. Many of the guests present secretly despised Ah Mei in their hearts, believing that this child would definitely be raised in the future.

Although it is said that children are their own children, some children's behavior is the lack of tutoring, and parents should criticize education or take timely action.

The following behavior of the baby is a manifestation of uncultured, parents should not be proud, otherwise it will only harm the child

These behaviors of children are uncultured, and parents should correct them in time

▼ Children who are selfish and like to take advantage of them are very untuchooled

Children are always accommodated by adults at home, and some children become selfish and want to see other people's things. Grab it if you can't get it, or take it secretly, and it is very bad for children to behave like this.

Some children are money first, as long as they take advantage of it, they will never eat a little loss, parents feel that their children are very shrewd, and they will not suffer losses when they grow up, which is a good thing. In fact, the first impression of such a child is that there is no upbringing. Uncultured children grow up to be uncultured adults, and it is conceivable how much negative impact the child's work and life will be in the future.

The following behavior of the baby is a manifestation of uncultured, parents should not be proud, otherwise it will only harm the child

▼ Children do not understand the rules, are unreasonable, and are annoying.

In public places, we all need to abide by public order, buses, subways, playgrounds, everyone has the right to enjoy these public resources. Some children are like in their own homes in public, there is no rule, no queue, shouting, crying and making trouble, and being unreasonable, these are all manifestations of no tutoring.

But all this is a proud thing in the eyes of some parents, thinking that children are bold outside, not afraid of birth, dare to express their emotions is a good thing, and their children will be more prominent in the future. In fact, it is really not like this, parents must be self-aware, to correct some of the children's wrong behavior in public, otherwise it will be too late to regret it in the future.

The following behavior of the baby is a manifestation of uncultured, parents should not be proud, otherwise it will only harm the child

▼ Children do not respect their parents and elders, and they are not educated.

Grandparents and parents are the elders of the child, but now there is a saying: the grandfather is the grandson of the family, and the child is the real grandfather. When children scold their elders at home, shout at the elderly, and direct their grandparents, parents must not be proud that their children will be the material of the leader in the future. This is an act of disrespect for children, when parents should stop it in time, even if the elderly dot, but also to educate children.

Because if the child does not know how to respect the elders at home, he may also be disrespectful to other adults when he goes out. For example, some children do not respect the teacher and do not respect the waiter, which is also a manifestation of lack of education. In today's society, mutual respect is the premise of communication, and if children learn not to respect others, they may become an isolated person.

The following behavior of the baby is a manifestation of uncultured, parents should not be proud, otherwise it will only harm the child

Now that many parents are very cultured people, why would a child become such a tutor? I think most of the children who don't have tutors are spoiled by their families.

It is the responsibility of parents to discipline the child well and make him a quality person, how to discipline him?

Parents lead by example and strictly demand their own words and deeds.

Parents are the best teachers for children, if we always say dirty words to children, do not obey traffic rules, and do not respect their teachers, children will most likely be an uncultured person. What kind of person do we want our children to become, we parents must first work hard from ourselves, change some of our own problems, become a cultivated person, and become a role model that children can learn.

The following behavior of the baby is a manifestation of uncultured, parents should not be proud, otherwise it will only harm the child

Cultivate good living habits in children.

Life is the biggest classroom for children to learn, what is a child's upbringing, almost all aspects of this content are reflected in life. We should cultivate children's good living habits in life, and good habits are the performance of tutoring.

The following behavior of the baby is a manifestation of uncultured, parents should not be proud, otherwise it will only harm the child

Parents cultivate good hygiene habits in their children and let him be a clean and tidy person. Teach your child to use civilized language when dealing with others. In public, we are to obey, order, and be civilized citizens. In front of teachers and parents, we must respect and be grateful, and be a sensible junior.

Poor and rich, it is better to let the children have education, parents and friends, are you right?

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