
So many dishes to brush, just ask you are afraid or not? Who else is as afraid as I am of relatives coming to my house to pay respects? Relatives come to visit in the New Year, come together, and go in a pile. When it came, it was bustling and the chickens flew

author:Husky old horse

So many dishes to brush, just ask you are afraid or not? Who else is as afraid as I am of relatives coming to my house to pay respects?

Relatives come to visit in the New Year, come together, and go in a pile. When it came, it was very lively, and the chickens flew and the dogs jumped. Bear children, running here, making trouble there, poking dogs, beating cats. Playing hide-and-seek can set your family up, the key is that the parents do not ask, say two sentences and pass.

When I left, it was cold and miserable, leaving a lot of garbage and pots and pans, and I had to clean up all kinds. Packed up, the next wave of relatives attacked.

It's a headache, a big head.

#New Year#New Year#New Year##Walking Relatives#

@Husky Old Horse

So many dishes to brush, just ask you are afraid or not? Who else is as afraid as I am of relatives coming to my house to pay respects? Relatives come to visit in the New Year, come together, and go in a pile. When it came, it was bustling and the chickens flew
So many dishes to brush, just ask you are afraid or not? Who else is as afraid as I am of relatives coming to my house to pay respects? Relatives come to visit in the New Year, come together, and go in a pile. When it came, it was bustling and the chickens flew
So many dishes to brush, just ask you are afraid or not? Who else is as afraid as I am of relatives coming to my house to pay respects? Relatives come to visit in the New Year, come together, and go in a pile. When it came, it was bustling and the chickens flew

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