
He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life.

author:Overnight lemon Tea

He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life. He felt that he was different, and for this he was troubled, an unspeakable taste that accompanied him for many years, there was nowhere to talk, many times it was slowly digested by himself, and others could not find any clues in his face.

People are prone to sentimentality when they reach an age, he often sees through the mobile phone that a family has achieved a reunion across the centuries, and his heart has been itching, and finally on a summer night when he can't sleep, he took out his mobile phone, picked up his glasses, and entered his simple situation word by word according to the screen prompts, where he may be able to open pandora's box of his search for a home.

He looked for a few pictures of himself when he was young, and it was a handsome young man, and he couldn't figure out why his parents would give him to someone else, if it were now, no family would send the child out. He thought about it, maybe his parents were unspeakable, he didn't complain about his parents, he also saw a lot of people who had the same experience as themselves on the Internet and returned home, in fact, it was better to find a family than anything, why bother with the past fifty years ago, man, isn't it for a happy, comfortable, if you can find a family, it is definitely the fate of this life.

He told us that fifty-three years ago, the uncle who raised the family was an intern doctor in The Taicang County People's Hospital in Jiangsu Province, when the biological mother gave birth to him in the Taicang County People's Hospital, the parents saw the birth of the child a little hesitant, originally the family's life is very poor, coupled with several consecutive years of crop harvest reduction, the family already has several children, the parents are worried that the children will follow them to suffer, under the advice of a friend, the newborn child was given to a doctor, and later the doctor sent the child from Taicang to a family in Xuzhou. Raise your child with hard work.

He received a unique love in this family, the parents who raised him gave him all the love, the only thing that was that he did not know how he came to this family, and the search for his biological parents was actually an answer to his own life. When he told a volunteer from Shanghai about the idea, it took him a month to find his suspected relatives in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, a speed he did not expect at all. The reason why the family told him about sending him away that year, it was not that they did not love him, but to make him live better, the mother endured the pain of giving him to others to raise during confinement, for which the parents blamed themselves for a lifetime, they thought that even if they found the son who was sent away now, the son must not forgive them, so they did not bother to support the family, in the eyes of this pair of kind parents, they think that the adoptive parents who raised him to grow up are the people he is most worthy of filial piety.

Parents stranded their search for their children, and they suffered the pain of their thoughts alone until they left, never mentioning the children who were sent out again. After half a century of separation, the child who had just been born out of his mother's arms found his way home through another way, and his return brought a thick sadness, seeing his brother, there was no excited picture of their meeting, the brothers had already sensed each other's presence, they sat down, gathered around the fire, the brother was telling the long history of the family after his brother's parting, this time their hands finally shook together.

He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life.
He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life.
He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life.
He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life.
He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life.
He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life.
He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life.
He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life.
He has his own dreams like everyone else, and he has been working in this direction since he was a child, but he has a different idea from many people, that is, the mystery of his own life.

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