
How to start the new year? Bao Dad Bao Ma Tiger Year welcomes the rework practical manual!

In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end, and at this time, it is a good time for the "divine beast" to prepare for school and the preparation for adults

However, holiday syndromes regardless of age also arrived as scheduled, with loss of appetite, weakness of limbs, and inability to lift up... Like a sloth, I just want to lie at home and not move the land.....

How to start the new year? Bao Dad Bao Ma Tiger Year welcomes the rework practical manual!

Just as the so-called "family is the child's first classroom", it is natural for the parents to provoke the beam of expulsion of the syndrome! The tiger has come, the tiger word is the head, how to get the beginning of the year "blocking the road tiger"?

This practical manual, fast, specific, detailed, simple, targeted, immediately sent to parents!

(1) Help children expel two "roadblocks"


" Separation, Anxiety, Tiger "

"Mom, I'm going out with you!"

"Dad, don't go out, stay at home with me?"

For babies who have not yet gone to school, they always cry when they see their parents going out to work, and what we have to do is to correctly deal with this "separation anxiety disorder". Come, the way to send, click here: before the start of the new year, let the child stay away from separation anxiety.


"Holiday Period Synthesis Tiger"

"Mom, can I not go to school?"

"Dad, can I take time off at home today?"

After the winter vacation, the child does not go to school every day, so what should the parents do? Don't worry, come and pick up the coping book: school is about to start, and get your child's "holiday syndrome" out of the earth.

(2) A practical manual for The Eight Classics of The True Children for Bao Dad and Bao Ma

To adjust the state of the family, you must start with your parents. The state is good, and then lead the child to improve the spirit together.

1. Psychological cues Mental adjustment

On the working day after the holiday, it is necessary to start from a loose psychological state, which requires giving yourself appropriate psychological hints to alleviate the inner resistance to work; then think about what you need to do after going to work, and make psychological preparations to prevent all kinds of work from coming to work and being caught off guard.

2. Clarify the work from small to large

Before preparing for the work, the work schedule is listed, and the work items are assigned to work hours according to priorities. It is recommended to do easy and easy work in the first three days, accumulate a certain work enthusiasm and confidence, and then contact relatively heavy work tasks.

3. Parent-child movement Lift the spirit

The day before work and after work, you can go with your child for parent-child exercise, brisk walking, jogging, doing exercises, playing ball, dancing and other aerobic exercises, to achieve a state of rapid heartbeat, sweating, improve the quality of sleep at night, and the next day the spirit will get it!

4. Adjust your diet to balance nutrition

During the New Year, the big fish and meat even handed over cups, so that the stomach and intestines are overburdened, and it is necessary to readjust the diet structure at this time. Eat more vegetables and fruits and easily digestible foods on the diet, such as grains and coarse grains, to accelerate the metabolism of the body and help the stomach and intestines recover health. Carrots, apples, bananas, soy milk, chrysanthemums, goji berries, etc., are very good supplementary nutritional foods, which can be eaten as appropriate.

5. Work and rest rules, stress reduction tips

During the New Year, there is a lot of movement, irregular work and rest, and one or two nights before returning to work, you must consciously adjust back.

If the children in the family are still young, the parents should try to divide the work and cooperate, take care of the children at different times, and ensure that the sleep of adults and children is guaranteed;

If the child can sleep alone, try to fall asleep around 9 to 10 o'clock, before going to bed, you can arrange to listen to music, listen to bedtime stories, light aromatherapy, drink the right amount of hot milk and other items, so that the baby's body and mind are relaxed and convenient for falling asleep.

How to start the new year? Bao Dad Bao Ma Tiger Year welcomes the rework practical manual!

After years of syndrome is not terrible, this "road blocker" is at best the head of the "so-so", we will inevitably be a dragon leaping tiger, tiger tiger wind, with the most "tiger" spirit and posture, with the child to welcome the good luck of the new year!

The first day of rework in the New Year

Reject the "tiger" style with the baby

No matter how difficult parenting problems are

There are also clever tricks to crack one by one



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