
"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve

"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve

The new writer Gong Gaofeng wrote in "Father's BlackFish": "Daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are natural enemies of each other, do not know how the Creator designed, a generation of mother-in-law and a generation of daughters-in-law, children and grandchildren are infinitely poor." ”

It is difficult for clean officials to judge family affairs, including the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not harmonious, the mother-in-law's life in her later years is not comfortable, the married life of the daughter-in-law is blocked, the man's life is full of hearts, inside and outside are not people, both sides are angry, the grandmother and the mother quarrel every day, the child looks at it, it will be difficult to survive.

In a marriage that is washed away by the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, there is no winner, all are losers, and the children are even more pitiful.

In order to deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, when a mother-in-law needs to remember Tu Lei's words: "Often the embodiment of a mother's true love for her son is to love his wife more, say anything, say problems, first count down her own sons, not count down her daughters-in-law." ”

The reason why you are asked to be good to your daughter-in-law is because she is your son's lover, and if she is good to your son, you will be very good.

"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve

Regarding this truth, Pan Yuanyuan's grandmother knows it.

"Your grandmother is so blessed, after being hospitalized, three families of 10 rushed to serve, I went to visit a doctor, heard that your mother and your aunt and your second mother are fighting, are robbing your grandmother's pension task, all want to rob your grandmother to their own home to retire." 」

Listening to Grandma Sun's words, Pan Yuanyuan sighed: "If I have a son and become a mother-in-law in the future, I will definitely learn from my grandmother and be a good mother-in-law." ”

Indeed, Pan Yuanyuan's grandmother is a very good mother-in-law.

"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve

01. Careful care during pregnancy, take the initiative to bring grandchildren, daughter-in-law appreciates her for a lifetime;

"When you grow up, it doesn't matter if you are filial to us or not, but you must be good to your grandparents, especially your grandmother, she is really good to you." 」

In fact, Pan Yuanyuan's grandmother is not only good to Pan Yuanyuan, but also treats all daughters-in-law and grandchildren equally.

Pan Yuanyuan's grandmother has three sons, two grandchildren and two granddaughters, and has served her daughters-in-law to give birth to confinement 4 times, bringing up four grandchildren.

"My mother told me that during her pregnancy, although the family was very poor, my grandmother never let her work in the field and often sent her some nutritious food for her to eat. When my mother was pregnant, she had a bad temper and inexplicably got angry with her father, and my father quarreled with her, and after my grandmother knew, she trained my father, saying that my father should not bully the pregnant daughter-in-law, in fact, it was indeed my mother who was unreasonable. ”

"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve

After Pan Yuanyuan was born, Pan Yuanyuan's mother was a little nervous, after all, the two sisters-in-law had given birth to sons, and she was worried that her in-laws did not like her granddaughter, fortunately, Pan Yuanyuan's grandmother did not care, and also trained a dissatisfied wife to take care of Pan Yuanyuan's mother as she did with her two daughters-in-law.

When Pan Yuanyuan was ten years old, her parents were really unwilling to live a life of stretching, and decided to go out to work, and Pan Yuanyuan's grandmother fully supported and took the initiative to promise to take good care of her granddaughter.

"Grandma took me for eighteen years, and from the time I was born to the time I went to college, they were all very good to me. When I was in high school, I didn't study until ten o'clock, and my grandmother would wait for me to make a supper for me and my cousin. Therefore, my mother was particularly grateful to her, as soon as she heard that she was sick, my mother immediately rushed back, drove away the second mother who needed to take care of the pregnant daughter-in-law, and took care of the grandmother with the big mother. ”

"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve

02. Grandma does not pay for her grandchildren to work, and when her children encounter urgent matters, they will also give generously;

Pan Yuanyuan and her cousins and cousins were all brought up by grandparents, but there is a principle that grandparents bring up babies, that is, they can't work out of money: "Children are born by you, you should raise them, we are parents who are distressed by you, help you, but not accustomed to you, not allowed to nibble on the old, which nibble on the old, don't recognize me." ”

Grandpa pension 3000, grandma 2000, usually thrifty, can not spend too much, many relatives feel that their behavior of not paying for work is a bit desperate, inappropriate, persuade them, however, Grandma attitude is very resolute: "Help them take care of children, I have worked hard enough, always can not even spend the pension money!" ”

Fortunately, the three sons and daughters-in-law are sensible people, there is no objection to this, whether it is the economically rich uncle and second uncle, or the parents of Pan Yuanyuan, who are in poor economic condition, will give an additional alimony while beating the living expenses of their children, and honor the two old people.

"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve

"The reason why my grandparents took their grandchildren out of work is not for themselves, in case their children are not filial piety, but also to save money, in case anyone encounters an emergency, lack of money to spend, and do not know how to save money, what to do? No, 6 years ago, uncle did business, not only lost the principal, but also owed debts, very collapsed, but also moved the idea of taking his own life. Grandma knew, rushed over a stinky scolding, threw a card over, helped Uncle Big pay back the money, and let Big Uncle make a comeback. ”

Cousin participated in the college entrance examination twice, the first time failed, the second mother was disappointed, and did not plan to let her daughter continue to study, the cousin cried and refused, after the grandmother knew, took money to the cousin to re-read, the cousin lived up to expectations, and was admitted to a good university.

After the grandmother fell ill this time, the money spent on the medical treatment was prepared by herself, and the sons only needed to work and contribute.

"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve

03. The grandmother only calls the son when she has something, and when she is sick, she only needs the son to take care of it, and the daughter-in-law rushes to serve;

After Grandma was sick and hospitalized, she needed someone to take care of her, and Grandma spoke: Who I gave birth to, who is responsible for taking care of it, this is your obligation, when you were a baby, it was me who pulled a handful of and a handful of urine. Even if the daughters-in-law pull them, it is not me who pulls them bigger, and it is not I who can make them call them. ”

For example, during the New Year, 3 families of 10 people have returned, whether it is doing housework, cleaning, cooking, entertaining guests, grandma only calls her sons to work.

"Whether it is the second uncle or my father, he will do housework and cook rice, especially my father, who has cooked rice for a lifetime, is proud of his cooking skills, and does not laugh at my mother, which is taught by my grandmother."

On the second day of the Chinese New Year, Grandma suddenly fell ill, although she did not want her daughter-in-law to take care of it, but everyone still quickly divided the work, and the three uncles continued to be responsible for entertaining guests, attending banquets, weddings, etc., and the daughters-in-law took care of Grandma.

"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve

"Mom, when you're well, just go to the pension with us!" Junjun is going to have a second child, you can go and see your great-grandson. "Big Mom didn't tire of it and once again mentioned the matter of letting Grandma go to the pension."

"Mom, you're afraid of the cold, go south with me!" We were not cold there and it was very comfortable. "The second mother is not far behind and wants to take grandma away."

"Mom, if you don't want to leave your hometown, then it's okay, Yuanyuan is about to get married, we don't have any burden, we will come back to accompany you and take care of you." Repaying the kindness of the mother-in-law who served the confinement and took her daughter for 18 years has always been Pan Yuanyuan's mother's wish.

"I hope grandma recovers as soon as possible, and furu Donghai Shoubi Nanshan, she is so kind and so good, she should enjoy more blessings."

"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve

04. Ten years to see the mother-in-law and ten years to see the daughter-in-law, if you want to get good results, you must first plant good causes.

Hu Shi said: "If we want to reap the good fruits of the future, we must strive to plant new causes for the present. One grain after another will be harvested in a full house. ”

Ten years to see the mother-in-law and ten years to see the daughter-in-law, if you want to get good results, you must first plant good causes. It is natural for parents to love their children, and it is a matter of course for children to honor their parents, but apart from that, no one is obliged to be good to you, and they are good to you, and they need you to be worthy of their kindness in exchange for them.

The daughter-in-law is good to you, it is to look at the face of the husband, in order to make the husband happy, love the house and honor you, but if she gives you face, you do not take it, but add to her blockage, the best temper of the daughter-in-law is not willing to honor a person who looks at her unfavorably.

The writer Zweig said: All the gifts of fate are secretly marked with prices. You have to exchange it in another way, or pay it back.

If you want to have a family and everything, if you want your son to have no worries, if you want to have a happy old age, first of all, you must be a good mother-in-law, in order to exchange for the filial piety from the heart of your children.

"I can't pay for my work with my grandchildren, I only look for children when I have something" After she was hospitalized, the three families of 10 rushed to serve


Today's topic: If it is you, are you willing to take care of a mother-in-law like Pan Yuanyuan's grandmother? Feel free to share your views in the comments section.

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