
From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

Last year was the outbreak of the mainland new energy vehicle market, in the fierce market competition, Xiaopeng finally won the year-end delivery championship of the new car-making forces with the delivery volume of 98155 units. After the hour hand entered 2022, Xiaopeng once again continued to lead the new car-making forces with the delivery of 12,922 units in January, and this is also xiaopeng's fifth month to break through the delivery threshold of 10,000 vehicles.

From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

The question is, from the former "Wei Xiaoli" to today's "Xiao Weili", behind the change in the ranking of the new car-making forces, what did Xiaopeng do right? Volkswagen Kanche believes that the three points of cars, cost performance and high technology are the keys to Xiaopeng's ability to achieve overtaking.

As the three elders of the new car-making force, Xiaopeng, Weilai, and the ideal first model all chose the SUV that was hotter at that time. However, Xiaopeng's first SUV model, G3, did not perform well in the market and could not open the situation for a long time, on the contrary, Weilai ES8 and Ideal ONE, one of which won customers through high-end product positioning and unique operating mode, and the other won the favor of many home users with its ultimate pragmatism.

From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

Subsequently, Xiaopeng resolutely adjusted its direction and cut into the car market with P7. The car adopts a coupe style design, the shape is dynamic and fashionable, very high-tech, and once unveiled, it has gained a high degree of heat. With the P7 successfully gaining a foothold in the market, Xiaopeng launched its second sedan, the P5, last year in order to continue to consolidate its market share.

The latest data show that in January, P7 delivered 6707 units, P5 delivered 4029 units, and the sales volume of the two products accounted for more than 80%, 52% and 31% respectively. In the 250,000 delivery targets planned by Xiaopeng in 2022, P7 and P5 account for 40% and 27% respectively, accounting for nearly 70% of the total.

It can be said that the car is not only the pillar of Xiaopeng, but also the key to Xiaopeng's ability to surpass.

A survey report in 2019 shows that the age level of consumers who pay attention to pure electric vehicles is generally concentrated in about 18-40 years old, accounting for 82.7%. That is to say, most of the potential users of pure electric vehicles are typical young and middle-aged people, of which the proportion of 18-30 years old is more than average, reaching 53.4%.

From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

In addition, according to the authoritative data released by the civil affairs department, since 2013, the marriage rate in the mainland has continued to decline, and it has been declining for 7 consecutive years year-on-year, and more and more single people have appeared in the society. At the same time, even if married, the extremely low fertility rate has also led to the traditional family of three or four in the past, less and less, many young people's family travel is actually a two-person trip or even a single trip, at this time the car is enough to meet the travel needs of young people.

From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

What's more, sedan design is easier to shine and easier to attract young people. Mr. Chen, a Xiaopeng P7 owner we interviewed, said that the design of the P7 is the reason for him to love the P7. "The car has a soul, the intelligence is what I think, the appearance and the lamp language system directly cut the era, very scientific and technological futuristic." Compared with Weilai or ideal, he said that the model is too stable, and it will not be considered until the family has a baby, and at this stage, it is obvious that the car is more suitable for himself.

From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?
From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

A sales consultant at Xiaopeng Chengdu Experience Center also told us that P7 is currently the most successful model of Xiaopeng in the market, and the main reason why many people choose P7 is that the value is high and the design is good. In fact, compared to the greasy feeling of SUV models, the car is indeed younger and more fashionable in design.

Of course, product positioning and layout are important, but the high-tech experience under high cost performance is the key to making Xiaopeng's sales take off. At this point, Xiaopeng's playing style is very similar to Xiaomi.

First, from the pricing, it can be found that compared with the starting price of 300,000 yuan for Weilai and Ideal, the starting prices of the three models G3, P5 and P7 that Xiaopeng is selling are now 154,600 yuan, 162,700 yuan and 224,200 yuan, respectively.

From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

As mentioned earlier, most of the potential users of pure electric vehicles are young consumers. According to relevant authoritative data, only 7 cities in the mainland will have an annual personal disposable income of more than 60,000 yuan in 2020. The "2021 China Undergraduate Employment Report" released by max research institute also shows that more than 40% of fresh undergraduate graduates have starting salaries between 4,000 and 5,000 yuan, while only 35.5% of the undergraduate graduates employed in 2015 have achieved monthly salaries of more than 10,000 yuan after 5 years of workplace grinding.

From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?
From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

Therefore, relatively speaking, Xiaopeng's more people-friendly pricing strategy can significantly reduce the pressure of young consumers to buy a car, which is obviously a careful consideration of the limited money bags of young people. In other words, for young people who have just come out of society and have little savings, Compared with Weilai and ideals, Xiaopeng's affinity is stronger and friendlier.

Second, in terms of relatively close pricing, Xiaopeng also provides an excellent high-tech experience. For example, under the 360-degree dual perception fusion system under the blessing of vision + radar, with high-precision maps, the NGP advanced driver assistance system can change lanes autonomously according to the navigation route guidance to achieve multi-lane intelligent assisted driving, and its experience feels that the current user response is excellent; Xmart supported by Qualcomm Snapdragon 820A chip OS2.0 intelligent car machine system, you can achieve a faster and smoother intelligent interactive experience, especially the voice interaction ability is very powerful, and support a rich Internet ecology, WEILAI can provide a better intelligent experience.

From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?
From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

As the "Pengyou" we interviewed said, he found that his favorite technology electronics, science fiction movies, as well as anime, music, photography and guitar, can be linked to P7. Naturally, this experience naturally turned the P7 into his "car in mind".

From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

Nowadays, in addition to cost performance and intelligence, high quality has also become the focus of Xiaopeng's efforts. In the second half of last year, Xiaopeng conducted a public test of more than 550 hours of uninterrupted seawater flushing against the white body of the P7, and carried out an 8-hour extreme cold challenge for the P5. On this basis, the testing of authoritative institutions, the evaluation of international standards, and the testimony of the public will become the credibility that Xiaopeng uses to make quality endorsements, eliminating the doubt that "low price is equivalent to low quality" that may come.

From "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao Weili", what did Xiaopeng do right?

However, there is no eternal winner in the market, and Xiaopeng's opponents are also making related layouts. Not to mention that with the launch of WEILAI ET5/ET7, Extreme Kr 001, WM M7 and other car products, traditional car companies are also laying out the pure electric car market, whether Xiaopeng can continue to hold its own car market share in 2022, just in terms of Xiaomi's entry into the car, two brands that are extremely similar from name to tone will inevitably collide. Therefore, Xiaopeng, who is temporarily leading, needs to work harder.

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