
The elderly mistakenly feed the detergent as orange juice to their grandchildren to wash their stomachs, how can the elderly and children ensure safety?

Recently, in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, a parent said that a "net red cleaner" bought by his family was mistaken by the elderly at home as orange juice and poured it into a cup for his child to drink, and the child was sent to the hospital for gastric lavage. After the news was reported by the media, it caused netizens to discuss the identification of internet celebrity products and how the elderly with children can ensure safety. In reality, many parents will ask the elderly to help take care of their children, but due to the lack of scientific parenting knowledge of some elderly people, it is inevitable that they will cause physical and mental harm to their children. So, for families raised in alternate generations, how can the elderly ensure the safety of children?

The elderly mistakenly feed the detergent as orange juice to their grandchildren to wash their stomachs, how can the elderly and children ensure safety?

"The old man mistakenly fed the detergent as orange juice to his grandson to wash his stomach" news screenshot. Screenshots of the network

Parents: If the elderly are helping to watch the children, the dangerous goods should be clearly explained to the elderly

Ms. Du, who works in Zibo, Shandong Province, has just become a mother, and she pays special attention to the safety of her children in her life.

When she saw the news that "the old man mistakenly fed the detergent to his grandson as orange juice to wash his stomach", she expressed great confusion about the parents of the children and the old man's practice.

She believes that parents can buy some decent products when buying daily necessities, and products that meet the national standard are very good to use, and they do not necessarily have to pursue Internet celebrities. ”

Ms. Du said that many Internet celebrity products are foreign goods, and after entering China, they are not labeled with Chinese, which will lead to some elderly people with low cultural level not being able to understand, and lead to tragedies in the process of taking children.

"The old people certainly didn't mean it, and they don't want that to happen." For the practice of the elderly in the news, she said that she should understand and inform, "If before the entrance, the elderly can ask the parents of the child whether they can drink, to make sure that there is no problem and then give the child a drink, it is the best." ”

Finally, Ms. Du suggested that if the elderly in the family are helping to take care of the children, dangerous items should be clearly explained to the elderly, such as kitchen oil purification, toilet cleaner, these items, it is best to put them up alone and lock them. "If parents still try to bring more of themselves when they have energy, the elderly can only do assistance."

The elderly mistakenly feed the detergent as orange juice to their grandchildren to wash their stomachs, how can the elderly and children ensure safety?

Liu Li, a teacher at Canal Middle School in Pizhou City, Jiangsu Province. Courtesy of respondents

Teachers: Parents have a certain responsibility for the physical and mental harm caused to children and the elderly

Liu Li, a teacher at Canal Middle School in Pizhou City, Jiangsu Province, saw this news and had many touches while feeling sad for her children.

First of all, she said, this news has given many parents with children by the elderly a wake-up call, because the news says that "there are many similar goods, and some people even say that I have them at home." Such items in foreign languages are common in every household, "What exactly do they do, how to use them correctly, do parents really understand?" Do members of the family really understand? ”

Secondly, the occurrence of this incident not only caused physical harm to the child, but also caused mental harm to the elderly, and the elderly will feel guilty and self-blame because of this. If the child's body can be restored after a period of time, the psychological shadow of the elderly may exist for a long time and be indelible. "And to cause such harm, the parents of the child have a certain responsibility."

Liu Li believes that although this phenomenon is an accident, it also rings a wake-up call for parents: in the family, how to give children a safe growth environment?

First, she suggested, the society is developing rapidly and the items in the home are diverse. When the elderly encounter food that they are not sure of that needs to be ingested, they must make sure with the parents of the child, understand it clearly, and then give it to the child to eat.

Secondly, in view of the limitations of the knowledge of the elderly, the parents of the children must have a sense of safety, and the use of these items should be informed in advance of the items that the elderly are not familiar with to avoid harm to the child.

Finally, for the items to be sorted and stored, placed in the position where they should be placed, do not mixed.

The elderly mistakenly feed the detergent as orange juice to their grandchildren to wash their stomachs, how can the elderly and children ensure safety?

Lan Mei, deputy secretary-general of the Family Education Professional Committee of the China Education Association and executive deputy director of the Guoben Family Education Research Center. Courtesy of respondents

Expert: Parents are the first responsible person for the growth of children, and others can only be auxiliaries

"I was shocked to see news like this." Lan Mei, deputy secretary-general of the Family Education Professional Committee of the China Education Association and executive deputy director of the Guoben Family Education Research Center, believes that in this incident, it is natural that parents should bear the main responsibility. Because parents are the first responsible person for the growth of children, no matter who provides help in the process of raising minor children, they cannot shirk their responsibilities, and others can only be auxiliaries.

"Parenting responsibilities on the shoulders of parents have different specific contents at different stages of children's development." She said that in such an event, as a parent, first of all, you can't blame the elderly, of course, you can't complain or scold the child, parents should reflect on themselves, reflect on their understanding and understanding of the elderly, reflect on how much energy they have invested in the safe, harmonious and warm growth environment needed by minor children and how much energy they have invested in giving attention to and building.

Lan Mei believes that through this news event, it also reflects some problems in family education.

First of all, it reflects that parents' understanding of the main responsibility of their own parenting children is not clear. Parents think that by entrusting their children to the elderly to help them, they can completely let go, which is obviously a very wrong understanding. Because at any time, parents are always the first responsible person for raising and educating their children.

Second, it reflects the lack of clarity in parents' understanding of the scope of their parenting responsibilities. Parents play the main responsibility of raising minor children, first of all, to ensure their life safety, which means that there must be foresight for people, things, things, etc. that may cause personal injury to minor children, and actively take corresponding measures to avoid, such as whether there is sufficient understanding of the physical health, cognitive level, living ability and other situations of other elders entrusted to them, whether there is a foreseeable understanding of possible problems and make corresponding plans, etc., rather than "throwing away" the children to the elders.

Finally, it reflects that parents do not know enough about the physical, psychological and even living conditions of the elderly and do not care enough. Adult children have the responsibility and obligation to raise minor children, as well as the responsibility and obligation to perform filial piety for the elderly. The physical and mental health of the elderly should be given sufficient care and attention in a timely manner. To be able to recognize the many changes in life is very challenging for many elderly people, many of whom do not understand foreign languages and do not use smart products, and the trepidation of being in a huge unknown world is a great challenge to many elderly people. They need care and help from their adult children, and if adult children ignore this, it is easy to cause many unnecessary problems.

How can the elderly with children ensure safety? Lan Mei gave the following suggestions. First of all, adult children should understand the physical and mental health of the elderly and determine whether they have the conditions to help them raise minor children. Adult children should care for and pay attention to the physical and psychological conditions of the elderly, so that they can help them raise minor children under the premise of ensuring their physical and mental health and happiness.

Second, it is necessary to help the elderly to familiarize themselves with the living environment in which they live, especially to improve their ability to use modern household items. If the child is fully entrusted to the elderly to help with the upbringing, then the adult children should provide corresponding protection. For example, the installation of monitoring, the label of important items for the elderly to identify, etc., to ensure that the elderly can be familiar with all the items seen and used, especially for the use and consumption of minor children, there should be a special placement area and use guidance.

Again, make an agreement with the elderly and establish basic rules. Make corresponding agreements on food, toys, play areas, and items that come into contact with minor children, and explain clearly to the elderly why they should do this, obtain the recognition and understanding of the elderly, and be willing to abide by these rules together.

Finally, it is necessary to guide and help the self-growth of minor children. For children who begin to grow up, they should give corresponding guidance and help according to the characteristics of their age stage, so that children can develop good habits and self-manage as soon as possible.

Source: Qing Xiaoxiao (ID: zqwqxx) reporter Li Huaxi

Editor-in-Charge: Left Orange

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