
After 95, kindergarten teachers wear "Lolita" to work, and children imitate them, parents: hot eyes!

Dear Moms and Dads, after your child bumps into kindergarten, are you angry? Congratulations on not immediately, let the kindergarten teacher give an explanation. Appreciate your attitude as a parent, but with a calm attitude! However, some parents seem to be less receptive to this situation today. After 95, kindergarten teachers wear "Lolita" to work, and children imitate them, parents: hot eyes! "Happy cold knowledge" to give you warm tips Ha: drink more water, more sweet smile, more exercise, more rest, more eyes closed, spring warm blossoms remember "more exercise and more rest" Ha! "This short essay is about 1,058 words long, and it takes about 32 seconds to read!" After reading in 5 breaths, oh, only as a reference word count is an estimate!

After 95, kindergarten teachers wear "Lolita" to work, and children imitate them, parents: hot eyes!

With the rise of various niche clothing styles, women who like to wear "Lolita" are no longer niche. More and more people are using "Lolita" as a synonym for cute girls! Little sisters with better figures can try to wear Lolita alone, which can show the advantages of arms, shoulders and collarbone, making the outfit look thinner and more cute.

After 95, kindergarten teachers wear "Lolita" to work, and children imitate them, parents: hot eyes!

Along with the teaching team, new people are constantly joining. More and more young kindergarten teachers are joining the ranks of education. New teachers are constantly emerging, and new ways of education are being ushered in. Many post-95 kindergarten teachers will wear "Lolita" to teach students. This way of teaching has caused some different results.

After 95, kindergarten teachers wear "Lolita" to work, and children imitate them, parents: hot eyes! ~~ Happy cold knowledge

After 95, kindergarten teachers wear "Lolita" to work, and children imitate them, parents: hot eyes!

"Lolita" is not unfamiliar to the post-95s, not only many girls like to wear it, but also many boys take advantage of others to wear at home. The post-95 kindergarten teacher wore it when he went to work, which attracted the imitation of many children in the class. In the eyes of kindergarten children, the teacher is right to do anything, not to mention such a beautiful dress. Therefore, many children also let their parents wear it for themselves.

After 95, kindergarten teachers wear "Lolita" to work, and children imitate them, parents: hot eyes!

After 95, the kindergarten teacher wore Lolita to work and was seen by parents. Parents have a big opinion, thinking that the teacher is dressed very strangely, dressed like a little girl, not like a teacher, very hot eyes! Therefore, parents are worried that such dressing will have a bad impact on their children. Kindergarten teachers said that they can wear it as much as they want, and it is more important for parents to take care of their children.

~ Happy cold knowledge: "After 95, the kindergarten teacher wears "Lolita" to work, and the children imitate it, parents: hot eyes! ”~

After 95, kindergarten teachers wear "Lolita" to work, and children imitate them, parents: hot eyes!

In fact, the post-95 kindergarten teachers are really looking for various ways to make Bao Mom and Bao Dad satisfied. But they are just ordinary people, no fairy sticks, and they want to be able to wield it freely, comparable to ascending to the heavens! You have your character, he has his life, everyone is different. It is these differences that make the difficulty of the kindergarten teacher's work superimposed geometrically. I'm really sorry, as kindergarten teachers, they can't make all the moms and dads satisfied. But they will do their best from the past, now, and the future. I hope that parents and kindergarten teachers can tolerate each other, and I hope that all babies can have a happy life in kindergarten! ... What do you think about this? Welcome to discuss, discuss, leave a message, and communicate in the comments. "5 more" in the middle of the night to inspire Ha, 4 to 50 hours to create, remember to click a ZamHa! let!

After 95, kindergarten teachers wear "Lolita" to work, and children imitate them, parents: hot eyes!

It's not easy to create! This article is composed of 2 love to make trouble, 3 love to cry, 4 love to laugh, like to add drama of the "happy cold knowledge" original Ha. 213 line "small writers", hoping to win 4305 likes, some of the content only gives fans 1 appreciation, 2 viewing, 3 appreciation, 4 praise. In the daily life, life, experience, and story of the "star", they find beauty, knowledge and love. If you can "follow, comment, retweet, favorite" and so on... The next issue is more exciting, Banyan Banyan Tree! In short, it is mo moda, gently!

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