
Su Yan Bao's mother was worried about her mother-in-law's dissatisfaction, and she could only buy clothes for herself and hide them in the child's new clothes to take home

Su Yan Bao's mother was worried about her mother-in-law's dissatisfaction, and she could only buy clothes for herself and hide them in the child's new clothes to take home

It is almost the New Year, many people's five-piece sets have been arranged, such as perming hair, bathing, nail art, etc., and more people have taken to the streets to start choosing new clothes for themselves and their children. Of course, it is mainly bought for children.

After the holiday, I went shopping with a colleague, this colleague has always been plain, because the morning time is very anxious, more than seven o'clock to work to send the child to the kindergarten, so I complained that there is no time to make up for myself, every morning is the same as the war.

We both laughed and said that this time we should buy a few clothes and treat ourselves to the hard work of this year. Speaking of doing the same, we both tried on a lot of clothes on each other, and she bought two tops, a pair of pants and a skirt.

In a clothing store, the owner said to her, little sister, you see you are so young, you should wear a little more bright colors, don't make yourself so gloomy, and then put on makeup a little, women, after having children, you must learn to love yourself.

Looking at the two of us laughing, she said really, you are all still young and don't understand. Women have to learn to love themselves, and both husbands and children will love you more.

When she got home, she put the new clothes she bought in the down jacket she bought for her children. Looking at my puzzled eyes, she explained that today my mother-in-law came to help watch the child, and I was afraid that I would be unhappy to see her buy so many clothes for herself.

"Why isn't she happy? Are you just spending your own money? ”

"She would rather see me buy it for her child or for her son." Colleague said.

I get it.

Su Yan Bao's mother was worried about her mother-in-law's dissatisfaction, and she could only buy clothes for herself and hide them in the child's new clothes to take home

There is always a topic between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and sometimes there is no quarrel or contradiction but the husband regulates or the daughter-in-law deals with it herself, such as this matter, my colleague knows her mother-in-law very well, and the mother-in-law prefers to see her daughter-in-law face the sky, and see her daughter-in-law buy clothes for her son and her grandson. In this case, the colleague will do what she wants, so that unnecessary mother-in-law problems can be reduced or avoided.

Just, so that she doesn't feel wronged?

Buy yourself beautiful clothes with your own salary and still need to be sneaky, just because your mother-in-law doesn't like it?

Colleagues said that she was used to it, and then her husband was with her, and the contradiction between her and her mother-in-law could be reduced.

Writing this, I think of a friend who resigned, and her own mother asked her after she knew, does your mother-in-law know?

She thought, this is my own business, I just discussed it with my husband, and then I just changed the way I worked and not worked. What's the matter with my mother-in-law? I didn't use her to give me money.

Some time ago, I saw a video about a mother wearing a worn-out down jacket with a baby, saying that the husband of two children in the family went to work alone, and it didn't matter if his clothes were torn.

Everyone has a heart for love.

When the mother sees the beautiful clothes, she will still like it and be very happy, which is the common sentiment of people. Within the bounds of our conditions, we can make ourselves look more radiant.

In fact, it is also very important for Bao Mom to dress herself.

Su Yan Bao's mother was worried about her mother-in-law's dissatisfaction, and she could only buy clothes for herself and hide them in the child's new clothes to take home

First of all, give people a refreshing feeling, and your mood will be good.

My colleague is in good shape and skin base, and any day when I play foundation, many people will say that she has a lot of spirit. Her husband also said that she looked good when she dressed up a little.

She would be happy to see herself in the mirror herself. If you are in a good mood, you will feel that everything is going well when you start things.

There is a story that a girl has been worried about her appearance, and then a beauty shop owner let her try a hairpin, she felt that she looked good in the mirror, the mood was very good, everyone she met when she went out was very kind, and she greeted everyone. Things went well on the day. When she came home in the evening, she saw that there was nothing on her head, and she remembered that her hair card had landed in the store.

This is a story, in fact, the story is also derived from real life.

A lot of times we feel like we have a flash point, let the flash point zoom in, it seems that everything will be much better.

Su Yan Bao's mother was worried about her mother-in-law's dissatisfaction, and she could only buy clothes for herself and hide them in the child's new clothes to take home

Secondly, children also prefer mothers who can dress up.

Especially after kindergarten, many children will enter the aesthetic sensitivity period, saying that they know which teacher is good-looking, whose mother wears a beautiful dress today, and so on. There are also many videos saying that children want their mother to wear high heels and makeup to pick her up, all the same reason.

The child hopes that his mother will be very charming when she comes to pick up and drop off, and she will be very happy in front of her friends, look, that is my mother, today my mother sent me.

There are many people who may say that children are vain, but they are not. When one of my neighbors was going to work at the end of maternity leave, the mother-in-law came to take care of the child, and the child cried and cried all day. The next day, the mother-in-law and sister came together, the sister dressed in a foreign fashion, the child has always wanted this grandmother to hug.

Su Yan Bao's mother was worried about her mother-in-law's dissatisfaction, and she could only buy clothes for herself and hide them in the child's new clothes to take home

Again, don't care what other people think, decide for yourself what you want to wear.

Or my neighbor, when she was going to work after giving birth, my sister-in-law saw her wearing a skirt and said, "My children are in elementary school, I haven't worn a skirt since he was born, and the cabinet is full of pants." It's more convenient to wear pants to take care of your child. You see you're a mother, and you're wearing such a short skirt. ”

Short? Her skirt is also up to the knee. Moreover, when she was at home with her baby, she also wore loose clothes, but when she went out to work, she felt that she was not only a mother, but also herself, and she was working hard.

After thinking about it, she didn't change her skirt. The sister-in-law loves to wear what is the sister-in-law's thing, she loves to wear a skirt and wear a skirt, this is her own business. Of course, later, the sister-in-law did not say anything anymore.

We all say new year, new atmosphere, everything is new. Our looks cannot be changed, and our hearts can make ourselves a better version of ourselves.

As for the problem of mother-in-law, some mothers-in-law also want to see their daughter-in-law dressed in, and some mother-in-law may prefer to see her daughter-in-law dressed simpler. No matter what kind of mother-in-law likes herself, the daily life is her own, and it is up to us to decide what kind of day we want to live.

Have you bought yourself new clothes? Is this the case around you?

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